NG6514 06/08/02 Austrade Advisory Services Survey - August 2002 Questionnaire CONFIDENTIAL All work conducted on behalf of ACNielsen is confidential under the National Privacy Principles, the Market and Social Research Privacy Principles (when they come into effect) and the Code of Professional Behaviour of the Market Research Society of Australia. No information about this project, questionnaire or respondents should be disclosed to any third party. Good morning/afternoon, could I please speak to…………….. IF RESPONDENT IS NO LONGER THERE THANK PERSON FOR THEIR TIME AND CLOSE. Good morning/afternoon, my name is …………….. calling on behalf of Austrade, from ACNielsen the research firm. We are conducting a brief survey for Austrade, the Australian Trade Commission. The survey is about your level of satisfaction with the service you recently received when you made a trade query and will take about 5 minutes to complete. Your name was provided to us from Austrade. If you choose to take part, your identity and everything you say will be treated in the strictest confidence. The information we collect will be used for research purposes only. (IF NECESSARY: This survey has been approved by the Commonwealth Statistical Clearing House. The approval number is *******. You may phone the Statistical Clearing House on (02) 6252 5285 to verify the approval number.) P.1 RESPONDENT PRE-CODING (THIS IS INCLUDED IN THE SAMPLE FILE) Contacted Austrade by telephone .............. 1 Contacted Austrade by web site / email ..... 2 S.1 Is now a convenient time to talk to you? Yes ………………………………………. 1 No, not convenient ……………………… 2 No, refusal……………………………….. 3 IF P.1 =1 GO TO Q1 IF P.1 = 2 GO TO Q2 MAKE APPOINTMENT RECORD REASON & TERMINATE IF P.1=1 ASK Q.1 IF P.1=2 GO TO Q.2 Q.1 Recently you contacted Austrade with an export related enquiry. How would you rate your ability to get through to speak to an Austrade Advisor? READ OUT 1-5, SINGLE RESPONSE Very good…………………………………1 Good…………………………………….. 2 Neutral…………………………………… 3 Poor………………………………………. 4 Very poor………………………………… 5 Don’t know (DO NOT READ OUT)…… 9 IF P.1=1 GO TO Q.4 IF P.1=2 ASK Q.2 Q.2 Recently you contacted Austrade with an export related enquiry. How long did it take for an Advisor to get back to you regarding your export query? DO NOT READ OUT, SINGLE RESPONSE Within 2 days …………………………… 1 Between 3 and 5 days ………………….. . 2 More than 5 days ………………………... 3 Don't know………. .................................... 9 Q.3 Did you receive a reply via e-mail or did an Austrade Advisor call you? DO NOT READ OUT, SINGLE RESPONSE Received e-mail reply …………………… 1 Call from Advisor ……………………….. 2 ASK ALL Q.4 Overall how would you rate how your query was handled? READ OUT 1-7, SINGLE RESPONSE Extremely good ........................................................................... 1 Very good.................................................................................... 2 Good ............................................................................................ 3 Neutral......................................................................................... 4 Poor ............................................................................................. 5 Very poor .................................................................................... 6 Extremely poor............................................................................ 7 Don’t know (DO NOT READ OUT) ........................................ 9 Q.5 Why do you say that? PROBE FULLY. RECORD VERBATIM. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. D:\401289713.doc 07/08/02 Page 2 of 6 Q.6a Thinking about the service you received from Austrade in Australia how would you rate their understanding of your (the) business and your needs? Would you say very good, good, neutral, poor or very poor? Q.6b And how would you rate the staff for being motivated to help your business succeed? Would you say very good, good, neutral, poor or very poor? Q.6c And how would you rate Austrade’s staff for responding promptly to your requests or needs? Would you say very good, good, neutral, poor or very poor? Q.6d And how would you rate the Austrade advisor you dealt with? Would you say very good, good, neutral, poor or very poor? Very good Good Neutral Poor Very poor Not relevant Don’t know a. Understanding of the business and your needs 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 b. Being motivated to help business succeed 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 c. Responding promptly to requests or needs 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 d. How would you rate the Austrade advisor you dealt with? 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 Q.7 Did the Advisor explain Austrade’s capabilities and full range of services? SINGLE RESPONSE, DO NOT READ OUT Yes .............................................................................................. 1 No ................................................................................................ 2 Not relevant/did not need explanation/ knew what I wanted from them .................................................. 3 Don’t know ................................................................................. 9 Q.8 Did the advisor explain the next steps you would need to follow? SINGLE RESPONSE, DO NOT READ OUT Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 Not relevant/did not need explanation ...................... 3 Don’t know ............................................................... 9 Q.9 Was Austrade able to provide all of the assistance you required? Yes ............................................................................ 1 GO TO Q.11 No .............................................................................. 2 GO TO Q.10 Don’t know (DO NOT READ OUT) ...................... 9 GO TO Q.11 Q.10 Did the Advisor suggest alternative or additional sources of help or assistance? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 Don’t know (DO NOT READ OUT) ...................... 9 D:\401289713.doc 07/08/02 Page 3 of 6 Q.11 In future, are you likely to contact Austrade again with an export query? Yes ............................................................................ 1 No .............................................................................. 2 Don’t know (DO NOT READ OUT) ...................... 9 Q.12 Thinking about all your dealings with Austrade, how would you rate Austrade overall? Would you say…(READ OUT 1-7) Extremely good ........................................................................... 1 Very good.................................................................................... 2 Good ............................................................................................ 3 Neutral......................................................................................... 4 Poor ............................................................................................. 5 Very poor .................................................................................... 6 Extremely poor............................................................................ 7 Don’t know (DO NOT READ OUT) ........................................ 9 Q.13 Is there anything you would like to suggest as to how Austrade can improve the service it provides? PROBE FULLY. RECORD VERBATIM. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................. Q.14 If a friend or colleague asked you to recommend an organisation to assist with a trade query, would Austrade be….. READ OUT 1-4 The first and main recommendation you would make……................. 1 One of a number of organisations you would recommend…. ............. 2 Probably not recommended by you ..................................................... 3 Definitely not recommended by you… ................................................ 4 Would depend - on type of query etc (DO NOT READ OUT) ......... 5 Don't know (DO NOT READ OUT).................................................. 9 D:\401289713.doc 07/08/02 Page 4 of 6 Demographics And just a few questions about your organisation before we finish Q.15 Is your company an exporter or just thinking about getting into exporting? Exporter …………………………………. 1 Thinking about exporting ……………….. 2 GO TO FINISH Neither........................................................ 3 GO TO FINISH Don't know (DO NOT READ OUT) ……9 GO TO FINISH Q.16 For how long has your company been exporting? READ OUT 1-4 Less than 1 year …………………………. .. 1 1-2 years ………………………………… ... 2 3-5 years ………………………………… ... 3 More than 5 years ………………………..... 4 Don't know (DO NOT READ OUT) …….. 9 Q.17 How many countries do you export to (or operate in?) READ OUT 1-3 1-4 ………………………………………. 1 5-9 ……………………………………….. 2 10 or more ……………………………….. 3 Don't know (DO NOT READ OUT) …….. 9 Q.18 Approximately what would be the annual turnover of your organisation in Australia? READ OUT 1-4 Up to $100,000 ……………………………. 1 $100,000 to $499,000…………………….. . 2 $500,000 to $1,999,000………………….. .. 3 $2 million or more ……………………. ...... 4 Don't know (DON'T READ OUT) .............. 9 D:\401289713.doc 07/08/02 Page 5 of 6 Thank you very much for your time in answering these questions. In case you missed it my name is [INSERT NAME] and I’m calling from ACNielsen. Once this project is completed your contact details will be removed from your responses. Under the Privacy Act you have the right to request access to the information you have provided. If you have any privacy queries, you can call ACNIELSEN’S PRIVACY LINE ON 1800 021 717. IF QUERIED ABOUT BONA FIDES OF RESEARCH: Please be assured this is genuine research. You can call the Market Research Society’s free Survey Line on 1300 364 830. Finish Time: _______________ D:\401289713.doc 07/08/02 Page 6 of 6