Introduction to Ecology Notes Vocabulary: Ecology: study of relationships among living organisms and interactions with the physical environment Biodiversity: total variety of living organisms in an area What affects biodiversity? Changes in habitat o Climate changes o Fire o Flood Birth rate: Births/ Year Death rate: Deaths/Year Invasion of other organisms Immigration: organisms moving in Emigration: organisms moving out ↑ Biodiversity = ↑ Resilience to change Population analysis: when ecologists look at birth rate, death rate, immigration and emigration numbers; allows for a critique of populations and their communities Population: interbreeding group of species Community: interacting population Two models resulting from population analysis Exponential Growth: growth pattern where a population grows as it increases in size Logistic Growth: growth pattern that depends on density; reflects competition Logistic Growth Vocabulary o Carrying Capacity: number of organisms an environment can support Births < Deaths until carrying capacity is reached o Density-independent factors: Abiotic factors Weather Pollution Soil Type o Density-dependent factors: Disease Competition Parasites Food