LSEARLY ADULTHOOD (Student Version).doc



20-35 YEARS

(including Emerging Adulthood, 18-25 yrs.)


senescence: biological aging; decline in the functioning of organs and systems

--wrinkles, gray hair, sagging skin, vision and hearing go down

--women tend to age slower than men b/c women tend to be more health conscious (healthy eating habits, wearing seat belts, less drug use, more likely to go to the doctor)

--women worry about aging more and begin using things to combat aging like hair dyes, anti-wrinkle creams, skin-firming creams

--women are viewed as being older sooner; gray hair is sexy on a man or he looks distinguished

What can slow down or speed up senescence?

“wear-and-tear” theory: body wears out over time from use however, parts of the body usually replace or repair themselves no relationship exists b/t physical work and early death

Physical Changes

--bodies are at their than at any other age period

--physical strength increases during and reaches its peak around , then decreases

--all body systems like at their highest

-- diseases are rare, like heart disease, hypertension (high blood pressure) and such are

--overall health can be seen as great or good, rarely fair or poor

--immune system usually is the first to go down; increases during adolescence and declines after

20; psychological stress (divorce, deaths during exams, sleep deprivation, and chronic depression) and physical stress (pollution, allergens, poor nutrition, and rundown housing)


--all of us have the same sexual responsiveness:

--the level of responsiveness varies by individuals and also by sex


--become aroused very easily at a younger age; just thinking about a certain women can trigger arousal

--orgasms tend to occur quicker at a young age and the refractory period is smaller (maybe only a few minutes)

--arousal is slower as men get older


--usually takes women longer to achieve arousal and orgasm, if orgasm comes at all

--as women get older, arousal and orgasm are easier to achieve

Reproductive Capacity:

--many think that pregnancy during 20s is ideal b/c of

--many women are waiting until after 30 to have children b/c want to

, and younger parents have more energy to keep up with the children

--reproductive capacity declines with age

infertility: inability to conceive a child after a year or more of intercourse without contraception

-- of couples experience infertility; in approx.


-- men are able to produce “fresh” sperm

--however, with age, after 40

--can affect sperm:

of cases, it’s traced to the man go down, mainly


-- women are born with all their eggs and eggs goes down as they get older

--some women fail to release an egg, so don’t ovulate

--drugs, alcohol, being underweight or obese can affect ovulation

-- in an attempt to “beat the clock” body will release multiple eggs at one time, which increases the likelihood of multiple births for older women of

in vitro fertilization (IVF): egg is removed and fertilized in a lab with sperm and then implanted into the uterus

--has resulted in births


--moderate fat consumption is necessary for normal body functioning; only a problem when consume too much fat, especially saturated fat

--excess fat consumption is a major factor in heart disease and high blood pressure older

Overweight and Obesity:

--almost of American men and

-- of American adults are overweight

of American women are obese

--young adults who are already overweight or obese tend to gain more weight as they get


-- of emerging adults exercise 30 minutes/day

--even moderate weight loss can reduce health problems substantially

--most who start a weight loss program will gain all of the weight back within 2 years

--well-balanced diet lower in calories and fat, plus exercise

--social support and longer treatments

Substance Abuse

--drug use peaks b/t 19-22 years of age and then declines more sharply than the use of cigarettes and alcohol

--more likely to smoke cigarettes, chew tobacco, use marijuana, and take stimulants to

--binge-drinking, abusing prescription drugs, and club drugs increases; college students tend to engage in binge drinking more

--become more likely to be psychologically dependent on drugs

--most common substance disorders are


Brain is fully mature in early 20s

Postformal Thought

postformal thought (stage): beyond Piaget’s formal operations; rational, flexible, and practical ways of thinking that accept uncertainties and vary across situations more problem finding instead of problem solving

subjective thought: from personal experiences and individual perceptions what you know to be true based upon what you have experienced and how you perceive things based upon your experiences

objective thought: from abstract, impersonal logic not something you have experienced or know for yourself

Flexible thinking or problem solving: being flexible allows you to see multiple views of situations and more solutions to one problem

Dialectical Thought

dialectical thought: most advanced cognitive thought process dialectical thought entails having a thesis and antithesis together and a synthesis based upon the combination of the thesis and antithesis

thesis: a statement of belief; an idea or speculation

antithesis: an opposing statement of belief

synthesis: a new statement of belief that is a combination of the thesis and the antithesis; encompasses all aspects of the thesis and antithesis

Cognition and Higher Education

--those with a college education tend to be healthier and wealthier

--more females than males who are college students

--become better at reasoning about problems that have no clear solution

--attitudes and values broaden; become more tolerable of ethnic and cultural diversity

--dvlp greater self-understanding; enhanced self-esteem; firmer sense of identity


social clock: age-graded expectations for major life events, such as beginning an first job, getting married, birth of first child, buying a home, and retiring

--being on time or off can affect self-esteem because adults make social comparisons, measuring their progress against their peers

--personality change can occur because of conformity or departure from social clock

--psychological distress if behind



--enhance self-esteem thru affirmation and acceptance and provide support during stressful times



are important is greater for women

Romantic Love:

--same age, ethnicity, SES, religion, attitudes, personality, educational plans, intelligence, physical attractiveness, and even height

--partners sometimes have complementary traits

--little support about opposites attract

Women look for

Men look for

There are different components of love, mainly intimacy, passion, and commitment

--intimacy is the emotional component (knowing someone well and sharing secrets as well as physical attention in a reciprocal nature)

--passion is the romantic and sexual component (physical and psychological; an intense physical, cognitive, and emotional experience characterized by excitement, ecstasy, and euphoria)

--commitment is the cognitive component (decide to love and maintain the love)

passionate love: at the beginning of a relationship; intense sexual attraction; is very strong

--as passion begins to go down, intimacy and commitment form companionate love

companionate love: warm, trusting affection and caregiving; typically has no passion

consummate love: has passion, intimacy, and commitment; is the Western ideal to sustain a relationship

Living together:

--same residence with sexual intimacy without formal marriage (cohabitation)

--may not be beneficial for those cohabitating even though they believe it is beneficial

--one study: less happy, less healthy, and less satisfied with financial status than married people

--cohabitation prior to marriage is more likely to end in divorce

--may increase stress

Marriage and Marital Roles

--marriage is occurring later instead of sooner to accommodate education and careers

for men --average age for first marriage today is for women, and

--more are choosing to stay single, cohabit, or not remarry after divorce

traditional marriage: clear division of husband and wife roles; husband is head of the household and his primary responsibility is the economic well-being of the family; wife cares for husband and children and home

many of these types of marriages are changing with women reentering the workforce after children are older

egalitarian marriage: husband and wife are equal in sharing power and authority; there is a balance in the time and energy they devote to their occupations, children, and their relationship

--most women expect this type of marriage

Marital Satisfaction:

--men report feeling slightly happier in their marriage than women do

--women tend to feel more dissatisfied when factor in husband, children, housework, and career, esp. when these get to be overwhelming

--equal power and sharing family responsibilities helps improve satisfaction


-- of all first marriages end in divorce

--most divorces occur within 7 years of marriage or during the transition to midlife



--in the past it was expected for a married couple to have children; now it’s more of an individual choice; because cultural values have changed, some people choose to not have children and don’t fear any social criticism or rejection

--women above 30 are having more children and emerging adults are having fewer children

--most important reasons/advantages for having children: warm, affectionate relationship and the stimulation and fun that children provide; growth and learning experience for the adults; the desire to have someone carry on after they are gone; feeling of accomplishment and creativity that comes from helping them grow

--disadvantages: loss of freedom; financial strain

Career Development

--on avg., people in their 20s move to a new job every 2 years

--initial experience can be discouraging; expectations of the new job and reality are discovered, so many may resign and move on

--personal characteristics play a part also; if you believe you will be successful, more likely to be successful in that job and possibly progress quicker

Women and Ethnic Minorities:

--women, esp. if they are minority, tend to be in occupations that offer few opportunities for advancement

--are underrepresented in executive and managerial roles

--women with “masculine” traits tend to pursue nontraditional careers (high achievement orientation, self-reliance, belief that their efforts will lead to success)
