Science Homework Part 1 due Monday, January 9th Part 2 due Monday January 24th Part 3 due On Your Block Day January 26th Drilling in a Wildlife Refuge - Total points for project - 100 The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service which administers Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, states that its primary purpose is “to protect the wildlife and habitats of this area for the benefit of people now and in the future”. The refuges costal plain is the calving ground for the porcupine caribou herd, the most important land based denning area for the entire Beumont Sea polar bear population, home for 350 reintroduced musk oxen, and an important habitat for more than 180 bird species. Environmentalist claim that oil drilling on the refuge would bring pollution and disrupt the lives of the animals that use the coastal plain. Oil industry executives say that they would drill on only 8 percent of the refuge. The refuge is a 1.5 million acre coastal plain. The oil revenues would benefit the state and federal governments and more than 250,000 jobs would be created. They say that oil drilling would reduce the amount of foreign oil the U.S. would have to import for our car based economy. Part 1 - due Monday January 9th - 30 points Research this issue via the internet and the library. Form an opinion in favor of the environmentalist or the oil industry executives. Then write an approximately one page paper that states your opinion and gives at least 3-5 supporting statements or examples to back up your opinion. Part 2 - due Monday January 24th – 30 points Based on your opinion paper I will assign role playing characters for a community debate. I will assign you a “role” to play. You will research the issue based upon the role you are assigned. Write a fact sheet with at least 6 statements to support an argument based on your character. Part 3 – In Class debate held on your block day January 26th, or 27th – 40 points. Bring your fact sheet, and be prepared to debate. There will be in class time to meet with your debate group and form a strategic plan for the debate.