Scientific Method Homework Project

Science Homework
Due Wednesday, Sept 27th.
Worth 100 points
Conducting an Investigation: Think of a question or a problem that you can answer by: Making an observation and/or
asking a question, forming a hypothesis, testing the hypothesis, and analyzing the results.
1. Use the scientific method to perform an investigation.
2. Make a poster or write a paper to show the steps you took to come to a conclusion. Note: Your results may
not support your hypothesis, which is okay, it happens to scientist all the time.
1. Ask a question, or identify a problem.
2. Make observations, what do you already know about your problem?
3. Form a hypothesis – make an educated guess as to what the answer to the question, or solution to the problem
4. Test your hypothesis – Collect data or information that will help you determine whether your hypothesis is
valid or not. You can also build a model to test your hypothesis.
5. Analyze the data – look for patterns in the data you have collected, or analyze how the model performs. Note:
you do not have to do a project that requires a model.
6. Draw conclusions – Based on the data or a model, determine whether your hypothesis is true or false.
7. Communicate the results – Create a poster or write a paper listing all the steps you took, including the data
you collected.
8. Bring your project to class Wednesday, September 27th. We will be presenting your projects to the class on
Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. If you built a model, and can bring it to class, please do.
9. Have fun! Any questions…ask early so that you don’t fall behind.
This is how you will be graded
You followed the six steps of the scientific method.
Step 1 – Asked a question or made an observation ____/10
Step 2 – Made observations about the content of the question ____/10
Step 3 – Formed a hypothesis ____/10
Step 4 – Tested hypothesis ____/10
Step 5 – Analyzed the data, then drew conclusions about the data ____/10
Step 6 – Communicated the results ____/10
You created a poster or wrote a paper to explain your investigation ___/15
Presentation – You presented your project to the class ____/25
Total possible points ____/100
Grade ____