Fermentation Log Critical Limit: Product pH must be 5.3 or lower within the time limit listed for the fermentation chamber temperature: 75°F 80 h; 80°F 60 h; 85°F 48 h; 90°F 33 h; 95°F 28 h; 100°F 25 h; 105°F 20 h; 110°F 18 h Date Product Chamber Temp. (°F) Fermentation Time of Time of Time Limit Fermentation Fermentation (h) Start End Fermentation pH Time (h : min) Deviation from Critical Limit? Yes / No Next step (e.g. ferment more, cook, discard) Initials Instructions: Enter the appropriate chamber temperature in the Chamber Temperature column; select the next highest value if the temperature is between two of the values listed above. Enter the corresponding time limit in the Time Limit column. Be sure pH meter is calibrated according to your SOP for pH meter calibration. Take a sample of product and determine the pH; enter the result in the pH column; Do not remove the product from the fermentation chamber until the product pH is 5.3 or lower. Verification Activities (when done). Type of activity (DO = Direct Observation of CCP monitoring, RR = Records Review, CAL = Thermometer Calibration): Result of activity (√ = Acceptable, - = Not Acceptable): Comments: Date/Time: Initials: 11/23/2012 Version; supersedes all previous versions