Ocean Intro.doc

MAY 2011
Introduction to Oceanography
Goal : To understand the basic principles of the Ocean phenomenon
Oceanography – the description of the marine Environment. More accurately, it is the scientific study of all
aspects of the marine environment.
Although the ocean has been used since pre-historic times for food and transport, technical study began in
the 1930s, and expanded after WW II.
Geological Oceanography – sea floor structure, sedimentation.
Chemical oceanography – chemical composition, pollution effects
Physical oceanography – waves, tides, currents and atmospheric relationships.
Biological oceanography – life and relationships, adaptations
The Ocean importance is due to its uses, namely: Transportation, Employment, Resource exploitation,
Food source and Recreation.
How are oceans unique?
It is the most prominent feature on earth. It sets us apart in the solar system. Europa (Jupiter’s moon) may
have water. Titan (Saturn’s moon) may have liquid hydrocarbon.
The ocean influences weather worldwide.
It is the lungs of the planet, as it removes CO2 from the atmosphere and replaces it with O2.
Contains the largest diversity of life, microscopic to the largest – Blue Whale.
It is the major component of mostly every life form (Our body fluid chemistry is very similar to
that of sea water.
It is the source of food, minerals and energy. 50% population lives along coastlines.
Unfortunately it is also used as a dumpsite.
What is Rational Use of Technology?
Population is expected to increase along coast lines. More degradation? So far, destruction has not been
lethal. Technology may cause more harm, if it is not used with care.
3.2 B people live along coastlines.
80% of US population live within an hour drive of the coast. Cause pollution, stress and destruction of wet