INTRODUCTION TO OCEANOGRAPHY S0221 (3-0-3) 3. Objectives:

Course Coordinator (2013-2014): Suzanna G. Ribblett
1. Text: Alan P. Trujillo and Harold V. Thurman. Essentials of Oceanography 11th Edition. 2014.
578 pps.
2. Prerequisites: None, Non-Majors Only
3. Objectives:
a. Overview of the fundamental concepts in oceanography
b. Gain familiarity with standard oceanographic equipment and measured physical,
chemical, and biological parameters common to the field of oceanography
c. Identify common bodies of water and/or other oceanographic regions on a global map
d. Use knowledge acquired through course to examine a topic in oceanography, work in
group settings, and present work to peers following a standard scientific presentation
4. Course Content:
a. Review of early ocean exploration and plate tectonics
b. Examine marine seafloor, sediments , and chemistry of marine water
c. Atmosphere-Ocean interconnection, ocean circulation dynamics, waves & tides
d. Coastal ocean processes
e. Marine life and adaptations, biological productivity and energy transfer
f. Animals of the pelagic and benthic environment
5. Acquired knowledge – Upon completion the student will be able to:
a. Gain an appreciation for the vastness and relatively unexplored seafloor
b. Identify the key physical parameters in the ocean
c. Understand basic properties that relate to weather and ocean dynamics
d. Be able to identify common biological organisms
e. Know the difference between peer reviewed and non-peer reviewed scientific articles
f. Read and understand oceanographic related news/current events
Updated 12 August 2013