Learning and Global Inference for Information Access and Natural Language Understanding

Learning and Global Inference
Information Access and
Natural Language Understanding
Dan Roth
Department of Computer Science
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
May 2007
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Nice to Meet You
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Learning and Inference
 Global decisions in which several local decisions play a role
but there are mutual dependencies on their outcome.
 (Learned) models/classifiers for different sub-problems
 Incorporate classifiers’ information, along with constraints, in
making coherent decisions – decisions that respect the local
models as well as domain & context specific constraints.
 Global inference for the best assignment to all variables of
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A process that maintains and
updates a collection of propositions
about the state of affairs.
(ENGLAND, June, 1989) - Christopher Robin is alive and well. He lives in
England. He is the same person that you read about in the book, Winnie the
Pooh. As a boy, Chris lived in a pretty home called Cotchfield Farm. When
Chris was three years old, his father wrote a poem about him. The poem was
printed in a magazine for others to read. Mr. Robin then wrote a book. He
made up a fairy tale land where Chris lived. His friends were animals. There
was a bear called Winnie the Pooh. There was also an owl and a young pig,
called a piglet. All the animals were stuffed toys that Chris owned. Mr. Robin
made them come to life with his words. The places in the story were all near
Cotchfield Farm. Winnie the Pooh was written in 1925. Children still love to
read about Christopher Robin and his animal friends. Most people don't know
he is a real person who is grown now. He has written two books of his own.
They tell what it is like to be famous.
1. Christopher Robin was born in England.
3. Christopher Robin’s dad was a magician.
2. Winnie the Pooh is a title of a book.
4. Christopher Robin must be at least 65 now.
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What we Know: Stand Alone Ambiguity Resolution
Illinois’ bored of education
...Nissan Car and truck plant is …
…divide life into plant and animal kingdom
(This Art) (can N) (will MD) (rust V)
The dog bit the kid. He was taken to a veterinarian
a hospital
Learn a function f: X Y that
maps observations in a domain
to one of several categories or <
Broad Coverage
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A process that maintains and
updates a collection of propositions
about the state of affairs.
(ENGLAND, June, 1989) - Christopher Robin is alive and well. He lives in
England. He is the same person that you read about in the book, Winnie the
Pooh. As a boy, Chris lived in a pretty home called Cotchfield Farm. When
Chris was three years old, his father wrote a poem about him. The poem was
printed in a magazine for others to read. Mr. Robin then wrote a book. He
made up a fairy tale land where Chris lived. His friends were animals. There
was a bear called Winnie the Pooh. There was also an owl and a young pig,
called a piglet. All the animals were stuffed toys that Chris owned. Mr. Robin
made them come to life with his words. The places in the story were all near
Cotchfield Farm. Winnie the Pooh was written in 1925. Children still love to
read about Christopher Robin and his animal friends. Most people don't know
he is a real person who is grown now. He has written two books of his own.
They tell what it is like to be famous.
1. Christopher Robin was born in England.
3. Christopher Robin’s dad was a magician.
2. Winnie the Pooh is a title of a book.
4. Christopher Robin must be at least 65 now.
This is an Inference Problem
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This Talk
 Global Inference over Local Models/Classifiers + Expressive Constraints
 Model
 Generality of the framework
 Training Paradigms
 Global vs. Local training
 Semi-Supervised Learning
 Examples
 Semantic Parsing
 Information Extraction
 Pipeline processes
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Problem Setting
Variables Y:
Conditional Distributions P (learned by models/classifiers)
Constraints C– any Boolean function
defined on partial assignments (possibly: + weights W )
Goal: Find the “best” assignment
The assignment that achieves the highest global accuracy.
This is an Integer Programming Problem
Y*=argmaxY PY (+ WC) subject to constraints C
Other, more general ways to incorporate
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soft constraints here [ACL’07]
Formal Model
Penalty for violating
the constraint.
Subject to constraints
Weight Vector for
“local” models
A collection of Classifiers;
Log-linear models (HMM,
CRF) or a combination
(Soft) constraints
How far away is y from
a “legal” assignment
How to solve?
This is an Integer Linear Program
In many of our applications, large scale problems were solved
efficiently using a commercial ILP package to yield exact solution.
Search techniques are also possible
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A General Inference Setting
Essentially all complex models studied today can be viewed as optimizing a
linear objective function: HMMs/CRFs [Roth’99; Collins’02;Laffarty et. al 02]
Linear objective functions can be derived from probabilistic perspective:
Markov Random Field 
[standard; Kleinberg&Tardos] Optimization Problem (Metric Labeling) 
[Chekuri et. al’01] Linear Programming Problems 
Inference as Constrained Optimization
[Yih&Roth CoNLL’04]
[Punyakanok et. al COLING’04]…
The probabilistic perspective supports finding the most likely assignment
 Not necessarily what we want
Our Integer linear programming (ILP) formulation
Allows the incorporation of more general cost functions
General (non-sequential) constraint structure
Better exploitation (computationally) of hard constraints
Can find the optimal solution if desired
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Example 1: Semantic Role Labeling
Who did what to whom, when, where, why,…
I left my pearls to my daughter in my will .
[I]A0 left [my pearls]A1 [to my daughter]A2 [in my will]AM-LOC .
Special Case (structure output problem):
here, all the data is available at one time;
in general, classifiers might be learned
Things left
from different sources, at different times,
at different contexts.
Implications on training paradigms
I left my pearls to my daughter in my will .
Overlapping arguments
If A2 is present, A1
must also be present.
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Semantic Role Labeling (2/2)
PropBank [Palmer et. al. 05] provides a large human-annotated
corpus of semantic verb-argument relations.
Core arguments: A0-A5 and AA
It adds a layer of generic semantic labels to Penn Tree Bank II.
(Almost) all the labels are on the constituents of the parse trees.
different semantics for each verb
specified in the PropBank Frame files
13 types of adjuncts labeled as AM-arg
where arg specifies the adjunct type
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Identify Vocabulary
Algorithmic Approach
I left my nice pearls to her
[ [
] ]
Pruning [Xue&Palmer, EMNLP’04]
Argument Identifier
Binary classification (SNoW)
Classify argument candidates
Argument Classifier
candidate arguments
Identify argument candidates
I left my nice pearls to her
Multi-class classification (SNoW)
Inference over (old and
I left my nice pearls to her
[ Vocabulary
]I left
] my
] nice pearls] to her
Use the estimated probability distribution
given by the argument classifier
Use structural and linguistic constraints
Infer the optimal global output
I left my nice pearls to her
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Argument Identification & Classification
I left my nice pearls to her
[ [
] ]
Both argument identifier and argument
classifier are trained phrase-based classifiers.
Features (some examples)
voice, phrase type, head word, path, chunk,
chunk pattern, etc. [some make use of a full syntactic parse]
I left my nice pearls to her
Learning Algorithm – SNoW
Sparse network of linear functions
weights learned by regularized Winnow multiplicative update rule
Probability conversion is done via softmax pi = exp{acti}/j exp{actj}
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I left my nice pearls to her
The output of the argument classifier often violates some
constraints, especially when the sentence is long.
Finding the best legitimate output is formalized as an
optimization problem and solved via Integer Linear
[Punyakanok et. al 04, Roth & Yih 04]
The probability estimation (by the argument classifier)
Structural and linguistic constraints
Allows incorporating expressive (non-sequential)
constraints on the variables (the arguments types).
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Integer Linear Programming Inference
For each argument ai
Set up a Boolean variable: ai,t indicating whether ai is classified as t
Goal is to maximize
 i score(ai = t ) ai,t
Subject to the (linear) constraints
Any Boolean constraints can be encoded as linear constraint(s).
If score(ai = t ) = P(ai = t ), the objective is to find the
assignment that maximizes the expected number of
arguments that are correct and satisfies the constraints.
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No duplicate argument classes
a  POTARG x{a = A0}  1
Any Boolean rule can be encoded as
a linear constraint.
If there is an R-ARG phrase, there is an ARG
 a2  POTARG , a  POTARG x{a = A0}  x{a2 = R-A0}
a2  POTARG ,
If there is an C-ARG phrase, there is an ARG before it
 (a  POTARG)  (a is before a2 ) x{a = A0}  x{a2 = C-A0}
Many other possible constraints:
Unique labels
No overlapping or embedding
Relations between number of arguments
If verb is of type A, no argument of type B
Universally quantified
Joint inference can be used also to combine different SRL Systems.
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Semantic Parsing: Summary I
This approach produces a very good semantic parser. F1~<90%
Top ranked system in CoNLL’05 shared task
Key difference is the Inference
Easy and fast: ~7 Sentences/Second
(using Xpress-MP)
A lot of room for improvement (additional constraints)
Demo available http://L2R.cs.uiuc.edu/~cogcomp
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Extracting Relations via Semantic Analysis
Screen shot from a CCG demo
Semantic parsing reveals several
relations in the sentence along with
their arguments.
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Semantic Parsing: Summary I
This approach produces a very good semantic parser. F1~<90%
Top ranked system in CoNLL’05 shared task
Key difference is the Inference
Easy and fast: ~7 Sentences/Second
(using Xpress-MP)
A lot of room for improvement (additional constraints)
Demo available http://L2R.cs.uiuc.edu/~cogcomp
So far, shown the use of only declarative (deterministic) constraints.
In fact, this approach can be used both with statistical and declarative
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ILP as a Unified Algorithmic Scheme
Consider a common model for sequential inference: HMM/CRF
Inference in this model is done via
the Viterbi Algorithm.
y y1 y2 y3 y4 y5
x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
Viterbi is a special case of the Linear Programming based Inference.
Viterbi is a shortest path problem, which is a LP, with a canonical matrix that is
totally unimodular. Therefore, you can get integrality constraints for free.
One can now incorporate non-sequential/expressive/declarative constraints by
modifying this canonical matrix
 The extension reduces to a polynomial scheme under some conditions (e.g.,
when constraints are sequential, when the solution space does not change, etc.)
 Not necessarily increases complexity and very efficient in practice
[Roth&Yih, ICML’05]
Learn a rather simple model; make decisions with a more expressive model
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Integer Linear Programming Inference - Summary
An Inference method for the “best explanation”, used here
to induce a semantic representation of a sentence.
Allows expressive constraints
Any Boolean rule can be represented by a set of linear (in)equalities
Combining acquired (statistical) constraints with declarative
A general Information Integration framework.
Start with shortest path matrix and constraints
Add new constraints to the basic integer linear program.
Solved using off-the-shelf packages
If the additional constraints don’t change the solution, LP is enough
 Otherwise, the computational time depends on sparsity; fast in practice
Demo available http://L2R.cs.uiuc.edu/~cogcomp
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Example 2: Pipeline
Raw Data
POS Tagging
 Vocabulary is generated in phases
 Left to Right processing of sentences
is also a pipeline process
Semantic Entities
Semantic Role Labeling
Pipelining is a crude approximation; interactions occur across levels and
down stream decisions often interact with previous decisions.
Leads to propagation of errors
Occasionally, later stage problems are easier but upstream mistakes will not
be corrected.
There are good reasons for pipelining decisions
Global inference over the outcomes of different levels can be used to break
away from this paradigm. [between pipeline & fully global]
Allows a flexible way to incorporate linguistic and structural constraints.
Objective Function can be modified to support pipelines;
Deep Pipelines for Dependency Parsing [Chang, Do, Roth, ACL’06]
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This Talk
 Global Inference over Local Models/Classifiers + Expressive Constraints
 Model
 Generality of the framework
 Training Paradigms
 Global vs. Local training
 Semi-Supervised Learning
 Examples
 Semantic Parsing
 Information Extraction
 Pipeline processes
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Training Paradigms that Support Global Inference
Incorporating general constraints (Algorithmic Approach)
Allow both statistical and expressive declarative constraints
Allow non-sequential constraints (generally difficult)
Coupling vs. Decoupling Training and Inference.
Incorporating global constraints is important but
Should it be done only at evaluation time or also at training time?
Issues related to:
modularity, efficiency and performance, availability of training data
May not be relevant in
some problems.
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Training in the presence of Constraints
General Training Paradigm:
First Term: Learning from data
Second Term: Lead the model by constraints
Can choose if constraints are included in training or only in
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Cartoon: each model
can be more complex
and may have a view
on a set of output
L+I: Learning plus Inference
Training w/o Constraints
Testing: Inference with Constraints
Learning the
components together!
IBT: Inference-basedf1(x)
Which one is better?
When and Why?
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Perceptron-based Global Learning
True Global Labeling
Local Predictions
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When the local classification problems are “easy”, L+I outperforms IBT.
In many applications, the components are identifiable and easy to learn (e.g.,
argument, open-close, PER).
Only when the local problems become difficult to solve in isolation, IBT
outperforms L+I, but needs a larger number of training examples.
When data is scarce, problems are not easy and constraints can be used,
along with a “weak” model, to label unlabeled data and improve mode.
Will show experimental results and theoretical intuition to support our
L+I: cheaper computationally; modular
IBT is better in the limit, and other
extreme cases.
Combinations: L+I, and then IBT are possible
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Bound Prediction
L+I vs. IBT: the more identifiable
individual problems are the better
overall performance is with L+I
Local  ≤ opt + ( ( d log m + log 1/ ) / m )1/2
Indication for
hardness of
 ≤ 0 + ( ( cd log m + c2d + log 1/ ) / m )1/2
Simulated Data
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Relative Merits: SRL
L+I is better.
When the problem
is artificially made
harder, the tradeoff
is clearer.
Difficulty of the learning problem
(# features)
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Semi-Supervised Learning with Constraints
Experiment is done in the context of Information extraction
Objective function:
Learning w/o Constraints: 300 examples.
Learning w Constraints
Constraints are used to
Bootstrap a semisupervised learner
Poor model + constraints
are used to annotate
unlabeled data, which in
turn is used to keep
training the model.
# of available labeled examples
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Example 3: Textual Entailment
By “semantically entailed” we
most verb
would agree
one sentence implies the
Entity matching [Li et. al,
AAAI’04, NAACL’04]
Q: Who acquired Overture?
A: Eyeing the huge market potential, currently
Semantic Role Labeling
led by Google, Yahoo took over search company
Overture Services Inc last year.
Eyeing the huge market
potential, currently led by
Google, Yahoo took over
search company
Overture Services Inc. last
Subsumed by
Yahoo acquired Overture
Overture is a search company
Google is a search company
Google owns Overture
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Discussed a general paradigm for learning and inference in the context of
natural language understanding tasks
A general Constraint Optimization approach for integration of learned
models with additional (declarative or statistical) expressivity
How to train?
Learn Locally and make use globally (via global inference)
Ability to make use of domain & constraints to drive supervision
[Punyakanok et. al IJCAI’05]
[Klementiev & Roth, ACL’06; Chang, Do, Roth, ACL’07]
How to drive component identification from the global decisoins?
LBJ (Learning Based Java):
A modeling language that supports programming along with
building learned models and allows the incorporation of and
inference with constraints
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