Activity 14 1. To set filters in your calendar, you need to open your calendar by clicking on Calendar on the left panel. 2. Once your calendar is open, click on View section and then click on the View Settings button. As you can see from the example below, the calendar is set to Month view. Activity_14.doc Ixion Holdings Ltd © 2011 Page 1 of 3 Activity 14 3. To set filters, select the Filter option. 4. Type in the criteria you want to filter. There are many more filter settings to get more specific results, includingcase matching, importance, flagged items, person organising an event and those attending. Once you have selected your options click Ok. Activity_14.doc Ixion Holdings Ltd © 2011 Page 2 of 3 Activity 14 5. As you can see, the filter from the example shows the criteria entered previously. Once you have clickedOk, your calendar should show your filtered results. 6. See below for an example calendar with filter applied. The task appointments have now disappeared and only the meeting appointments are visible. Activity_14.doc Ixion Holdings Ltd © 2011 Page 3 of 3