Course Author  Self-Assessment Form

Course Review
School for New Learning
Course Author’s Self-Assessment Form
Thank you for your commitment to the School for New Learning’s continuous improvement by
submitting this self-assessment of your course. The intent of the review is to assist you with
our ongoing improvement efforts and to ensure alignment of the course with intended SNL
SNL’s Teaching, Learning, and Assessment (TLA) Committee will provide you and your campus
director with constructive feedback on your materials resulting from two peer reviews, one by
a competence expert and one by a generalist. Precise and descriptive responses on all of the
following items will enable the most effective feedback.
Please contact Gretchen Wilbur, TLA Chair at at any point during the
process if you have questions.
Materials to Attach
In addition to your completed self-assessment form, you must attach your course syllabus and your vitae/resume
to your e-mail, sent to You may also attach samples of activities, assignments, and assessment
tools. Only attach supplementary materials that you have referred to in your responses. Reviewers will be able to
review only 10 pages of supplementary materials, in addition to your syllabus and vitae/resume.
Helpful Resources
E-mail Gretchen Wilbur at with questions and/or requests for assistance.
Instructions for Submitting Materials
Send by e-mail to and attach:
 Course Author Self-Assessment Form
 Course Syllabus
 Resume/Vitae
 Optional Supplementary Materials (10 page maximum)
Self-Assessment Form
Please respond to each item below, typing directly on this Word document. IMPORTANT: When you are asked to
“describe” in the following items, you can respond in various ways that make your explanations evident. You can
write a descriptive statement, reference items on your syllabus by page and section (e.g. see Syllabus, p 5,
Assignments, Final Project), copy & paste from your syllabus, and/or attach course materials (10 page maximum
for course review submission).
Course Author:
Date of Review:
Course Number:
Course Title:
Delivery Format
1. Indicate all delivery format(s) you have ever used for this course. Check all that apply:
independent study (GIS, FDIS)
other, please describe:
2. Check the primary delivery format for the course you are currently self-assessing:
independent study (GIS, FDIS)
other, please describe:
3. Enter ALL competencies for which this course is offered.
Learning Outcomes
4. Describe how the objectives/outcomes of your course align with the competencies.
Content and Topics
5. Describe how the content and topics of your course align with the competencies and outcomes.
Learning Resources
6. My course’s learning resources include (check all that apply):
student study guide
instructor notes
institutions (library, museum, other site)
case studies
interactive online modules
other, please describe:
7. Describe how the learning resources of your course align with the content and topics.
8. Describe how the learning resources of your course assist students in meeting the competencies and outcomes.
9. Describe how you increase students’ use of challenging, scholarly/creative works in the course’s field of inquiry.
Assignments and Activities
10. My course’s learning activities/assignments include: (check all that apply)
reflective writing,
academic writing,
class/online discussions,
class/online presentations,
group projects,
individual projects,
site visits,
other, please describe
11. Describe course assignments and activities that require student demonstration of competencies.
12. Describe course assignments and activities that accommodate diverse learning styles.
13. Describe course assignments and activities that provide support (scaffolds) for students as they work toward
Assessment of Student Learning
14. Describe the criteria you and your students use for assessing competence.
15. Describe how feedback is given, e.g. written feedback, letter grade, rubric.
16. Describe how assessment of writing skills is conducted.
Core Competencies
17. Describe the experiences or assignments that help students demonstrate DePaul’s learning goals of critical
thinking, inquiry, decision-making, and/or communicating.
Instructor Expertise
18. Attach your vitae or resume. Highlight and/or describe the accomplishments and experiences that relate
directly to your knowledge and expertise in each of the competencies you identified above for the course.
19. Describe the skills and expertise that you offer the students as they pursue their learning of competencies;
delve into the content; and make connections among content, competence, and lived experience.
Ongoing Development
20. Describe course improvements you have made or plan to make. Please explain why you decided to make the
improvements and/or what successes you had.
21. Identify areas where you would like assistance and how you would like to receive the help. Some areas might
be resources, assignments, activities, assessments, etc. and could be provided through workshops, peer
mentoring, online study groups, etc.
Sharing Successes
22. Describe successful products or processes that you would be willing to share with your colleagues. Some
examples are assignments, assessment tools, instructional strategies, learning activities.
Instructor’s comments on course design
23. Please share any contextual information that will help the reviewers interpret the information you have
provided and better understand how your course is designed to promote student learning.
Instructor’s desired feedback
24. In the spirit of ongoing professional development, please tell us what feedback would be helpful for you to
receive from this review process. You may want to consider things like syllabus design, content organization,
competence connections, instructional resources, learning activities and assignments, assessment methods
and criteria.
Thank you for your time, analysis, and reflection
in this continuous improvement process.