PART 2 CHAPTERS 7 & 11 ONLY 30 POINTS DO ANY 6 I. What is meant by these terms> Chapter 7- Population Characteristics & Issues: a. NATALITY b. MORTALITY c. POPULATION GROWTH RATE d. AGE DISTRIBUTION e. Population Growth Curve f. Bacterial Growth Curve g. Carrying Capacity vs Environmental Resistance h. K-Strategist vs r-Strategist i. Human Population Growth Curve j. Emigration & Immigration k. Biotic Potential l. Demographic Transition m. Explaining the Significance of “Baby Boomers” DO ANY 2 II. Explain these terms> Chapter 11- BIODIVERSITY ISSUES a. b. c. d. Local vs Mass Extinction Causes of Genetic Diversity Geographic vs Peripheral Speciation Causes of Species Diversity- DO ANY 2 III. THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY a. Habitat Loss b. What is Range-Land what can happen to it over time if not properly managed c. Aquatic Bio-diversity Loss DO ANY 4 IV. ADDITIONAL TERMS/CONCEPTS a. BUSH MEAT b. EXOTIC SPECIESc. Natural Biological Balance- Predator/Prey Relationship d. Endangered Species vs Threatened Species e. Habitat Management-what is COVER f. Problems of Migratory Birds g. The Case of California Condor-