HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYSTEM - CENTRAL COLLEGE World Languages ARABIC 1411 CRN: 25318 TIMES/DAYS/LOCATION M,W BEGINNING ARABIC I 5:30 – 8:50pm INSTRUCTOR: Dr. Muthanna AlKhaldi Email. muthanna.alkhaldi@hccs.edu OFFICE HOURS: Credit: 4 (3 Lecture, 2 Lab) 12 weeks – Second Start Spring 2010 FAC 308 PHONE: 713-718-6678 Textbook Ahlan Wa Sahlan: Letters and Sounds of the Arabic Language by Mahdi Alosh (ISBN 978-0300-14048-4) Ahlan Wa Sahlan by Mahdi Alosh, Second Edition (ISBN 978-0-300-12272-5) Course Description Arabic 1411, Beginning Arabic I, is a four credit-hour course, which meets five hours per week(Regular Term), six hours and forty minutes (Second Start). It is part of the four-semester beginning and intermediate (1411-1412, 2311-2312) sequence. The course transfers to universities as foreign language credit. It also satisfies the cross-cultural component of the HCCS core curriculum. In Arabic 1411 you will listen to, speak, read and write Arabic. Vocabulary, language patterns, and grammar are introduced and applied in the context of practical communication. You will learn Arabic vocabulary, expressions, and structures relating to college studies, personal identity, home and family, getting acquainted, describing people and places, activities and leisure, dining and cuisine, transactions in a store or restaurant. You will also learn cultural information about values, beliefs, and practices related to the above situations and to speakers of Arabic. In a more general sense, you will learn about the cultural contexts of the Arabic language. The class includes dialogues, tapes, oral and written exercises, role-playing, partner or group work. End-of-Semester Performance Level Descriptions Listening Comprehension: Comprehend words, phrases, and sentences of the standard spoken language where the context is familiar. Speaking: Speak using words, phrases, and some short sentences in a limited number of familiar contexts. Speech will be hesitant with frequent inaccuracies. Reading: Read and interpret the language that will consist mainly of vocabulary previously learned. May be able to understand materials at a higher level where the material is contextualized. Writing: Write short simple sentences, using learned vocabulary and a limited number of grammatical structures. Topics deal mainly with personal life and interests. Cultural Awareness - Be able to identify regions and countries where Arabic is spoken. - Demonstrate knowledge of a few basic facts about several Arabic-speaking countries or regions. 2 - Show understanding of Arabic customs relating to introductions and initial social contacts, interaction in public places, dining, interaction between family and friends. Demonstrate understanding of the interrelationship between culture and language. Attendance and Promptness Class will begin at 5:30 PM. Please be on time, as coming and going disrupt the class. Attendance is essential. It is the student’s responsibility to withdraw from my class before the last day for Administrative/Student Withdrawal, which is Thursday, April the 22, 2010 before 4:30 p.m. Class Buddies It is your responsibility to find a class buddy, who can get handouts for you if you are absent and who will let you know about any assignments that you miss. Course Grade 50% 3 major tests (Oral and Written Portions) 20% final exam (Oral and Written Portions) 20% written homework 10% attendance HCCS Grading System: 90-100% A 80-89% B 70-79% C 60-69% D 59 & below F Makeup Policy There is no makeup for any major test made during any absence. Therefore, your grade will be ZERO if you miss any test. I will drop the lowest grade, so try not to miss any class and be on time. Cell Phones and Beepers Please turn off all cell phones and beepers before class. Their use disrupts the class. Policy on Academic Dishonesty Students are expected to do their own work, unless an assignment is made specifically as a group assignment. Plagiarism (handing in another person’s work as your own), or cheating will result in a grade of F for the assignment, or test in question. For a second offense, the student may receive a grade of F for the course. Reasonable Accommodations: Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physical, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office-Room LHSB 106, or call (713) 718-6164 at the beginning of each semester. Faculty are authorized to provide only the accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office." I hope you find Arabic an interesting and rewarding subject. I look forward to working with you this semester! 3 Course Schedule Week One Feb.17 Introduction Lessons 1(Arabic Alphabet) Week Two Feb.22 Feb.24 Lessons 1 and 2 (Arabic Alphabet) Lesson 2 Week Three March 1 March 3 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Week Four March 8 March 10 Lesson 5 Exam I (lessons 1-5) March 15 March 17 Spring Break Spring Break Week Five March 22 March 24 Lesson 6 Lessons 6 and 7 Week Six March 29 March 31 Lesson 7 Lessons 7 and 8 Week Seven April 5 April 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Week Eight April 12 April 14 Exam II (lessons 6-9) Lesson 10 Week Nine April 19 April 21 Lessons 11 Lesson 12 Week Ten April 26 April 28 Lesson 12 Exam III (Lessons 10-12) Week Eleven May 3 May 5 12th week May 10 Restaurant Scene Review for Final Exam Final Exam at 5:30p.m GOOD LUCK!!!