UTKARSH GOEL utkarsh.goel@cs.montana.edu +1 (406) 600-5170 www.cs.montana.edu/~utkarsh.goel 357 EPS Building, Department of Computer Science, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717 PROFESSIONAL PREPARATIONS Ph.D. in Computer Science 2017 Montana State University USA Advisor: Professor Mike P. Wittie GPA: 3.7 on a scale of 4.0 expected graduation date: Spring Bozeman, Bachelor of Technology in Computer Engineering Spring 2012 Aligarh Muslim University dia GPA: 8.3 on a scale of 10.0 MT, Aligarh, In- RESEARCH INTERESTS CDN Mapping, Web Performance, IPv6, HTTP/2, Cellular Middleboxes, Internet Measurements, Predictive Caching RESEARCH PROJECTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Cellular Infrastructure Discovery Developed several techniques to detect the presence of TCP terminating proxies in cellular networks, with the goal of optimizing TCP stack and monitor Web performance with cellular Middleboxes. IPv6 Performance in Cellular Networks Measured IPv6 performance benefits in cellular networks and presented the need for dual-stacking the mobile content. Discovered IPv6 routing problem in a cellular network outside of the USA. Developed a technique to eliminate round trips in IPv6-only cellular networks during DNS lookups. Reducing Webpage Load Time DNS based CDN server selection does not reduce the network latency as expected. Developed an open source tool that enables clients to participate in the server selection functionality and reduces the webpage load time by 37% on average case. Closest CDN Server Selection Tool using Traceroutes Existing closest server selection tools suffer from incomplete coverage of the IP space and therefore could make predictions based on stale network measurements. Developed a latency estimation tool for arbitrary hosts on the Internet using host-to-CDN latency measurements, to offer superior coverage and latency estimation accuracy over existing tools. 5. North West Passage (NWP) Operations and Travel Information Integration Sharing (OTIIS) System Collaborated in developing a travel information system across 8 US states, to assist in planning of long-distance trips. Developed a Web server in Node.Js and employed various methods to improve the system performance. 6. Mobile Network Measurement Testbed Developed MITATE to support mobile application prototyping in cellular networks. MITATE is currently being under deployment to Google’s Measurement Lab (MLAB). PUBLICATIONS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Detecting Cellular Middleboxes using Passive Measurement Techniques, in ACM/SIGCOMM PAM 2016. Survey of End-to-End Mobile Network Measurement Testbeds, Tools, and Services, in IEEE COMSOC CST 2015. Faster Web through Client-assisted CDN Server Selection, in IEEE ICCCN 2015. PCP: Internet Latency Estimation Using CDN Replicas, in IEEE ICCCN 2015. Understanding Factors Influencing the Citation Count of Networking Conference Papers, in ISCA SEDE 2015. MITATE: Mobile Internet Testbed for Application Traffic Experimentation, in ACM MOBIQUITOUS 2013. USENIX; login: issue: August 2013, Volume 38, Number 4, in Technical summary, USENIX NSDI 2013. MITATE: Mobile Internet Testbed for Application Traffic Experimentation, in USENIX NSDI 2013 (Poster paper). Voice - Video Communication on Mobile Phones and PCs’ using Asterisk EPBX, in IEEE CSNT 2012. Wilcom: Application for interacting via Voice, Video, Text chat at Zero Cost in a Wi-Fi Cloud, in IJET 2012. PROFESSIONAL APPOINTMENTS Web Performance Research Engineer (Intern), Akamai Technologies Inc., San Francisco, CA 2015 May - August Conducted a measurement study to detect TCP terminating proxies in cellular networks using HTTP and TCP logs. Conducted a detailed investigation of IPv6 performance in cellular networks in the US. Graduate Research Assistant, Networks Lab, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT to Present Identified and pursued novel research problems in areas of cellular networks, Web performance, CDN server selection. Some of these projects are under mentorship & collaboration with several industry and other academic institutions. Mentored several graduate and undergraduate students in their research projects. Graduate Teaching Assistant, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 2013 August 2012 to December Assisted undergraduate students with their assignments, lectured classes occasionally, and provided recommendations to faculty for refining the course material and structure to promote student participation in the class. Summer Intern, LetsLiveWire Inc., Houston, TX August 2012 June 2013 to August 2013 Worked with a startup to develop a Tele-Presence Web application for Tax and Health related services. Developed and launched incremental product functionality through scheduled deployments. Applied agile software development methodologies to increase both personal and team efficiency. HONORS AND AWARDS 2016 2016 2015 2015 2014 2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 Outstanding Ph.D. Researcher Award by Montana State University. Runner-up for the Three Minute Thesis Competition at Montana State University Student Travel Grant from IEEE ICCCN 2015 Student Travel Grant from NSF PhantomNet Workshop 2015 Student Travel Grant from ACM CoNEXT 2014 Student Travel Grant from ACM/SIGCOMM IMC 2014 Student Travel Grant from ACM/SIGCOMM IMC 2013 Student Travel Grant from USENIX NSDI 2013. Sir Syed Excellence in Science Award by Aligarh Alumni Association of New England for an excellent academic performance throughout undergraduate education and on potential for future research. Nurul Hasan Merit Research Scholarship by Aligarh Muslim University for excellent academic performance and for encouraging undergraduate research.