Course Syllabus Introduction to Computer Graphics ARTC 1325 Semester with Course Reference Number (CRN) Fall 2012 CRN: 27076 Instructor contact Sandra Thompson information (phone (713) 688-1361 Ext. 355 number and email or address) Office Location and Hours M-F (TBA) Course Location/Times S. P. Waltrip Senior High School, Room 312 8:00-9:50—M-T-Thurs Course Semester Credit Hours (SCH) (lecture, lab) If applicable Credit Hours 3.00 Lecture Hours 2.00 Laboratory Hours 4.00 Total Course Contact Hours 96 Continuing Education Units (CEU): if applicable N/A Course Length (number of weeks) 16 Type of Instruction Lecture/Lab Web Enhanced Activities (32 hours) Course Description: A survey of computer design concepts, terminology, processes, and procedures. Topics include computer graphics hardware, electronic images, electronic publishing, vector-based graphics, and interactive multimedia. Course Prerequisite(s) N None Academic Discipline/CTE Program Learning Outcomes 1. Demonstrate ability to select and apply industry standard software. 2. Demonstrate use of software and techniques for practical application. 3. Develop a portfolio that demonstrates proficiency in employment skills Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 4 to 7 1. Define computer terminology 2. Identify peripherals 3. Demonstrate use of raster (bitmap) images 4. Demonstrate use of page layout software 5. Demonstrate use of vector-based graphics 6. Demonstrate use of multimedia. Learning Objectives (Numbering system should be linked to SLO: e.g., 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc.) 1.1 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2 6.1 6.2 Study computer terms as discussed in lectures and assignments. Identify and demonstrate proper use of storage devices such as flash drives and portable hard drives. Project grades reflect proper use of file management on portable devices. Solve raster image assignments using required software application. Assignment grades reflect effective completion of specific project requirements including the raster application. Solve page layout assignments using required software application. Assignment grades reflect effective completion of specific project requirements including the page layout application. Solve vector-based image assignments using required software application. Assignment grades reflect effective completion of specific project requirements including the vector-based application. Solve multimedia assignments using required processes and application. Assignment grades reflect effective completion of specific project requirements including the multimedia application. SCANS and/or Core Curriculum Competencies: If applicable SCANS Managing Resources: Manage materials; Manage time Working With Information: Acquire/evaluate data; Organize/Maintain information; Interpret/Communicate data; Process information with computers Exhibiting Interpersonal Skills: Teach others; Work with different cultures Applying System Knowledge: Understand systems Using Technology: Select equipment and tools; Apply technology to specific tasks; Maintain/troubleshoot technologies Demonstrating Basic Skills: Reading; Writing; Speaking; Listening Demonstrating Thinking Skills: Creative thinking; Decision making; Seeing with the mind's eye Exhibiting Personal Qualities: Individual responsibility; Sociability; Integrity; Self-esteem; Self-management Instructional Methods Face-to-Face Web-Enhanced (32 Hours) Distance Student Assignments Assignments, projects and web-enhanced activities have been developed to guide your learning and concept development as an intro level Computer Graphics designer. To better understand a topic/concept, you will be given assignments on key information that you will need to remember for your success in your career as a Computer Graphics designer. Student Assessment(s) Your work will be evaluated according to the following criteria: Adherence to the assignment guidelines: Do not rearrange the assignment guidelines. Complete the right assignment. If the assignment is not clear to you, it is your responsibility to ask for clarifications before doing it. Appropriateness: Follow course policies, attitude—check on how you handle projects and challenges along with working with others in class. Do not have someone do the project or assignment for you. Submit & present projects on time. Techniques and Concepts: Application of concepts and techniques. Design Layout: Consider creativity, balance of elements, design techniques, use of white space, fonts, sizes and styles, effects and color. Quality of Execution: Content information. Strive for excellence. All work should be an attempt at portfolio quality. Using the above criteria, your work will be assessed on six levels: 90–100% A Exceptionally fine work; superior in presentation, visual observation, comprehension and participation 80–89% B Above average work; superior in one or two areas 70–79% C Average work; good, unexceptional participation 60–69% D Below average work; noticeably weak with minimal participation Below 60% F Clearly deficient in presentation, style and content with a lack of participation Misc W Excessive absence (more than 12.5% semester absence) Stud Instructor's Requirements Program/Discipline Requirements: If applicable Students who wish to appeal a grade penalty should notify the instructional supervisor within 30 working days of the incident. A standing committee appointed by the College Dean of Instruction (Academic or Workforce) will convene to sustain, reduce, or reverse the grade penalty. The committee will be composed of two students, two faculty members, and one instructional administrator. A majority vote will decide the grade appeal and is final. External Hard Drive Complete and comprehend the objectives and technologies involved in all graded assignments. Demonstrate the ability to apply creative thinking and problem solving to all class projects and assignments. Complete all reading assignments pertaining to the subject matter of the course. Attend class regularly, missing no more than 12.5% of instruction and lab time (12 hours) Arrive at class promptly and be prepared with necessary books, storage media, assignments, and anything else required. Exhibit safe and courteous lab habits. Develop and share knowledge and information with fellow students. Participate in keeping labs clean and organized; shutting down computers when finished; abiding by lab rules; showing respect for instructors, fellow students and lab assistants. HCC Grading Scale A = 100- 90 4 points per semester hour B = 89 - 80: 3 points per semester hour C = 79 - 70: 2 points per semester hour D = 69 - 60: 1 point per semester hour 59 and below = F 0 points per semester hour IP (In Progress) 0 points per semester hour W(Withdrawn) 0 points per semester hour I (Incomplete) 0 points per semester hour AUD (Audit) 0 points per semester hour IP (In Progress) is given only in certain developmental courses. The student must re-enroll to receive credit. COM (Completed) is given in non-credit and continuing education courses. To compute grade point average (GPA), divide the total grade points by the total number of semester hours attempted. The grades "IP," "COM" and "I" do not affect GPA. Daily Tests Projects Total Instructor Grading Criteria Instructional Materials Participate in class discussions and critiques. Demonstrate the ability to communicate in a clear, coherent manner. Turn in all assignment on time and in the manner required by the instructor. Demonstrate the ability to use computer--based technology and software applications as it applies to be given class. Understand and be proficient in computer file management, including saving and retrieving files. When possible, demonstrate the ability to use and understand both Macintosh and Window operating systems. Demonstrate knowledge and the ability to use applicable peripherals and storage devices. Develop a portfolio that illustrates concepts, techniques, and programs used in solving class assignment, including a written statement describing project concepts and processes. Demonstrate ability and creativity in using computer--based technology in communicating, solving problems and acquiring information. Accept responsibility for personal understanding of course requirements and degree plan. Catherine Skintik: Learning Media Design with Adobe CS4 Publisher: Prentice Hall/Pearson [ISBN-10: 0-13-507687-0/ISBN-13: 978-0-13-507687-3] External USB HCC Policy Statement: Access Student Services Policies on their Website: 40% 20% 40% 100% Distance Education and/or Continuing Education Policies Access DE Policies on their Website: Access CE Policies on their Web site: FALL 2012—TRADITIONAL 16 - WEEK SESSION May 7 Monday Registration Begins August 18 Saturday Saturday Registration (9 a.m.-1 p.m.) August 24 Friday Last Day for 100% Refund August 25 Saturday Saturday Registration (9 a.m.-1 p.m.) August 26 Sunday Last Day for Drop/Add/Swap/Registration Ends (online only) August 27 Monday Classes Begin August 27-September 12 70% Refund September 3 Monday Offices Closed—Labor Day Holiday September 10 Monday Official Date of Record September 13-18 25% Refund October 15 Monday November 2 Friday Priority Deadline for Fall Completion of Degrees or Certificates Last Day for Administrative/Student Withdrawals—4:30 p.m. November 21 Wednesday No Night Classes before Thanksgiving November 22-25 Thurs-Sun Offices Closed—Thanksgiving Holidays December 9 Sunday Instruction Ends December 10-16 Mon-Sun Final Examinations December 16 Sunday Semester Ends December 17 Monday Grades Due by—12:00 Noon December 2 1 Friday Grades Available to Students December 19-January 1 Offices Closed—Christmas Break December 12-18 Final Examinations December 18 Sunday Semester Ends December 19 Monday Grades Due by- 12:00 Noon December 23 Friday Grades Available to Students December 20- January 2 Offices Closed- Christmas Break Following is a tentative outline of class discussion topics and assignments for the semester. Please note that this schedule is subject to changes at any time pending on the class progress. You will be informed of any changes. Updated information will be posted online at Week 1-4 1. Introduction - Working with Computer Systems (Mac & PC) & Peripherals (including Printers); 2. File organization 3. Working with Microsoft Office Business applications Versus Adobe Design Suite for Digital Publishing DISCUSSION TOPICS: Introduction o Student Profile Sheets - Getting to know everyone o Course requirements & expectations (Refer to Syllabus) Computer platforms, systems, peripherals & software applications o Operating systems o Software applications – Approach how to review an application (Interface Menu & Help Files) File organization - Saving files (Save versus Save As), exporting files, retrieving files, copying files and deleting files, search (find) & indexing o Using menus versus short-cut keys o Printers (Hardware & Digital PDFs) – Print Resolutions o Importance of Font Management – Where is the Font Folder? Introduction to Microsoft Word – Why use Word? o Terminologies & Concepts o Program properties and preferences o View options – Using rulers and grids o Importing text & formatting rules, working with soft returns, hard returns, line space, (tracking versus kerning), indents, paragraph formatting, keep with next, orphans and widows, styles, alignment versus arrangement, properties, and tabs o Typographic design basics with font management guidelines o Editing text and graphics – copy/paste commands, what is a clipboard, undos/redos o Using borders and shading as visual design organization o Bullets & Listings o Using Headers and Footers o Inserting dynamic dates & times o o o o o o Importing & working with digital graphics, audio, object & media files Microsoft resources for imaging & Learning resources Creating hyperlinks to websites, linking documents and media files Saving files (What are temp files?) Printing hard and soft copies (PDF) ASSIGNMENTS: See class handout for the Week WEB ENHANCED ACTIVITIES: See class handout for the Week Week 5-8 1. Digital Imaging (Working with Raster Graphics) 2. Copyright Laws and Regulations DISCUSSION TOPICS: What are Raster Graphics & Available Applications (Adobe Photoshop) Terminologies & Concepts Program Properties, tools & organization Working with the program menus, editing using menus & shortcut keys View options – Using rulers and grids File formats & extensions (Working graphics versus exported/optimized/Flattened graphics) Importance of graphic cards and system needs for Digital imaging programs Understanding screen resolutions and unit measurements for print versus web/multimedia Imaging Resources (Public Domain, the e-Library, etc) Importing images into your computer via Scanners and digital cameras Create, Resize, & Edit Images Design basics – Hue, Saturation & Value; Contrast, visual communication via the use of digital graphics Copyright Laws and Regulations (GOOGLE IMAGES – A VIOLATION REMINDER!) ASSIGNMENTS: See class handout for the Week WEB ENHANCED ACTIVITIES: See class handout for the Week Week 9-10 1. Computer Illustration (Working with Vector Graphics) 2. Working with Adobe Kuler 3. Mid Term Project/Evaluation DISCUSSION TOPICS: Working with Vector Applications (Adobe Illustrator) – Terms & Concepts Adobe Kuler Program Properties, Tools & Organization Working with the program menus, editing using menus & shortcut keys View options – Using Rulers and grids File formats & Extensions (Working & Exporting Vector graphics) Exploring the differences between Raster and Illustration graphics Design Basics- Working with color and type ASSIGNMENTS : See class handout for the Week WEB ENHANCED ACTIVITIES: See class handout for the Week Week 11-14 1. Digital Publishing - Working with Digital Print Applications 2. Working with Adobe Acrobat Professional – Creating Multimedia & Interactive Form applications 3. Adobe Bridge 4. Computer Graphics Industry - Preparing for Jobs & Career options DISCUSSION TOPICS: Digital Publishing Applications – Adobe InDesign o Program Properties, Tools & Organization o Terminologies & Concepts o Exploring the differences between MS Word & InDesign o Typographic design basics with font management guidelines o Importing text from MS Word to InDesign o Formatting rules, working with soft returns, hard returns, line space, tracking, kerning, indents, paragraph formatting, styles, and tabs o View options – Using Rulers and grids o Working with imported graphics o Working with the program menus, editing using menus & shortcut keys o Design basics & organization for page layout enhancements o Packaging and exporting final printed documents Adobe Acrobat Professional o Program Properties, Tools & Organization o Terminologies & Concepts o Explore interactive functions o Creating PDF portfolios with viewing options o Setting Print Quality in Acrobat PDF with Export options o Importing and organizing pages o Security Settings o Read aloud functionalities Adobe Bridge (CS5 – What is the Mini Bridge Application) o Program Tools & Organization o Terminologies & Concepts o Explore interactive functions Computer Graphics - Job & Career options o What are your career options & passion? o How are you going to prepare yourself to handle upcoming courses, training and long term design career plans? o How the Digital Communication Department at Houston Community College can help you? o Importance of creating a digital portfolio for your future projects (including classes). ASSIGNMENTS: See class handout for the Week WEB ENHANCED ACTIVITIES: See class handout for the Week Week 15-16 1. LAB – Work on Final Project 2. Final Evaluation DISCUSSION TOPICS: None – Lab Only ASSIGNMENTS: Work on Final Project WEB ENHANCED ACTIVITIES: See class handout for the Week