Apr. 14

California State University San Marcos
College of Education, Health and Human Services
School of Education
Program Coordinators Graduate Programs Committee
MINUTES April 14, 2016
10:00-12:00 (KEL 5102)
Committee Members:
MM Cert.
MS-Mid Level
Single Subj
General Option MA
Student Services
Credential Analyst
Van Vooren
Ed Tech
JDP Director
Clinical Practice
Director SoE
Assessment Specialist
Associate Director
[ x] Yes, a quorum is present.
[ ] no quorum
Motion by - Rich and second – Freeborn
Approved: motion by – Elsbree and second - Heckman
Note taker: Laurie Stowell
Director’s report: Action/discussion items
Dean Powell notified the CAEP president about our decision to withdraw from the accreditation
agency. Our name is still on the roster of accredited institutions. Out of 130+ public and private
programs in the state, only 27 are NCATE or CAEP accredited.
Potential MA students can be eligible for a tuition-waiver. To receive resident tuition rates,
students must live in California for a full-year before they can receive those rates. The SOE was
unaware that we can apply for a reduced tuition rate for our non-resident candidates—for this
academic year, we have 59 units to distribute among these students. The number of units change
each year so this is an opportunity about which the SOE and Student Services in particular
should be aware. Nguyen and Shibata will notify affected students in the 15-16 program. Nguyen
will also email Lisa Bandong to verify whether this opportunity applies only to MA students or
to credential students as well who also take 500-level courses.
Osacar Caralampio—an ICP student—received the SOE outstanding student award.
Robert Allen—a Middle Level graduate—received the SOE outstanding alumni award.
Old Business
1. (Escalante) edTPA updates
Karne went to a TPA conference. Had a workshop Saturday and some students submitted on
Went to CalTPA conference and working to rewrite. CalTPA 2 – Pearson will be involved
$400. Centralized set of scorers. Unknown if there will be 1 task, 4 tasks. Cal TPA II will be
rolled out 18-19 statewide. Will be some field studies and pilot studies.
Design team – 75 people applied and 25 accepted and Karen was one.
(Landin) Assessment Updates
Kyle’s office has a File maker data base. For spring enrollment will send out rosters – please
check. Will send out this afternoon or tomorrow to all coordinators.
Kyle has to turn in assessment plans for M.A. and JDP. Report will be due once a year on
Oct 30. Still working to gather all data and get ahead of it. In Oct report on findings from
year before and provide plan for next year.
We could align data for university and CTC as much as possible. Kyle will look at CTC
template and send out to coordinators to see if we could use both.
CTC Biannual reports. Kyle passed out new cohort map with Indigo cohort activities. Every
year required to submit data (rather than every two years).
Over summer make sure have all data collected so program coordinators can look at data.
Last year used CTC template and it wasn’t very user friendly. Sounds like template is going
away. Do coordinators want to use template again.
We don't’ all have to do the same thing. Next biannual report due – when we’re in next
cycle. At this point just want data that is meaningful.
Kyle will send plans we said so we can look at the plan.
Ed Admin and Literacy has credentials so we hae to have report every fall. Anne Rene wants
draft of our M.A. report before we go on sabbatical.
Manuel: What we submitted for biannual report for accreditation visit worked. Maybe we
want to think about doing different things vs. all dong the same thing.
We do NOT have to turn in a biannual report next year, we’ll start submitting annual report –
basically what we submitted last year. When we know more about what CTC wants, we’ll
make adjustments. Kyle will build a template over summer so can see data.
Any changes to Kyle in next week or two so we can get changes in by end of this academic
year so we are ready for fall.
Kyle will automatically enroll all supervisors so they will be set up to evaluate for the next
Can we get access to our candidates Ed TPA data in Task Stream so we can run reports?
What data do we get back from Pearson? Can we compare our Professional Disposition data
to TPA data or do we have to re enter. Kyle could probably do that kind of analysis.
Title II ready to be submitted that Kyle compiled. (thank you!)
3. (Gonzalez) JDP update
Getting cohort 9 ready to graduate. Will send email to chairs to make sure they are ready to
walk through graduation. Several candidates are defending in May.
Between 9-11 candidates will march at commencement.
By tomorrow will have contact information if interested in serving as a chair or on a
committee for Cohort 11
4. (All) Evaluation forms for Clinical Practice
Carry over from last month.
Write our own evaluation forms.
Forms we are using have not been approved says the dean.
We will revisit our forms to make sure they work for us.
Coordinators will check in with supervisors to see if they have any input.
Align the language so useful in our program assessments.
New Business
1. (Rich/Landin/Daniels) Transition plan for MS/SS credential programs
CTC transition plan template. Kyle, Julie and Erika met to talk about this. Seems to be
manageable and asking good questions.
Attached to email Erika sent.
It’s a good planning tool
Submit to CTC in March 2017.
TPEs are being revised as well. Will be brought back to Commission in June for
approval. Want everyone to participate in validation study. An email will go out with an
invitation April 25.
After TPES are finalized CTC will offer a webinar
A small committee was formed as an oversight committee for all programs. Great to
have representation from variations of programs.
Ana heard the main revision was on TPE 7 on English Learners and we may be ahead of
that since we did rewrites.
It asks for major revision, minor revision or no revision.
Coordinators take a look at it and talk with one of coordinators.
Template attached to email with agenda and minutes. Review template.
Moses will send an email to everyone who might be interested in working on it and
making it their MAP.
2. (Shibata) Credential application numbers and MS numbers
numbers are:
Mid level 28 Applicants
Single Subjects – 110 applicants
Multiple subjects – 111 – consider 3 cohorts
Concurrent – 21
Add ons - growing. Now at 10+
Bilingual authorizations – 20
ICP – 24 (typically gain more in summer with transfers)
Andi suggests double checking with candidates – especially single subject. We may have
Looks like we’ll have 3 MS cohorts
Look at applicants and see where they are geographically.
Multiple subject conversation about which cohorts we keep
Process document for adding a school for cohorts to meet also has a process for withdrawing.
We need to finish that document.
3. (Elsbree) MA
a. Propose co-coordination. Anne Rene has sabbatical and Sinem has volunteered to
co-coordinate. Anne Rene will help her. Sinem will be lead for STEM cohort so
b. Choose dates for 2016-2017 poster sessions.
Dates have been chosen. Typically hae it the fourteenth week. Thursday Dec. 1.
Paperwork for electronic submission Dec. 8
Spring Postee Session: April 27 and submission date for paperwork follows that.
c. PSLO Assessment/Data collection
Collect data so can do analysis. Anne Rene would like to have a draft before
leaves for sabbatical. Specific things due in 602 and 622. Have not had faculty
consistent with having that data by our deadlines. Need to have that data.
d. Application numbers
ED Admin – 10
Gen Option – 16
Special Ed - 5
Conversation about goals of 622. Teach research methods or set up to write
Too many expectations for one course? Decide what to keep and take out.
What are our expectations for 622 as a program?
Online will have 100’s of students and 8 week courses and will need to think
about this
This semester’s dates: csusmedt
May 12 at noon.
Summer due Aug. 11 at noon.
Fall 2016: Dec. 8 at noon.
Anne Rene sent out chart with local universities and what they offer.
Proposed MAT - what does our competition look like?
Will discuss at Governance or retreat.
4. (Stowell) Professional dispositions for online courses
John Halcon and Robin Marion have taught online and done those assessments.
Set up virtual meeting to see how well they worked.
Jodi’s online certificate has assignments that look for specific things.
We might have specific assignments for the dispositions or spread them out through the
5. Retreat agenda items:
Looking at data and action plans
Bios on website
What reports do we do every year and the significance of those reports
Transition plans for SS and MS – start with program faculty
Revisit placing cohorts at school site policy and how we withdraw from a school site.
6. Website discussion: Carol – Could we discuss web pages? IB and Ed Admin changing
really fast and might be useful to learn about updates and so can all recruit. Maybe each
program could present at community council.
Notetakers for SPRING 2016
April 14 - Laurie
April 28 – Ana
May 12 – Anne Rene
Concurrent: In December got feedback they wouldn’t be able to stay at Twin Oaks because of
space. Began looking for new classroom home in Vista at VAPA. MOU signed.
Carol has been very much involved in IB training. They are looking forward to working with
them and tutoring, etc
Reconstruction in office suites:
Not enough money to do reconstruction in both pods in one year.
Two options: one pod and then other pod
Or do all carpet and painting one year and new furniture the next year
Discussion around where new faculty would go and how those decisions are made.
Thursday, April 28, 2016
Meeting adjourned at: