Value Engineering the Termination of the Blue River Flood Conveyance Channel Robert Prager, PE Strategic Value Solutions, Inc Independence, Missouri Alan Schlindwein, PE US Army Corps of Engineers Kansas City, Missouri June 14, 2012 US Army Corps of Engineers BUILDING STRONG® Battle of Westport AKA: The Gettysburg of the West BUILDING STRONG® The Real Brush Creek (after USACE project) BUILDING STRONG® st 1 & nd 2 Battles of the Big Blue at Byram’s Ford BUILDING STRONG® Byram’s Ford BUILDING STRONG® Blue River Flood Conveyance Channel 35,000 cfs Flood Control Channel New Bridges Remapping of Floodplain BUILDING STRONG® 3rd Battle of Byram’s Ford Concrete Grade Control Structure BUILDING STRONG® Proposed Grade Control Structure BUILDING STRONG® Byram’s Ford Industrial Park BUILDING STRONG® Stated Goals Prevent the headcutting at the battlefield location Limit maximum flood elevation to preproject conditions Control velocity upstream to manage scour along the riverbanks BUILDING STRONG® Design The structure was designed to stop headcutting and control flood elevations upstream to pre-project conditions which in turn aided in managing scour at the battlefield location and along the riverbanks by controlling velocity. BUILDING STRONG® Externalities Construction of the grade control structure would affect the channel upstream of this project and create pre-project conditions, i.e., flooding in areas that had not experienced flooding since the channel project began would now be flooded again. BUILDING STRONG® BUILDING STRONG® BUILDING STRONG® The Value Ah Ha! Functions The current flood levels can be maintained to limit maximum flood elevation to below pre-project 100% conditions Grade controls can be distributed along the river rather than at a concrete waterfall 0% Perfection Best Value Poor Value Cost BUILDING STRONG® BUILDING STRONG® Stated Goals PROTECT THE CHANNEL PRESERVE THE BATTLEFIELD By Mimicking Natural Processes BUILDING STRONG® Work with River Continuum Riffle Pool Sequence Place at end of Bend BUILDING STRONG® River Profile - Newbury & Proposed GCS 820 810 Ground 800 100yr bridges low flow 790 780 770 760 750 740 730 720 54000 59000 64000 69000 74000 79000 BUILDING STRONG® Grade Control at KC Zoo BUILDING STRONG® Rock Grade Control Structure BUILDING STRONG® 2000 cfs flow BUILDING STRONG® BUILDING STRONG®