Introduction and Purpose of the Program Review The Arizona Board of Regents (ABOR) Policy Number 2-225 requires programs not accredited by an external accrediting body to conduct a review of each program at least once every 7 years. Each review is to include a self-study conducted by administrators and faculty within the program. The purpose of the academic program review is to assist NAU to improve programs, guide appropriation of state resources, guide decisions to reduce duplication and eliminate unproductive programs, assist the Board with addressing budget requests, and identifying outstanding programs for special recognition. The external review team is selected to provide an objective appraisal of the programs. This includes a review of the physical and fiscal resources; quality of the faculty and staff, including scholarly productivity; student performance; and outcomes of the program, including the level of degree productivity. As of 2011, programs at Northern Arizona University College of Education (NAU CoE) that lead to P-12 licensure or certification are accredited by the National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE). The programs will be submitting mid-cycle reports to NCATE in March 2014, and a full review will occur in Fall 2017. In the future, these programs will be reviewed by the Council for Accreditation of Education Programs (CAEP). The College of Education offers several programs that are not reviewed by NCATE/CAEP. Three of the programs are in the Department of Educational Psychology (e.g., Ph.D. in Educational Psychology-emphasis in Counseling Psychology, M.Ed. Counseling-Student Affairs, and M.Ed. Human Relations). These programs were reviewed under ABOR policy in 2010. The CoE offers programs that do not lead to certification in the departments of Educational Leadership, Educational Specialties, and Teaching and Learning. The targeted programs for the current ABOR review are as follows: 1. B.S. Ed. in Consumer and Technical Education (Educational Specialties department) 2. M.Ed. in Consumer and Technical Education (Educational Specialties department) 3. M.Ed. in Special Education-Non-certification (Educational Specialties department) 4. M.Ed. in Educational Leadership – School Leadership K-12 Emphasis 5. M.Ed. in Educational Leadership - Educational Foundations 6. M.Ed. in Educational Leadership – Community College/Higher Education 7. Ed.D. in Educational Leadership – Community College/Higher Education 8. M. Ed. in Early Childhood (Teaching & Learning department) 9. M. Ed. In Elementary-Continuing (Teaching & Learning department) 10. M. Ed. in Secondary-Continuing (Teaching & Learning department) 11. Ed.D. in Curriculum & Instruction (Teaching & Learning department) Structure of the Program Reports This report begins with an overview of Northern Arizona University and the College of Education. This section includes an update of new developments in the various programs since the self-study reports were written. It also includes a summary of guiding questions we hope to address with the Reviewers at the site visit. Next the Reviewers will find a self-study report for each of the 11 targeted programs. Each self-study includes program description and brief history. Next, background information is provided, including admission rates, program enrollment, graduation rates, program diversity data, and other relevant information. The self-study section provides the program faculty’s response to the following questions: What is the relationship of the program to the NAU mission and strategic goals? What is the quality of the program (e.g., evidence of effectiveness and innovation; scholarly productivity; assessment of student learning outcomes and student success; student mentoring and research activity; student/alumni survey feedback; coordinator/advisor survey results)? What does the program contribute to the region, state, or local community? What are the program’s strategic plans for the future for students, faculty/staff, the program, and the delivery system? Finally, each department has provided appendices with details regarding the Cline Library resources, faculty curriculum vitaes, faculty scholarship summary, and student scholarship summary (if relevant). The Appendices file includes several subfiles including curriculum vitaes for all faculty involved in these programs, recent dissertations, grants, library resources, program of studies, and faculty publication and presentation summaries.