HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE Biol 2401, Anatomy & Physiology I Fall 2011, CRN# 55406 Instructor Information Name: Dr. Fay Magnusson Contact Information: email at fay.magnusson@hccs.edu. Emails will be returned the same or the next working day. Pre-requisites : BIOL 1406 (General Biology I) highly recommended Course objectives and description: Topics studied here are the structure and function of human cells, tissues, and organ systems including integumentary, skeletal, musculature, and nervous systems. The objective of this course is to give the students the basic knowledge of human anatomy and physiology, especially those entering applied health sciences. Instructional Materials Textbook: Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology, Ninth Edition, by Martini/Nath/Bartholomew. Laboratory Manual: Human Anatomy and Physiology I Laboratory Manual, Fourth edition, Ed. By Wagle, J.R., and Johnson-Murray, J., 2010 Lecture: Lab: Tuesday 11:30 - 2:30 p.m. (LHSB 314) Thursday 11:30 - 2:30 p.m. (LHSB 312) 16-week Course Schedule* Week Ch Topics 1 1 An introduction to Anatomy and Physiology 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 4 5 1, 3, 4 6 7, 8 5, 6, 7 9, 10 10, 11 8, 9, 10 12 13 11,12,13 14, 15 15 16 16, 17 14-17 The tissue level of organization The Integumentary System First lecture exam Osseous tissue and bone structure The Axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton Second lecture exam Articulations, Muscle tissue Muscle tissue, The Muscular System Third lecture exam Neural Tissue The Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves and Spinal Reflexes Fourth lecture exam The Brain and the Cranial Nerves, Somatic nervous system Autonomic nervous system, The special senses FINAL EXAM Laboratory exercises **Chapter 3 1. Microscopes and the Cell 2. Anatomical Terminology 3. Tissues 4. Integumentary System 5-6. The skeletal System- basic& axial 7. The skeletal System- axial 8. Joints First lab exam 9. Muscle structure 9. Muscle structure 10. Muscle Physiology 11. Spinal cord, Spinal nerves 12. Brain and Cranial nerves 13. Special senses Second lab exam ** Lecture in the lab * The instructor reserves the right to make changes in this syllabus to accommodate unforeseen circumstances. You will be informed of these changes within reasonable time period. Grade Computation: 4 Lecture exams (out of 5 lowest one to be dropped) Lab Practical exams Lab participation and reports Quizzes Online assignments Total 400 points (46%) 200 points (24%) 50 points (6%) 100 pts (12%) 100 points (12%) 850 (100%) A = 90-100% B = 80-89% C = 70-79% D = 60-69% F= below 60% 1. Lecture and lab exams: - Lecture exams will consist of multiple choice, true-false, matching, and short answer questions. Lecture exams will be based only on the material that has been covered in class. Students are responsible for bringing their own scantron to lecture exams. No lecture exam can be taken without a scantron. - The final exam is not comprehensive. It is same as any other lecture exam, on the material covered during the last section of the semester. - One lecture exam (out of five) with the lowest score will be dropped. If, for whatever reason, you miss one exam, that exam will automatically become your drop exam. If, for whatever reason, you miss a second exam, it will be counted as a zero score. - Lab exams will be practical exam where stations will be set up in the lab. You will move from station to station answering specific questions. The two laboratory exams are mandatory. - There will be extra credit questions in every exam. However, you can only get a maximum of 100 points on each exam. - If, for whatever reason, you are late for a lecture or a lab exam, you will be allowed to take the exam as long as nobody else has completed the exam and left the room. Also, you will get only the remaining time to take your exam. NO MAKE-UP EXAM WILL BE GIVEN 2. Lab reports: - In lab, you will work in pairs and submit one lab report for the pair with the two names on top of it. Therefore, the 2 students working in a pair will both receive the same grade. Pairs do not have to remain the same throughout the semester. - Lab reports can only be submitted at the end of the lab period. If you miss a lab, you will not be able to submit the lab report and will lose the points for that particular lab. - Pairs are allowed to help each other for the completion of the lab reports however NO copying will be allowed. If 2 lab reports are found to have the exact same answers and there has been obvious copying, points will be given to neither of the lab reports. Points may be given even if the answers are wrong so it is better to have wrong answers than copied answers. 3. Quizzes: - Quizzes will be given at the start of every lab period (except the exam days), promptly at 11: 30 am. If you come in late you will miss the assigned quiz for that day (NO EXCEPTION). The quizzes will be based on the introduction of the lab exercise (in the lab manual) that will be performed that day. - During the semester, you will take 13 quizzes altogether and the top 10 grades will be taken into consideration. 4. Online assignments: - You will take 5 open book online assignments during the semester, each worth 20 points. These assignments are given through Pearson Edition’s mastering A&P website: www.masteringaandp.com - You MUST have an access code in order to take these assignments. Each access code is linked to one student so you cannot share access codes. Access codes come with the book package when you buy it from the bookstore. You can also purchase an access code online with or without the ebook. - The first assignment “introduction to mastering A&P” is designed to help you understand the various types of question you will find taking the assignments and how to answer them. It does not contain any question related to A&P. - The assignments will be made available to you only for a limited period of time and you will be able to submit the assignment only once. There will be a due date for each assignment. You will not be able to view or submit the assignment after the due date and will thus lose the points for that assignment. - You will be notified in due time when each assignment will be available, what the due date will be and which chapter(s) it will cover. 5. Extra credit: - Some online assignments will be given for extra credit through the mastering A&P website. You will be informed of specifics in due time. - The brief summary of a scientific article that you have chosen may be submitted for an extra credit of 10 points. The deadline for sending the summary along with the article (by email or handing in a hard copy during class) is December 9. NO submission will be accepted after December 9. The article has to be from a legitimate newspaper or journal and concerning some aspect of Medicine, Biology or related field. The article has to have been published in the year 2011. The article has to report NEW findings and be at least SIX paragraphs long. If the article you chose is not a legitimate scientific article and does not meet the requirements stated above, I may not allow it and ask for a different article if time allows for a resubmission. Thus it is wise to send me the article you chose prior to sending the summary in order to verify legitimacy. Here are a few websites from which you can find articles. You may use other sources as long as they are scientific and legitimate. www.medpagetoday.com www.nsf.gov/news/ http://health.yahoo.com/ www.nsf.gov/discoveries/index.jsp?prio_area=3 www.Sciencenews.org http://my.webmd.com www.Reutershealth.com http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/default.stm · Journals: many of these have websites as well as hard copy versions · Texas Medical Center News http://www.texmedctr.tmc.edu/root/en/TMCServices/News/IssueContents.htm · N.E. Journal of Medicine http://content.nejm.org/ J.A.M.A. (Journal of the American Medical Association) http://jama.ama-assn.org/ · Science http://www.sciencemag.org/ · Nature http://www.nature.com/ · Scientific American http://www.scientificamerican.com/ Rules and Regulations: 1. Textbook and Laboratory Manual are required. 2. Course repeat Policy: Students who repeat a course for a third or more time will be charged a tuition/fee increase of $50/credit/hour at HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask your instructor / counselor about opportunities for tutoring / other assistance prior to considering course withdrawal or if you are not receiving passing grades. 3. Disability statement: Any student with a documented disability (e.g. physicial, learning, psychiatric, vision, hearing, etc.) who needs to arrange reasonable accommodations must contact the Disability Services Office at Central College, Room 106 LHSB, (713) 718-6164. Faculty is only authorized to provide accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. 4. Class attendance is required. Attendance will be given only if you attend full class period. Students with four or more unexcused absences may result in administrative withdrawal. Students are responsible for all subject matter covered during their absence(s). If you decide to stop attending my class, it is your responsibility to withdraw from the class. The last day to withdraw is November 3. 5. Official Withdrawal Policy: An Instructor will no longer give any student a grade of “W” after the official drop date (4/21/11 for Spring 2011). The Texas Legislature passed a law limiting first time entering freshmen to no more than SIX total course withdrawals throughout their educational career in obtaining a certificate and/or degree. 6. Smoking, eating, or drinking is NOT allowed in the class or lab. 7. During the class, pagers and cell phones must be on the silent mode or turned off. 8. You must read the lab safety rules before doing any of the lab exercises. Every student must sign the lab safety release form. 9. Dissection of preserved animals is required in this course. 10. CHEATING IS NOT PERMITTED. If it occurs, the student may receive a zero for the exam or a grade of F in the course. 11. Examinations will be designed to judge the following intellectual competencies in the students: reading, writing, listening, critical thinking, and computer literacy. 12. Grades will not be posted at anytime during the semester. You may contact me to find out about your status at any time during the semester. At the end of the semester, after the information has been entered in the computer system you can check your final grade on the HCCS web site: www.hccs.edu. The HCC system office will no longer mail the transcripts to you. Important Dates: 8/30 Last Day for Drop/Add/Swap 9/5 Labor Day - Holiday 11/24-27 Thanksgiving Holiday 11/3 by 4:30 pm Last Day for Administrative and Student Withdrawal 12/11 Instruction Ends 12/23 Grades available to students RESOURCES AVAILABLE TO YOU: 1. Free tutoring will be available in LHSB 313. 2. FREE Online Tutoring for all HCC Students! Registration is simple: ►Go to www.hccs.askonline.net 3. For lecture support, Pearson Edition’s online study area through mastering A&P website: pre-tests, downloadable Mp3 tutor sessions, animations, post-tests 4. For additional time to review lab material, open labs will be arranged at specific time during the semester. 5. A VERY helpful site for laboratory review is the LAB STUDY PAGES: to access the lab study pages, go to www.hccs.edu > Central college > Programs Academic Transfer > Biology & Physical Sciences > Biology> Lab Study Pages. 6. Textbooks and videotapes are available in the reserve section of the library. 7. Biology department’s web site to access information posted by all biology instructors, http://central.hccs.edu/central/academic-transfer 8. Biology Computer laboratory: RM LHSB 415 – to access publisher’s web site and other related course material. 9. Academic Advisor, Ms. Sheila Villegas (713-718-6131). 10. To receive my assistance: you can contact me during the class period. My Office hours are flexible, so an appointment must be made. You can email me at fay.magnusson@hccs.edu. Have a GREAT SEMESTER and please remember to see me if any questions arise.