Club & Organization Manual Dave Eng Director of Student Activities and the Student Center St. Thomas Aquinas College 125 Route 340 Sparkill, NY 10976-1041 Ph: (845) 398-4084 Fx: (845) 398-4151 Gv: (845) 402-0364 Romano Student Alumni Center St. Thomas Aquinas College Student Activities Office Mission Statement: The Student Activities Office is a student-centered department dedicated to individual and organizational development. We strive for student empowerment, accountability, effective planning, and communication. We provide the resources, guidance, and support to enhance student achievements and activities. In addition to serving the interests of the college community, our goal is to create a college experience that is more vibrant and purposeful through both co-curricular and extra-curricular experiential learning opportunities. Focus Areas: Advising Student Clubs and Organization’s officers and members Student Clubs and Organization’s advisors Special Programs and Initiatives Orientation (New Students, Parents and Transfers) Family Weekend Oktoberfest Springfest Thursdays in Black Welcome Week Senior Week Other Partnership Activities with Various Offices and Departments Leadership and Recognition LEAD (Student Leadership Series) 1-3 Conferences Retreats Student Recognition Efforts Overall Management Fiscal Management Assessment and Reports Clubs and Organizations (Maintenance of Status and Discipline) General Information Clubs and Organization In an academic environment student clubs and organizations exist to meet social and educational needs, which may not be fully realized inside or outside your field of study. These groups provide the opportunity to share experiences with other students of various backgrounds and to develop leadership skills. Clubs and organizations help forge a well-rounded education and act as a means to learn, share and socialize. The Student Activities Office contributes to this goal by promoting programs that enhance the emotional, intellectual, physical, occupational, recreational, and spiritual development of students. Clubs and organizations also enhance college life and add another dimension to the learning experience outside the classroom, including leadership and organizational development. The Student Government Association All recognized clubs and organizations fall under the jurisdiction of the Student Government Association (SGA). The SGA is the elected representative student body of the campus and is responsible for creating many of the policymaking decisions that affect clubs, organizations and student life. All clubs and organizations approved through the SGA are responsible to abide by its policies and decisions. In order to maintain active status, the SGA and the Student Activities Office must recognize all student groups. Club Constitution In addition to respecting those rules legislated by the SGA and the Student Activities Office, each organization is bound to abide by the by-laws of its own constitution. The constitution defines the club’s purpose and provides an outline of its operational procedures and methods of transition from one executive officer board member to the next. Since the constitution provides for club identity, it should be studied carefully and regularly amended to reflect the organization changes and club’s growth. It is the responsibility of a club’s leadership to take special interest in their constitution to ensure that it addresses the club’s present needs and anticipated future growth. Organizational Officers Officers are traditionally defined as President, Vice President, Secretaries and Treasurers and others defined by a student organization’s charter or constitution, as the leaders of an organization. This includes all editorial or managerial positions for student media groups. The following policies must be adhered to: 1. A cumulative GPA of a 2.25 or better must be maintained by a student holding an office and a 2.0 for general members. Those officers who fall below these requirements, but who are above 2.0 GPA, will be on probation until the end of the term. In order to determine eligibility, all GPA’s will be checked at the beginning of each semester. 2. No student is permitted to hold office his/her first semester of attendance at St. Thomas Aquinas College with exceptions of transfer students and the Freshman Class Board. 3. Students who are elected or appointed to an office must be full-time students. The Student Activities Office must approve exceptions. 4. Students who do no have a minimum GPA of a 2.0 will not be allowed to sit on any college committee. Obligations of a Club/Organization In addition to pursuing its goals and fulfilling the needs of its membership, every organization shares the following responsibilities: 1. Respect the rights and traditions of other clubs and organizations. 2. Aim to improve student life at STAC. 3. To abide by the rules set forth by the Student Activities Office and the Student Government Association. 4. File a constitution with the Student Government Association and the Student Activities Office. This constitution must be updated every year. 5. To maintain a membership of at least five (5) registered undergraduate students. 6. To have a faculty or staff advisor and keep that individual informed of all club endeavors and activities. The organization must notify the advisor regarding the place and time of each meeting and consult him/her with any concerns that arise within the organization. The president should also meet regularly with the advisor to discuss the affairs of the group. STAC Program Planning Goal setting and advance planning are the keys to the effectiveness of a student organization. If a group sets goals and plans for its activities, members will have a sense of purpose. Long range planning will help make the events and activities go smoothly and allow everyone to enjoy participating. Plans need to be made by the group, not just by the leader. All plans should be reviewed by the entire membership to increase the commitment of the members and to prevent misunderstandings. Step by Step Planning Process 1. IDENTIFY WHAT YOU WANT TO DO AND WHAT YOU WANT FOR OUTCOMES What is the outcome to be expected: knowledge, strengthened group ties recruitment, or accomplishment of specific tasks? Who is participating in the activity? What type of activity will help you achieve your intended outcomes? 2. IDENTIFY WHAT ARRANGEMENTS MAY BE NECESSARY What resources should be obtained? What facilities should be secured? What special arrangements are required? 3. IDENTIFY THE COLLEGE PROCEDURES TO BE OBSERVED Fill out Event Planning Forms and Budget Request Form. Is there anything in the activity which violates college policy? All events should be planned at least three (3) weeks in advance. 4. IDENTIFY THE FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS What is the cost? What are the sources? How will the event be financed? Will the group pay all the expenses? Are all contracts filled out and submitted? Will participants be charged admission? 5. ARRANGE PUBLICITY FOR THE EVENT All publicity should be out at least two (2) weeks in advance! How will flyers, posters and handouts be distributed? Will media be used? Will personal communication be used (written invites, information booths, etc.?) 6. CHECK OUT ALL ARRANGEMENTS PRIOR TO THE ACTUAL TIME OF THE ACTIVITY Are facilities and arrangements adequate? Are resources there, such as overhead projector, etc..? Who is in charge during the activity? Who is in charge of cleanup? 7. EVALUATE THE ACTIVITY AFTER IT IS COMPLETED WITH CLUB/ORGAIZATION MEMBERSHIP Was planning adequate and were goals realized? What recommendations are there for the follow-up or a repeat next year? Did group members meet expectations? 8. COMPLETE THE FOLLOW-UP AND EVALUATION Are the bills paid? Were participants thanked? Were resources returned?