November 15, 2012 

Commission on Disability Access and Design
M e e t i n g M i n u t e s
Thursday November, 15th 2012
1:00-2:30, Havasupai C, University Union
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of minutes from October 18th meeting
Cultural Mapping Project
-The Council for Equity and Inclusion has been formed
-Commission co-chairs representatives
-CM led by CED and Christine Lemley
-Report given to Dr. Camacho
-Desire for feedback (academic approach?)
-Report identified groups that feel “unsafe”
-only faculty and staff in initial report (conducted over summer)
-startegic sample of 186 people (~90 in initial report)
-Is there a need for outside 3rd party to conduct “climate survey”?
-relieves concerns of objectivity/bias
-Do same concerns arise on other campuses?
-Not meant to be academic.
-Meant to catch a glimpse of feelings of people on campus
-A need to be upfront about focus and intent on report (limitations?)
Relationship between Strategic and Long-term Plans?
-There is a relationship
-Strategic Plan is a year-to-year plan about NAU’s next efforts
-Long-term Plan is a 5-year plan about past, present, and future of NAU
Other Business
a. Reflections on Cultural Mapping
-To Dr. Camacho by end of semester
PO Box 4142
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4142
(928) 523-0708 (fax)
b. Geodesign studio partnership institute (Chris)
-1st phase of investigation submitted
-Room 117 in SBS-west (former call-center)
-Geography Planning & Recreation Department
-Environmental Design bachelors in planning stage
-Environmental Research & Design Institute
-Possibility of outside funding
-grant came with $2500 stipend for support on conference expense
-potential for grants for equipment, software, etc.
c. Standing items for agenda?
-Project Statuses
d. Long-range Planning Committee
-tried to identify changes to Long-term Plan
-feedback needed (don’t know where technology will be in 2025)
e. Follow-up on Project Status
-Meeting for Jamie and Matt to look at floorplans
-tiered lecture hall vs. universal design
-design development
-is planning addressing the future of teaching?
-If not, look to change (i.e., like in Phoenix)
f. NAU Diversity Awards date, April
g. Le Derick Horn, March 6th
h. Chris and Jamie’s presentation was a success
Next Meeting: December 20
PO Box 4142
Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4142
(928) 523-0708 (fax)