December 18, 2014


Commission on Disability Access and Design


Thursday, December 18, 2014

1:00-2:30 pm, University Union, Havasupai C

MeetMe line: (928) 523-6629


Call to Order 1:06 p.m. a.

Approval of November minutes


Finalize strategic goals a.

Collaboration seems to generate the most excitement from members i.

Work with other commissions – Jamie working with Season Ellison, CSW co-chair ii.

Jody will spearhead continued collaboration with engineering – hopefully they will know if they get their grant early in the spring semester


Matthew W. is also interested in working with engineering iii.

Athletics – continue to build on connections that have been made


Invite athletes to participate in adaptive sport exhibitions and clinics iv.

Rec services – Jamie and Lauren are working with them to bring a seated volleyball clinic in February


Caitlin and her husband are interested in bringing more adaptive sport opportunities to Flagstaff v.

Chris is working on putting together a Productive Beginnings group through Faculty Development


This could be university wide


Jason has expressed interest in this type of work as well vi.

Matthew W. is working with the NAU debate team. Their coach is interested in collaborating again vii.

Collaborations with CAL’s film series b.

Uniform definition of diversity i.

Matthew W. will work on a summary by the end of the spring semester.


From this we can create a clear focused message about its importance ii.

Talk to Tom Uno about creating a summary supporting disability studies in the current diversity requirements iii.

These documents can be shared with the Council on Equity and Inclusion to be discussed as a potential issue to be moved forward c.

Hard money support for the disability minor

PO Box 4142 Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4142 (928) 523-0708 (fax)


The commission needs to have a better understanding of how IHD is structured and what they need – how is it funded currently? ii.

This will need to go through the provost’s office iii.

We will need to argue the benefit to the university and why IHD can’t continue to support it. d.

Conference on disability i.

Jamie was contacted about holding a conference on autism spectrum


Consensus that we’d like to do this. Jamie will let the group know


We can invite K-12 and other universities to participate – Jody will talk to her colleagues at the U of A. ii.

Pam would like to see a conference call with other universities organized to see what they are doing around disability and access


Invite President Cheng to a commission meeting a.

Potential questions for President Cheng i.

How do you define disability?


Do you see disability as a part of diversity? ii.

Questions about access:


Accessibility assessment (mapping project) – can we get the funding? ($190,000 for first phase)


Accessibility across campus and inside buildings iii.

Discuss the MOU between CDAD and Facility Services iv.

What does she see as the role of technology moving forward? How do we balance the promise with the barriers that technology also presents? At commencement she mentioned barriers to technology, what does she mean? v.

Currently, the disability minor is supported by IHD. Can the funding be moved to the provost’s office for more support?


2015 events – ADA Heritage Project a.

Lauren will work on having pop-up banners created for the history of disability timeline to be ready for display in fall 2015


Other Business a.

Ann Kirkpatrick will be coming to Matthew’s class next year b.

Agnes provided a construction update c.

TASH members won an award for their poster presentation at the national conference i.

CDAD will send the students a letter of recognition

Adjourn 2:14 p.m.

PO Box 4142 Flagstaff, AZ 86011-4142 (928) 523-0708 (fax)
