Fall 2012 HCC Painting Syllabus.doc

Course Syllabus
Painting I
ARTS 2316
Semester with Course Reference Number (CRN)
Fall 2012 ARTS 23
Instructor contact information (phone number and email address)
Office Location and Hours
RM 124- Felix Mora
Mon. & Wed. 230p
Course Location/Times
RM 112- Felix Mora
Meet: Tues. & Thur
Course Semester Credit Hours (SCH) (lecture, lab) If applicable
Credit Hours:
Lecture Hours:
Laboratory Hours:
External Hours:
Total Course Contact Hours
Course Length (number of weeks)
Type of Instruction
Course Description:
A studio course wh
composition, subje
We will focus on th
understand the exc
objects in basic stil
where formal liberti
assignments and le
will learn to commu
critically during our
class will be enjoya
know more about p
Course Prerequisite(s)
Academic Discipline/CTE Program Learning Outcomes
1. (level 1, knowled
accountability, artis
production and in w
Values Statement.)
others Be true to th
Love of learning Op
2. (level 3, applicat
technological socie
a 4 year B.F.A. pro
profession. Problem
3. (level 4, analysis
skills and/or art his
Schools of Art – NA
and materials Pres
is the result of prac
(figure, landscape,
4. (level 5, synthes
responsibility to suc
faculty and others.)
skills Display and p
things matter. Team
Innovation Having
most value Persiste
zone Interpersonal
5. (level 6, evaluati
theories, elements,
in their own work a
Association of Scho
of design Drawing
professional Know
lasting or sustained
6. (level 6, evaluati
standards of their f
and others.) Oppos
Keeping one's word
corner cutting Resp
ordinary things, ma
others Value self-le
experience with fac
and attainment Dis
educational activitie
success as the sati
Course Student Learning Outcomes (SLO): 4 to 7
1. (Level 2) Identify
principles of design
2. (Level 3) Demon
exhibition quality.
3. (Level 5) Produc
possibilities of cour
4. (Level 6) Select
Learning Objectives (Numbering system should be linked to SLO - e.g., 1.1, 1.2,
1.3, etc.)
(Level 2) Identify,
principles of desig
1. Identify the form
2. Compare formal
3. Compare princip
4. Contrast formal e
5. Contrast principl
6. Comprehend all
example, analytic o
7. Express sub-cat
(Level 3) Demons
exhibition quality.
1. Produce exhibitio
2. Prepare entry lab
3. Present complet
4. Select an artwor
5. Participate in the
(Level 5) Produce
expressive possib
1. Safely participate
handling of tools, s
2. Organize the for
3. Establish artistic
4. Summarize artis
5. Judge course pr
6. Write 1000 word
essays, research p
7. Cultivate form an
8. Synthesize paint
(Level 6) Select an
1. Summarize the f
2. Select the princip
3. Critique the work
4. Self-critique artis
5. Verify form and c
Course Objectives:
1. To find comfort
2. To develop con
3. To see the man
4. To be able to vi
5. To be able to di
SCANS and/or Core Curriculum Competencies: If applicable
Core Curriculum
No Learning Outco
Instructional Methods
Face to Face
Student Assignments
(Level 2) Identify,
principles of desig
No assignments se
(Level 3) Demons
exhibition quality.
No assignments se
(Level 5) Produce
expressive possib
No assignments se
(Level 6) Select an
No assignments se
Student Assessment(s)
Instructor's Requirements
Program/Discipline Requirements: If applicable
Description of Co
Painting I is a cours
techniques, includin
knowledge of gess
explored. The fabr
demonstrated. Usi
discuss their work,
Course Purpose
This course presen
common to various
medium. Students
issues in the field o
examine the interde
Objectives and Re
By the end of the s
above will have dem
Complete a
Attend clas
Arrive at cl
Exhibit safe
Be prepare
Complete a
HCC Grading Scale:
Instructor Grading Criteria
Instructional Materials
and/or proj
Complete a
Complete a
Complete a
A = 100- 90
B = 89 - 80:
C = 79 - 70:
D = 69 - 60:
59 and below = F
FX (Failure due to n
IP (In Progress)
W (Withdrawn)
I (Incomplete)
AUD (Audit)
IP (In Progress) is gi
enroll to receive cred
education courses. T
points by the total nu
"I" do not affect GPA
See "Health Science
15%-Attendance/ R
15%-Discussion/ C
20%-Situational an
30%-Final Assignm
Textbooks required
HCC Policy Statement:
Access Student Services Policies on their Web site:
EGLS3 -- Evaluation for Greater Learning Student Survey System
At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching
term, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of research-based questions related to instruction. The anony
professors and department chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston
Distance Education and/or Continuing Education Policies
Access DE Policies on their Web site:
Access CE Policies on their Web site: