CCJ485 Media Research Application Dr. Stephanie Williams Fall 2014 – Spring 2015

CCJ485 Media Research Application
Dr. Stephanie Williams
Fall 2014 – Spring 2015
This research project study will allow students to participate in various stages (or all stages) of research
assessing the impact of media portrayals of crime and justice on the viewing public.
Students have the option of enrolling for one semester, or for the full year project. Depending on the
length of involvement, students have the option of being involved in every stage of the research process:
 creation of goals and research questions
 literature review
 selection of media clips to use in the field interviews
 training students on interview techniques
 creating coding sheets
 conducting field interviews
 coding interviews
 analyzing data
 writing papers
 presenting findings.
All students will be required to write two papers, one reflective and one analytic, during the course of
each semester. Students will also be graded on their participation in the activities in which they agree to
in their contract.
Below is a short application. Upon approval, a CCJ485/697 contract will be created in order to establish
the goals and responsibilities to which we both agree. Students may take the course for a letter grade, or
for P/F.
Name: _______________________
NAU Id: ______________________
NAU GPA: ____________________
Credit Hours Completed: ________
Credit Hours you will be enrolled while conducting research: _______
Please answer the questions below, to the best of your ability. We can formalize details more, at a later
1. Do you think you would be more likely to participate for one semester, or for the full year?
2. Based on the project description above are there any stages of the research process that you are
not interested in?
3. What do you consider to be your greatest asset, contribution to this research project?
4. Are you interested in presenting your work on the research project at a symposium, conference,
or brown bag event?
5. Upon approval of your application, are you ready to commit to the project (enroll in the course)?