HOUSTON COMMUNITY COLLEGE SYLLABUS DRAM1351 CRN51457 Fall, 2011 FAC112, M6-10 INSTRUCTOR: Kathleen Knight (713)718-6614 (713)718-6600 (832)752-3898 Kathleen.knight@hccs.edu COURSE DESCRIPTION: Acting 1 DRAM 1351 An introduction to the challenges of internal acting techniques, the creation of visual images, reaction to stimulus, vocal projection and articulation, physical exercises for flexible body, improvisation, the creation of the inner life of the character, and solo and scene work. Theater attendance and/or assistance in college drama productions required. 3 credits (2 lecture,2 lab). This is a core curriculum course. DRAM 1351 fulfills the basic intellectual competencies for core courses including reading, writing, speaking, listening critical thinking, and computer literacy. RECOMMENDED TEXT: Acting One by Robert Cohen (fifth edition) 1 STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: Identify discuss and practice the physical, intellectual and psychological skills required to act in a stage production Analyze your physical and voice type with the help of the instructor Define and apply theater terminology (mid-term exam) Prepare, rehearse, and memorize two monologues and one scene (with a partner) One monologue will be chosen with one scene to be performed as your final before an audience. Break down the text, and score the movements to create a convincing character Exhibit clear and accurate vocal and movement skills using text and gesture analysis COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Actively participate in class: Attend 2 stage play productions and write a one page (typed) critique with the program. Memorize your monologues and scenes Rehearse your scenes with your scene partner Perform monologues and scenes for your final in Theatre One before a live audience. This will be Dec. 12@ 7:00p. 2 GRADING: A = 90 -100 Play reports 20% B = 80 -89 Class Participation 30% C = 70 -79 Final Performance 50% D= 60 – 69 F= 0 -50 WITHDRAWAL POLICY: Excessive absences (12.5%) can result in administrative withdrawal or the student can withdraw with a “W” grade. If the student wishes to withdraw, the deadline for that is November 3 (4:30 P.M.) That can be accomplished online without having to see a faculty member. Faculty are no longer allowed to assist a student by withdrawing the student at the student’s request for reasons other than excessive absences. When a student attempts an online withdrawal request, he/she is referred to information that informs him/her of possible consequences the student may encounter through the withdrawal request. If a student is unable to withdraw online (i.e.the online withdrawal transaction was not allowed), the reason may be due to the student exceeding the “6 Drop Rule,” or the reason may be that the class is linked to another class in a co-requisite circumstance. In such a case, the student should be referred to counseling for advising. If the withdrawal is allowable but not doable by the student online (such as a learning community), registration staff may assist the student in withdrawing the class for the student. If action is not taken the result will be an “F” (poor 3 performance) or the new final grade of “FX” to students who stopped attending class. The instructor will not be allowed the option of submitting a grade change form changing the grade of “FX” (or “F”) to “W”, if the student stopped attending class SCHOLASTIC DISHONESTY: Houston Community College defines “scholastic dishonesty” as: cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. Penalties for academic dishonesty at HCCS include, but are not limited to, “O” on the test of assignment in question, or “F” in the course. DISABILITY DISCLAIMER: Students who require reasonable accommodation for disabilities are encouraged to call 713-718-6164 or FAX (713) -718-6179 to make necessary arrangements. Faculty only are authorized to provide accommodations requested by the Disability Support Services Office. INSURANCE DISCLAIMER: The Fine Arts Department at Central College strongly recommends that all HCCS students carry some form of medical insurance to cover illness and injury, both on the off campus. Information regarding low-cost health insurance for students is available in the Fine arts office regarding liability, accident or injury. 4 CLASSROOM RULES: No cell phones, gum chewing, excessive chatter, or children in the classroom. EVALUATION FOR GREATER LEARNING STUDENT SURVEY SYSTEM – EGLS3 At Houston Community College, professors believe that thoughtful student feedback is necessary to improve teaching and learning. During a designated time, you will be asked to answer a short online survey of researchbased questions related to instruction. The anonymous results of the survey will be made available to your professors and division chairs for continual improvement of instruction. Look for the survey as part of the Houston Community College Student System online near the end of the term. This will replace the paper SEOI, Student Evaluation of Instruction. COURSE DUPLICATION: Students who repeat a course three or more times may soon face significant tuition/fee increases a HCC and other Texas public colleges and universities. Please ask me or a counselor about opportunities for tutoring or other assistance prior to withdrawing from the course, or if you are not receiving passing grades. ACADEMIC ADVISEMENT: Advisement concerning specific Fine Arts courses and degree plans for Drama and Music) is available to you during the academic semester. Please sign up in the Fine 5 Arts office, FAC 101, to speak to a full time instructor in your area of interest. All students are encouraged to sign up for the Fine Arts Newsletters: www.centralfinearts.info CLASS SCHEDULE AND CALENDAR: AUG. 29 – Introductions, syllabi, warm-up exercises and monologue assignments. SEPT. 5 – Labor Day Holiday (No class!) SEPT. 12 – Discussion of local theatre events, warmups, improvisation exercises, pass out the GOTE sheet, Discuss character analysis. Begin monologues. SEPT. 19 – MONOLOGUES MUST BE MEMORIZED AND PERFORMED IN CLASS. SEPT. 26 – Warm-ups, improvisation exercises, continue monologues. OCT. 3 – Announcements, discussions of productions, warm-ups, second monologue assignments, performances of monologes. OCT. 10 – Announcements, warm-ups, discussing and demonstrating “Learning the Lingo”, monologues. OCT. 17 – MID TERM. Warm-ups,monologue performances OCT. 24 – Announcements, assign scenes. 6 OCT. 31 – Halloween (We will have class) Begin scene readings. NOV. 7 – Announcements, warm-ups, character analysis, Scenes. NOV. 14 – Scene study NOV. 21 – Scene performances NOV. 28 – Monologue and Scene performances DEC. 5 – Dress rehearsal for the final in Theatre One DEC. 12 – FINAL performance in front of an invited audience in Theatre One.@6:00. (Performance begins at 6:30) We will have furniture pieces, props, costumes, and lighting. Please invite your friends and family ahead of time and tell them to be punctual. SEPT. 17 – AUDITIONS for the fall musical “The 25th Annual Putnam Spelling Bee” will be held at 12:00 in FAC111. You must be able to sing and act. Bring sheet music to the audition and a resume if you have one. This is a 3 hour course DRAM1320 second start.(You must register for the class with a permission number) Rehearsals are Tues-Thurs. from 6:30-9:30, and Saturdays from 1-4. The first rehearsal begins on Sept. 27. Performance dates are Nov.10,11,& 12 @7:30 and Nov. 17,18 @7:30 and Nov. 20 @2:30. Have a great semester! 7 . 8