SCENARIO: Name: Zachary Estes Person Number: 37834946 Recitation Day/Time: Thursday 2:30-3:20 Lab Internet Research Assignment (10 Points) MGQ201 Due Class 3 You are researching a PUBLICALLY TRADED company which you would like to buy stock in. However, you are unsure of how the company you picked compares to its competitors. Please complete the following task: Pick an industry (Circle one) Automotive Fast Food Clothing Technology Other_________ Write an industry overview. Must be at least 5 sentences. General Motors (GM) is a manufacturer of cars and trucks, some brands are Buick, Cadillac, Cheverolet, and GMC. It operates in five business segments: GM North America. GM Europe, GM International Operations, and GM South America. GM has nearly 15 locations in Canada and operations in roughly 60 countries. GM has seen three straight years of revenue growth, a lot better off than when the recession hit in 2009. GM has been trying to improve their products by developing energy-saving models, such as the Chevrolet Volt, an electric car powered by battery. Pick two publically traded companies within the industry to compare. (Example: Beverage Industry: Coke vs. Pepsi) List companies AND date they were founded here: Company #1: Ford Motor Company #2: Toyota Name stock is traded under (example, PepsiCo, Inc. trades as PEP on the NYSE): Company #1: NYSE: F Company #2: NYSE: TM List top five competitors within the industry. 1. Toyota 2. Ford Motors 3. Honda 4. Volkswagon 5. Chrysler List Annual Sales for past 3 years (can be estimated) Company #1: About 135 Billion dollars in sales Company #2: About 230 Billion dollars in sales List Annual Revenue for past 3 years: Company #1: 2010: $128.95 Billion 2011: $136.26 Billion 2012: $134.25 Billion Company #2: 2010: $204.44 Billion 2011: $229.19 Billion 2012 : $225.84 Billion