FIPP Activity Report 3 Sue Ellen Warren 10/28/09

Report #3
FIPP Activity Report
Funded by the Basic Skills Initiative
Name Sue Ellen Warren
Date 10/28/09
FIPP Partner Laura Hinkley
Section #7734
Activity /Strategy 32-day Commitment
Category Out of Class Activity
Briefly describe the activity/strategy.
1. Introduction People have good intentions, but unless these intentions become
standard practice, they remain intentions only. What would make you a better
student; a healthier person? (Some students responded with examples.) I
challenge you to make a 32-day commitment to a realistic goal to improve
yourself. Perhaps after this exercise, making commitments to yourself will
become more comfortable and you can gradually make the changes you have
always wanted.
2. Set up & Supplies I handed out a chart photocopied from our On Course text.
The students were to create their do-able goal.
3. Directions Be very specific about your goal. It has to be do-able, see-able, and
measureable. It can be about your academic success in this or another class
(for example, do all of the study guides), or it can be about our content. (for
example, read food labels consistently for one month.)
4. Conclusion Most students participated. Many chose a goal having to do with the
content of the course, about food and activity choices and habits. I think a
minority created a goal about academic improvement.
What worked well? The project is easy to understand and makes a lot of common sense.
What would you change? I wonder if I should have restricted this to academic success
only. I was surprised how many gravitated quickly to doing something that they were
studying about, like reducing intakes of sugar, fat, trans-fats, etc. I think OnCourse is
supposed to be about academic success!
Would you use the activity/strategy again? Why or why not? Yes, with modification.
Please describe any student learning outcomes/changes that you observed after the
implementation of the activity/strategy. Nobody spoke much about it and I honestly forgot
to bring it up. Woops.