March 30, 2004

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
March 30, 2004
__x_Rocky Bonura
__x_Janet Clarke
__x_Mike D’Amico
__x_Maurice Elmore
__x_Janice Ely
__x_Pam Fees
__x_Bob Gann
__x_Vic Hanson
__x_Alex Kelley
__x_Donna Manno
__x_David Miller
____Andy Nasatir
____Lynnda Nelson
____Allene Quarles
__x_Marcy Wade
__x_Satish Warrier
Minutes: The minutes of March 16 were approved.
Restroom Cleaning: At the last Area Council meeting, several members reported on problems with
restroom and other custodial cleaning. Rocky explained the new team concept being used by the
custodians to the Area Council and encouraged people to contact Maurice with input on the new
system. Maurice reported that they have gotten kudos on the team approach from the Auditorium
and other areas on campus. Mike agreed that they like the team approach and the police department
has never been cleaner.
Donna noted that she likes the team approach; however, she feels it needs to be done more
frequently in high volume areas. Bob reported that the frequency has always been the same and has
always been an issue; however, this is not related to the team approach. With the hiring freeze and
resultant dwindling staff, the frequency problem has only been augmented. Maurice noted that if
there is a problem, a work order should be submitted; however, due to shrinking staff, they are
limited as to what they can do. Rocky noted that putting signs up in areas where Facilities personnel
are working is a positive step.
The issue of whether or not managers/supervisors need to be involved before office staff members
submit routine cleaning requests was discussed. Satish noted that at Rocky’s suggestion, Peggy did
contact him after the Area Council, and he explained to her that the floor in the computer room
could not be washed due to potential water damage to the wiring under the floor.
Budget Update: Copies of the State Budget Update #4 (dated March 26, 2004) were shared with the
group. The outlook is not as positive as it was when the bond issues passed. Sluggish tax revenue
performance is taking expectations down, and since new taxes are not anticipated, this will affect
the balancing of the State budget. Politics is also influencing funding, and many legislators believe
significant cuts will need to be made. For these reasons, the president is proceeding with caution re:
filling ECC positions.
Positions To Be Filled: Copies of the March 29 memo re: Positions Recommended for
Recruitment were shared with the group. This latest version of the memo includes the positions that
have been approved for filling and the dates the announcements can go out. Vic reported that these
dates are firm, per the president. Marcy noted that the hiring process for classified positions can be
accelerated to 2 or 2 ½ months before the employee comes on board; however, for planning
purposes, the start dates will be roughly three months after the announcement date. The
announcements must all have the disclaimer that hiring is contingent on funding. It was noted that
the six positions being filled in Financial Aid are to be funded with supplemental funds.
Financial Aid Offices: Facilities is starting work on converting SSC 211 (next door to Financial
Aid) to a basic office area. Rocky will review the plans for the space, which will include six new
workstations and one new office, with a door connecting the two rooms. Pat Caldwell is also
working with Nadine Hata’s sub to include the corner classroom as part of the Financial Aid office.
Q-Builder: It is anticipated that everyone in Administrative Services will meet tomorrow’s Qbuilder deadline. The vice presidents are set to review the information starting next week. Alex has
told Arvid Spor that ITS will need to review all the material to see how it affects the Technology
Plan. For example, Bill Mulrooney’s plan for kiosks is not in the ITS plan, but it will affect ITS.
Vic agreed that a coordination review will need to take place. Also noted:
 Arvid is now saying Q-builder should have plans for the next three years.
 Q-builder is not good for project management.
 If a position was listed last year in the budget book, it is unfunded (tombstone list). If one of
these positions is included in a Q-builder plan, funding (new money) would be needed. If
the position has been funded in 2003-04, then it is not necessary to put in the dollars. For
example, with the approval of the Web Developer position for filling, that 60% has been
restored, and Donna would only have to ask for 40%.
High School Graduation: The president wants to grant Inglewood’s request to use the Stadium for
high school graduation. The regular rental fee for the Stadium is waived automatically, but there are
other fees for items like chairs, tables, speakers, various services, etc. Maurice has already provided
Pat Caldwell with the cost for two different setups, and Pat has contacted the representatives from
Inglewood to lay out what they need to do. It was reported that Bruce Spain will probably be asked
to chair the group that will be supporting this activity; however, Bob felt that the Civic Center
should handle it. Vic noted that if they want to handle it, they need to tell Pat to have the Inglewood
representative (Crowe) contact June Curtis in the Civic Center. The PE department will need to be
involved also.
Committee Reports/Division Issues
 Donna Manno
 She is working with people on Q-builder. Maurice reported problems with the program.
 The Distinguished Women awards are this afternoon at 1 p.m. in the Student Center.
 Omni training will be in early May. In response to Alex’s question as to whether or not
they can they do the training without Satish Warrier and Sheryl Kimball, Donna
responded that trainees will be told to contact her if they have any questions. Satish
clarified that users can’t utilize both Front Page (or other programs) AND Omni. It has
to be one or the other, and since the college decided to commit to Omni, this is what
should be used to update Web pages.
 Maurice Elmore: He has concerns about two issues regarding the contractor (S & B Foods)
in the Cafeteria. First, they are not living up to the contract in keeping the area clean.
Employee restrooms, for example, are not being taken care of. The second problem is that
the pest control people are being run off by S & B Foods, even though they have made
appointments in advance. He has E-mailed Lynnda Nelson on both issues.
 Pam Fees: Five auditors from the new firm will be here starting April 26 for four or five
days. An interim audit will be done first, and they may even ask employees questions like
whether or not they feel they could get away with fraud on campus.
 Mike D’Amico:
 With twelve or thirteen arrests and fraud schemes like counterfeiting, they have been
very busy this last week.
 They will go for lateral transfer for the new position.
 Janet Clarke: She received a summons yesterday for restroom ADA non compliance. The
issue is access. Keenan is to assign legal counsel.
Rocky Bonura: Please fill out the Rideshare forms.
Bob Gann: In response to his request for volunteers for the design team for the Lot H
parking structure, Mike and Rocky volunteered. It was noted that the president will also
want to be on the team, and he wants Bob to look at a couple of parking lots he likes. Bob’s
recommendation for the new LRC is that since it will be immediately adjacent to the new
HUMA building, he would like to have LPA design that one too if possible because it would
provide continuity of design, etc.
David Miller
 There are still a number of final touches to do on Phase I of the Natural Science remodel,
and they won’t be having classes in there until June. No computers or projectors have
been ordered yet for the three labs in Phase I, and there was confusion as to whether or
not this equipment should have been ordered already. It was reported that Barb Perez
was waiting for account code information before ordering but was planning to order this
fiscal year; however, Barb told Bob last fall that she didn’t need to order anything for
Phase I and didn’t even have a complete list of what was needed. Bob and Vic will meet
re: this issue.
 Signs for the windows in the Administration building have been ordered, and he will
check with Vic before sending out a global E-mail when they are put up.
Alex Kelley
 He is concerned about providing staff to support the 200 plus computers going into the
new Natural Science building. This will also delay the replacement and publishing
cycle. If the order is placed in April, it could be published in May. The imaging system
for Administrative Services (approx. $100,000) needs to be added.
 Better communication is needed so that managers will be consistent with how they
proceed in their administration of the contract regarding restricted work activity. It was
felt that managers should not have to make the decision as to when an employee should
be sent home rather than be on restricted duty, and if they do make the decision, they
don’t want someone else to override it. If a returning employee can’t do his/her job
(despite a doctor’s note), that person should be sent to Rocky to make a determination.
Marcy Wade
 The Management Forum this Thursday will be an hour and a half on the ECCE Contract.
 There has been an increase in inquiries on benefits due to changes in the law. They are
trying to update training on legislative updates.
 HR will now be responsible for classification review.
 They are trying to follow through with updating HR policies; however, some have
procedures attached, and they don’t have time to review these procedures.
Janice Ely
 Retro checks for temporary classified employees came in yesterday (for January).
 $80,000 will be needed to give casual employees an increase.
 They are working with ITS to send out letters to the 29,000 students who owe money;
they will start refund process after that. Since they no longer have any way to enforce
payment of fees, the college is experiencing a cash flow problem which Cabinet needs to
address. Vic requested a written report on the problem and recommended solutions for
Cabinet to consider.
 She is working on the IPEDS report with Mike Wilson.
Meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.