Administrative Services Staff Meeting September 21, 2004 PRESENT:

Administrative Services Staff Meeting
September 21, 2004
_x_Rocky Bonura
_x_Mike D’Amico
___Janice Ely
_x_Pam Fees
_vac_Bob Gann
_x_Vic Hanson
_vac_Alex Kelley
_x_Donna Manno
_x_David Miller
___Andy Nasatir
___Lynnda Nelson
_x_Allene Quarles
_x_Marcy Wade
_x_Satish Warrier
Minutes: The minutes of September 14 were approved. Marcy noted that she and Donna did not
attend the last meeting because they were interviewing for the Web Developer position.
Accreditation Update: Pam reported on a recent accreditation meeting set up by Jim Schwartz but
chaired by Tom Lew (due to Jim’s back problems). At that meeting, attendees were assigned to go
back and look at what has been done to implement the indicated changes. In order to be reviewed
and approved by the Board before the April 1 deadline, the report needs to be ready by January of
2005. Donna provided a handout with excerpts from the Accreditation Midterm Report (April,
1999), The Accreditation Team Visit (March 2002), the Accreditation Progress Report (April, 2003)
and Arvid Spor’s E-mail (August, 2003). Noted:
 Administrative Services participated in a planning retreat in 1999.
 The 2002 document indicated that “the college must improve and implement effective
program review processes.”
 In March of 2003 Administrative Services conducted an online program review survey. It
was stressed that budget cuts and hiring freezes definitely affect the ability to provide
customer service.
 Administrative Services needs to publicize what it has done to implement surveyrecommended changes and share this with the campus community.
 The survey needs to go out again in March of 2005. Necessary improvements and additional
budget needs should be identified and put in the Q-Builder program also. The recent
approval of several custodian positions in Facilities was cited as an example of what
documenting needs in Q-Builder can do.
 The next accreditation meeting is October 5. Donna suggested that each manager should
find just one improvement done in his/her area and give it to her before this meeting,
preferably in Q-Builder. The results of the old survey will be E-mailed to managers to
Vacant Position Priorities: Copies of the September 17 priority plan for the phased filling of vacant
positions prepared by the vice presidents at the president’s request were shared with the group. It
was noted that the president is still vacillating on filling positions. There was confusion as to
whether or not the dean positions were to be released for hiring. HR’s understanding was that there
was to be a hold on all hiring. Also, they can’t recruit until they get the necessary recruitment
materials from the divisions, and so far they haven’t received anything. The revision of the job
description for the Dean of Fine Arts, for example, is still pending. Vic approved the start of the
hiring process for the dean positions as soon as they get all the materials and the Board approves.
He also approved the hiring of contract trainers for Donna’s area since she already has the money to
pay them. Marcy noted that the job description for one of the positions in Phase I (the Director of
the Teacher Education Program) hasn’t even been done yet.
Committee Reports/Division Issues
 Allene Quarles
 The Open Enrollment period for health benefits started September 15, and the Health
Fair will be on October 7.
 The Classified Service Awards presentation will be held on October 13. Volunteers for
entertainment are needed.
 Donna Manno
 They are doing an orientation for new classified employees tomorrow.
 The CPR classes were well received and more will be offered in October.
 She is getting lots of requests for technical training.
 Rocky Bonura
 They now have four defibrillator units in police cars and will have six additional units
mounted on walls around campus. Jan Caldwell (Campus Police) and Roy Natividad
(PE) are the coordinators of the program.
 Purchasing procedures need to be cleaned up in house, and more in service training for
the campus community is needed to eliminate improper practices like the $58,000
expenditure for supplies that was done without any purchase order or bid.
 Satish Warrier
 The voice mail system is scheduled for an upgrade this Thursday and Friday. There will
be no interruptions in phone service (only voice mail will be affected).
 They do updates on the regular system on most Sundays.
 The rebill was done as of last night, so Pam can send out the letters.
 He will send out an E-mail about when they will be taking the Cognos system down this
week. It was noted that Nate Jackson has become interested in this system because
someone has been telling him that it is not being used properly.
 At last week’s Technology meeting, Julie Stewart complained that her computer had
been down all summer, but logs showed she hadn’t reported it until two days before the
meeting. Vic noted that at yesterday’s College Council meeting he had to refer Julie to
information contained in her own Academic Senate packet regarding the problems with
computer viruses and spam when she complained about them.
 He is unaware of why Luukia Smith is making public statements about the unreliability
of the Colleague system.
 David Miller: Bob is on vacation for the next two weeks.
 Marcy Wade
 They are making good progress on updating classifications.
 There will be a representative at the Health Fair to give information on the 457 plan.
 Under directive, she has submitted a proposal to transfer the student and casual
employment processing function of the Placement Office to HR. It includes the need for
additional staff and budget and the upstairs site. The target date is December 1.
 Recruitments that go nowhere cost the college money.
 Mike D’Amico
 Other colleges have similar problems with computer viruses, porn, etc. There also
appears to be a shortage of VP candidates, because all 20 colleges represented at a recent
police conference had VP vacancies.
 He will look into why the outer doors to the Administration building are not being
unlocked on a consistent basis.
 Pam Fees
 The second printing of the Final Budget will be done before October 7, so send her any
changes or pictures this week.
 Managers and classified employees are being notified if they have excess vacation days.
Meeting adjourned at 9:25 a.m.