March 23, 2011 1:00 p.m., Stadium Room Minutes



March 23, 2011

1:00 p.m., Stadium Room


Committee Purpose: To oversee and disseminate Auxiliary Services funds.


Call to Order

The meeting was called to order at 1:07 pm by Bill Mulrooney who was acting as chair at the request of Rebecca

Cobb who was unable to attend.

Committee Members:

 Rebecca Cobb (Chair)

 Katie Gleason

Don Goldberg

Chuck Herzig

 Jo Ann Higdon

Bill Mulrooney

Josie Cheung


Alternates and Support Staff:

 Carolee Vakil-Jessop

 Janice Ely (alt. for Higdon)

 Miriam Ifill

 Tom Connolly (alt. for Ely)

II. Approval of the minutes from March 9, 2011

The minutes were approved as presented

III. Executive Summary of 2010-2011 Budget

 ASO alternate

Miriam Ifill presented the executive summary. The board discussed the income noting that actual revenues look to be on target with what was estimated.

Bookstore funding was discussed.

Zero based budgeting was discussed as an option for 2011-2012 budget development.

III. Special Request for Funds

Photography Department – Connie Fitzsimons

Requesting $1000 for Photography Department exhibit & reception. From Connie Fitzsimons email request for funds: $600 is requested to support the cost of a reception for the Photography Student show. Additionally $400 is requested for frames and mats that will be used for this and all subsequent student shows. The reception is Friday,

April 1 in the Schauerman Library. Last year it was attended by 500+ people. The show features student work.

Students also assist in preparing their works for exhibit.

The committee discussed the request. The committee determined there was a considerable amount of unspent allocated funds in the Fine Arts budget to date.

MOTION: To approve the Fine Arts program manager, Connie Fitzsimons, creating a new line item for the photography department and that she may transfer $1000 from another Fine Arts line item with unspent funds to the to the photography department line item to pay for expenses related to the exhibit and reception. Moved by Tom

Connolly. Seconded by Josie Cheng. Motion passes.

Forensics Program – Connie Fitzsimons

Requesting $1500 to send an additional three students to the National Tournament in Greenwich, Connecticut, April

9-16, 2011. Currently there is only funding to send 10 of the 13 state medalists to the National Tournament.

Thirteen is a record number of ECC students to medal at the state competition. See attached for more information regarding the state medalists as contained in Diana Crossman’s email from 3/20/11.

No action was taken by the committee for this item.

IV. Committee Discussion

Special Request Funds – Review second draft of a form for campus programs to make requests for ASB Special

Request funding.

This item was tabled to another meeting as Rebecca Cobb was unable to attend and present the 2

Annual Budget Request Form – Review first draft of annual budget request form nd draft.

The committee reviewed the annual budget request form first draft. The committee liked the new document but suggested the board allocate only 50% of last year’s budget to managers who then should request and justify why more funding is needed. This is a change from prior years budget development in which the manager is given a lump sum usually equivalent to what they received last year and asked to request and justify more funding if needed.

V. Next Auxiliary Services Board MeetingApril 27, 2011, 1-2pm, Stadium Room

The committee was reminded of the next meeting date. No meeting would be held during spring break.

VI. Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 2:01pm.

Remaining Scheduled ASB Meetings for 2010-2011

April 27

May 11 & 25

June 8
