Subject Complements

Name: ________________________________________ Date: ______________________ Hour: ________________
Grammar Review
Kinds of Sentences
Declarative- Statement (.)
Imperative- Command (. or!)
Interrogative- Question (?)
Exclamatory- Emotion (!)
Identifying Kinds of Sentences- Label the type of sentence & place the correct punctuation at the end of the sentence.
1. The Underground Railroad has played a special role in our history
2. Was there anyone hidden underground
3. A network of sympathetic people would help slaves to freedom
4. These people were called conductors
5. Ask yourself if you would be a conductor
6. What were the hiding places called
7. I would want to help the slaves so badly
8. Can you look at the map to see the best routes to Canada
9. Point out the longest route on the map
10. Many people today are researching the Underground Railroad
11. One famous conductor was called the “president of the railroad”
12. Levi Coffin helped an astounding 3,000 slaves reach freedom
13. Research books written on this subject to learn more information
14. Do you know any other facts about the Underground Railroad
15. Most slaves escaped through Ohio, Indiana, and Pennsylvania
Add the correct end punctuation to each of these sentences. Then rewrite the sentence according to the instructions
in parenthesis. You may have to add or delete words and change word order.
1. The Underground Railroad was operating in the mid 1800s
(change to interrogatory)
2. Study about the Underground Railroad with your class
(change to declarative)
3. Thousands of people were helped to freedom
(change to imperative)
4. Have you read about the Underground Railroad
(change to declarative)
5. Do you understand its importance
(change to exclamatory)
Locating the Subject and the Verb.
A subject is the main noun of the sentence and what completes the action in the sentence.
A noun is a person, place, thing, or idea.
A verb is the action in the sentence, or what the subject is doing.
A verb may express a state of being using a to be verb, like is, am, was, were, are.
In the following sentences, underline the simple subject once and circle the verb or verb phrase.
1. Are more people using public transportation these days?
2. The city is planning a campaign to encourage taking the subway.
3. Last year the rapid transit company purchased seven new railcars.
4. The city promotes use of the subway for fewer parking problems.
5. The council will be conducting a survey on the whole issue.
6. How much do you figure the survey will cost?
Council members were considering a study on transportation earlier.
We decided buses and the subway are the easiest ways to get around.
Private transportation costs too much.
Public and private agencies are trying to change attitudes.
Subject Complements: A subject complement is a word or group of words that follows a linking verb and renames or
describes the subject. There are two types of subject complements: predicate nouns and predicate adjectives.
A predicate noun defines or renames the subject.
That dance is a waltz.
A predicate verb describes the subject.
That dance is graceful.
In the following sentences, underline the subject and circle the verb. Then underline the subject complement and label
whether it is a predicate adjective (PA) or predicate noun (PN) on the line.
1. The forest appeared silver in the moonlight.
2. I felt uncomfortable on the first day of school.
3. The Great Chicago fire was a disaster.
4. The fire chief is female.
5. As we approach, the volcano seems gigantic.
6. The woods smell fresh in the springtime.
7. The voice on the phone sounded quite strange.
8. That furniture is comfortable.
9. Today is a good day for a ball game.
10. The weather has turned cold this week.
11. That building on the corner is a school.
12. Each soldier has a fierce expression on his face.
13. Seeing the game is a real treat.
14. Some timbers of the old barn have become battered.
15. Many Greek stories are epic poems.
16. In this rain, the path seems even longer than usual.
17. That was a bad call by the umpire.
18. The chair the emperor sat on was terra cotta.
19. My small room is cozy.
20. The kitchen smells wonderful.
Writing with Subject Complements: Imagine that you go on a school field trip to the zoo and you want to tell your friend
about the experience. Write eight sentences about the field trip. Four sentences should have predicate nouns and four
sentences should have predicate adjectives.
1. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
2. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
3. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
4. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
5. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
6. ___________________________________________________________________________________________
8. ___________________________________________________________________________________________