Dear Families,
Your child is about to begin the adventure of 7 th grade English. Please help me to get to know him/her by completing this survey. This information will only be used to help me provide the best possible learning environment for your child. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please e-mail me at
or go directly to my website and click the “contact” link. I will respond as quickly as possible.
Thank you in advance,
Child’s name: _________________________________________________
Guardian’s names: ______________________________________________
Best way and time to contact you: ____________________________________
Primary language spoken in your home________________________________
Three of my child’s strengths are
1.____________ 2.____________ 3.____________
What is something your child has done that you are proud of?
What are some challenges for your child?
What does he or she enjoy?
What is something you like to do with your child?
What would you like for your child to learn this year?
What motivates your child?
What else would you like to share with me about your child: