El Camino College Inter-Club Council Minutes Wednesday, October 8, 2008 at 12:00pm

El Camino College Inter-Club Council
Wednesday, October 8, 2008 at 12:00pm
Cafeteria Stadium Room
Call to Order/Welcome
Walter Mendez (I.C.C. President) called the meeting to order at 1:00pm. Quorum was
Roll Call – these persons were present and signed the Roll Sheet
A. Cabinet Members
1. I.C.C. President: Walter Mendez
2. I.C.C. Vice President: Juan Rodriguez
3. I.C.C. Commissioner of Activities: Lucy Rivera
4. I.C.C. Commissioner of Finance: Igor Letitchevski
5. I.C.C. Commissioner of Fundraising: Stirling McKenzie
6. I.C.C. Commissioner of Publicity: Nicole Teixeira
7. I.C.C. Commissioner of Review Board: Michelle Rahim
8. I.C.C. Historian: Ashley Smith
9. I.C.C. Secretary: Ana Safazada
10. I.C.C. Senate Rep: Brandon Davis
B. Voting Club Representatives
1. African Club: Garcel Zardes
2. Alpha Gamma Sigma: Ashley Sladek
3. Anthropology Club: Damaris Olaechea
4. Architecture Club: Juan S. Guillen, Javier Quintero and Kirstin Nguyen
5. Circle K International: Juan Rodriguez
6. Concert Choir Club: Monica Bruno
7. ECC Society of Music: Monica Bruno
8. Environmental Club/Recycling Coalition: Justin Daté
9. F.D.L.A.: Kyle Murray
10. Gay-Straight Alliance: Lucy Rivera
11. History Club: Eladio Garcia
12. I.D.E.A.S. Art Club – Lauren Bremner
13. International Business Club: Sergio Guerra
14. Native American Club: Ana Barba
15. Pre-Health Achievement Club: Clarissa Jones
16. Psychology Club: Runa Rob
17. Puente: Jose Cholico
18. Rotaract: Ana Safazada, Talia Ben-Ora
19. Science Club: Hashim Tyler
20. Sociology Club: Jose Cholico
21. Tailor Made: Michelle Rahim
C. I.C.C. Adviser
1. Janice Watanabe
D. Guests
1. Jeff Marvan - (KECC)
2. Jennifer Lee – Rotaract
3. Anthony Lyons (KECC)
Approval of I.C.C. Minutes
A. September 24, 2008
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B. October 1, 2008 – correction made by Ashley Sladek – AGS Fall regional meeting is
on Oct. 11th
 It was moved by Circle K and seconded by A.G.S. to approve the minutes of
September 24th and October 1st as corrected. Motion passed.
Announcements and Introductions
A. Club Announcements
1. Tailor Made – Michelle Rahim
 Meetings: Every other Thursday, 1-2pm
 Events: Guest Speaker at tomorrow’s meeting
2. Circle K – Juan Rodriguez
 Meetings: Thursday from 1-2 in ARTB 134
3. Anthropology Club – Damaris Olaechea
 Meetings: Thursdays, 1-2pm, ARTB 324
 Events: Garage Sale, Sweat Lounge, and Day of the Dead on Oct 28th.
4. Alpha Gamma Sigma – Ashley Sladek
 Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tuesdays – first meeting next Tuesday
 Events: Regional Meeting: Oct. 11th, Car Wash: Oct. 25th
5. KECC – Jeff Marvan
 Meetings: Thurs., 1-2 in TA-106
6. History Club – Eladio Garcia
 Meetings: Every other Thursday, 1-2pm in SOCS-207
 Events: Guest speaker on Ancient & Medieval Weaponry
7. International Business Club – Sergio Guerra
 Meetings: 1st & 3rd Tuesday in Business-5
8. Psychology Club – Runa Rob
 Meetings: Every other Tuesday, 1-2pm in ARTB-355
 Events: Trip to Psychology Museum this Sat at 11am & Guest speaker on
Oct 21st
9. Science Club – Hashim Tyler
 Meetings: Tuesdays at 1pm in NATS-206
 Events: Upcoming trip with Art Club to LACMA on Oct 18th
10. FDLA – Kyle Murray
 Meetings: Once a month, 1-2pm in PE-27
 Events: Bake Sale, Wheel Chair race
11. Rotaract – Ana Safazada
 Meetings: Thursdays, 1-2pm in Admin 208
 Events: Sunday is Masquerade Ball at Medieval Times, Everyone is
welcome, Tickets: $30 for students & $60 for adults.
 Guest speaker: Past president
12. Gay-Straight Alliance – Lucy Rivera
 Meetings: Tuesdays at 1pm in ART-317
13. Architecture Club – Juan Guillen, Javier Quintero, Kirstin Nguyen
 Meetings: Tues & Thurs, 12:45-2pm in room TA 253
 Events: BBQ on Oct 14th at the library lawn
14. Native American Club – Ana Barba
 Meetings: Every Thurs 1-1:50pm in SOCS 205
15. I.D.E.A.S. (Art Club) – Lauren Bremner
 Meetings: Thurs in SOCS 112
16. African Club – Garcel Zardes
 Meetings: Thurs in SOCS 112 at 1:00pm
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17. Environmental Club – Justin Daté
 Meeting: Thursday at 1:00pm in NS-205
18. Sociology Club – Jose Cholico
 Meeting: 1st & 3rd Thursdays in BS-317
B. Other Announcements – Janice Watanabe
1. Sexual Assault Awareness/Prevention Workshop
a) Wednesday, Oct 15th – 9am to 10am and 1pm to 2pm
b) Thursday, Oct 16th – 9am to 10 am and 1pm to 1pm
c) ECC Student Activities Center- East Lounge
2. Unveiling of Women’s Volleyball State Championship banner on Friday (flier
3. Anger Management Workshop- Oct.16th at 1-2pm in Student Health Center
A. Officer Reports
1. Review Board – Michelle Rahim
a) New Clubs: Received paperwork for Veterans Club and Asian Club
B. Bloodmobile Report- Juan Rodriguez, Jennifer Lee, and Brandon Davis
a) Blood Drive results are out. The goal to be reached was 360 pints of
blood, the amount of blood collected was 304 pints
b) 900 people were helped with the collected blood
c) Special thanks to all the clubs who helped donate and volunteered their
Business Items :
A. I.C.C. Finance Committee Recommendation – Igor Letitchevski
1. ECC Society of Music Club budget request – The I.C.C. Finance Committee
recommended approval of up to $1000 from I.C.C. Club support Account #
83-6515 for Campus Theatre expenses for ECSM and Ars Nova Sinfonia
Fundraising Concert on November 14, 2008.
 It was moved by Native American Club and seconded by Art club to
approve the Finance Committee’s recommendation. Motion passed.
B. I.C.C Children’s Holiday Party – Walter Mendez
1. Scheduled for Friday, December 5th
2. Vote to Support or cancel the activity.
a) Clubs who volunteered to support the activity are F.D.L.A., E.C.S.M.,
A.G.S., Environmental Club, Sociology, Rotaract and Circle K
 It was moved by AGS and seconded by Science Club to sponsor the
Children’s Holiday Party on December 5th. Motion passed.
Information Items
A. I.C.C Homecoming- Nicole Teixeira
1. The 2008 Homecoming will be on Sat, Nov 15th.
2. Spirit week will be from Nov 11th-13th that week with the following days:
a) Tues: Warrior Spirit Day,
b) Wed: USC Vs. UCLA,
c) Thurs: Cerritos Nerd Day.
3. Tickets are $8 with ASB, $10 without ASB, and $20 for VIP with all-youcan-eat buffet.
4. Auditions are open for talent show that will be held in the Homecoming.
a) Fliers were passed out.
5. Contact Icchomecoming@gmail.com for more info.
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VIII. Next I.C.C. Meetings
A. Cabinet and Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, October 13th at 12pm in the
I.C.C. Office. Club Budget Requests for approval at the next I.C.C. meeting are due
on Friday, October 10th (see ICC Club Budget Request Procedures)
B. General Meeting – Wed., October 15th at 12pm in Cafeteria Stadium Room
Open Discussion
A. None
 It was moved by Anthropology Club and seconded by Science Club to adjourn
the meeting. Motion passed. Meeting was adjourned at 12:25.
Minutes recorded by: Ana Safazada
Verified by:
Walter Mendez, I.C.C. President
Janice Watanabe, I.C.C. Adviser
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