El Camino College Inter-Club Council Minutes Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 12:00pm

El Camino College Inter-Club Council
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 at 12:00pm
Cafeteria Stadium Room
Call to Order/Welcome
Walter Mendez (I.C.C. President) called the meeting to order at 12:04pm. Quorum was
Roll Call – these persons were present and signed the Roll Sheet
A. Cabinet Members
1. I.C.C. President: Walter Mendez
2. I.C.C. Commissioner of Activities: Lucy Rivera
3. I.C.C. Commissioner of Finance: Igor Letitchevski
4. I.C.C. Commissioner of Fundraising: Stirling McKenzie
5. I.C.C. Commissioner of Review Board: Michelle Rahim
6. I.C.C. Secretary: Ana Safazada (elected I.C.C. V.P. at this meeting)
B. Voting Club Representatives
1. African American Students Society: Kimberly Davis
2. Alpha Gamma Sigma: Ashley Sladek
3. Anthropology Club: Damaris Olaechea
4. Chinese Club: Richard Siverson
5. Concert Choir Club: Monica Bruno
6. ECC Society of Music: Monica Bruno
7. Environmental Club: Justin Daté
8. F.D.L.A.: Kyle Murray
9. Gay-Straight Alliance: Lucy Rivera
10. History Club: Eladio Garcia
11. Honors Transfer Club: Ann Nguyen
12. International Business Club: Sergio Guerra
13. KECC Radio: Cain Everette
14. Pre-Health Achievement Club: Clarissa Jones
15. Puente Club: Monica Muñoz
16. Rotaract: Cheyne Padelford and Ana Safazada
17. Science Club: Hashim Tyler
18. Shepherds Club: Samuel Flores
19. Sociology Club: Jose Cholico
20. Tailor Made: Michelle Rahim
21. Veteran’s Club: Marcos Ramon Soltero
22. Vision 218 Club: Stacey Yamada
C. I.C.C. Adviser
1. Janice Watanabe
D. Guests
1. Jeff Marvan - (KECC)
Approval of I.C.C. Minutes
A. October 29th, 2008 – Correction by Anthropology Club: Meeting is in ARTB 334.
 It was motioned by Anthropology and seconded by Vets Club to approve the
minutes for October 29, 2008 as corrected. Motion passed.
B. November 12, 2008 Minutes – tabled until minutes are available
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Announcements and Introductions
A. Club Announcements – club reps provided information about their club meetings and
B. Other Announcements - none
A. Officer Reports
1. Finance – Igor Letitchevski
a) Finance Committee met before the meeting to recommend the items under “New
B. Adviser Report – Janice Watanabe
1. The So. California Shake-Out is scheduled for Nov. 13th at 10:00am – all buildings
will be evacuated during this drill.
Business Items –
A. Election of I.C.C. Vice President – Walter Mendez
1. Nominated last week were Jennifer Lee, Damaris Olaechea and Lucy Rivera.
Jennifer Lee declined the nomination and nominated Ana Safazada. Nominations
2. Each candidate gave a short speech.
 Voting was as follows: Damaris Olaechea 2, Lucy Rivera 6 and Ana Safazada
10. Ana Safazada was declared the winner and became the I.C.C. Vice
B. Approval of Finance Committee Recommendation – Igor Letitchevski
1. Approval of 2008 Children’s Holiday Party Budget – copies of the budget were
distributed to voting reps.
 It was moved and seconded to approve the 2008 Children’s Holiday Party
Budget of $2000 from the I.C.C. Children’s Holiday Party Acct. #836504 as
presented. Motion passed.
2. Approval of the Veteran’s Club budget request for $50 from I.C.C. New Club
Support Account #836508.
 It was moved by Tailor Made and seconded by Science Club to approve
$50.00 for the Veteran’s Club from the I.C.C. New Club Support Acct.
#836508. Motion passed.
3. Approval of Asian Club budget request for $50 from I.C.C. New Club Support
Account #836508
 It was moved by African American Student Society and seconded by Chinese
Club to approve $50.00 for the Asian Club from the I.C.C. New Club Support
Acct. #836508. Motion passed.
4. Approval of the El Camino Society of Music budget request for up to $300 from ICC
Club Support Account #836515 for the ECSM & Ars Nova Sinfonia Concert on
November 14th.
 It was moved by the I.C.C. Vice President and seconded by the Anthropology
Club to approve the El Camino Society of Music budget request for up to
$300 from I.C.C. Club Support Account #836515 for the E.C.S.M. & Ars
Nova Sinfonia Concert on November 14th. Motion passed.
Information Items
A. I.C.C. Homecoming – Nicole Teixeira, Walter Mendez, Lucy Rivera and Ana Safazada
1. Club banner contest winners were announced.
2. Homecoming Queen/King elections today is last day to vote between 10-2 and 46pm. Candidates in attendance at the meeting introduced themselves.
3. Spirit Week activities continue tomorrow with Cerritos Nerd Day on the Activities
Center Stage from 1-2pm
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4. Football Game & Homecoming Halftime Parade – Sat., Nov. 15th at 6:00pm
5. Homecoming Dance – Sat., Nov. 15th 9:30pm-1:00am - advance ticket sales
B. I.C.C. Children’s Holiday Party – Brandon Davis and Ana Safazada
1. Change of time – Party will now be from 11:30am-1:00pm in the A.C. East Lounge.
2. Club participation – craft tables and other volunteer opportunities. So far the History
Club and Anthropology Club have volunteered.
3. Update on the children: 88 children from the Headstart program at the Inglewood
Child Development Center. Arranged for two buses to transport the children to ECC.
VIII. Next I.C.C. Meetings
A. Cabinet and Finance Committee Meeting – Monday, 17th at 12pm in the I.C.C. Office. Club
Budget Requests for approval at the next I.C.C. meeting are due on Friday, 14th (see ICC
Club Budget Request Procedures)
B. General Meeting – Wed., November 19th at 12pm in Cafeteria Stadium Room
Open Discussion
 It was moved by KECC and seconded by History Club to adjourn the meeting. Motion
passed. Meeting was adjourned at approximately 12:45pm.
Minutes recorded by: Ana Safazada/Janice Watanabe
Verified by:
Walter Mendez, I.C.C. President
Janice Watanabe, I.C.C. Adviser
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