May 5, 2010

El Camino College Inter- Club Council
Wednesday, May 5, 2010 at 12:00pm
Location: Activities Center West Conference Room
I. Call to Order/Welcome –Ana Safazada
President Ana Safazada called the meeting to order at 12:01 pm and welcomed everyone.
Quorum was established.
II. Roll Call – I.C.C Meeting Roll Sheet was circulated – following persons signed in
A. I.C.C. Cabinet
1. I.C.C. President: Ana Safazada
2. I.C.C.Vice President: Usama Ehsan
3. I.C.C Activities Commissioner: Ryanchase Balthazar
4. I.C.C Finance Commissioner: Nicholas Mitchell
5. I.C.C Secretary: Nisha Ram
6. I.C.C. Publicity Commissioner: Kathy Taing
B. Voting Club Representatives
1. Alpha Gamma Sigma – Dan Garrett & Nicholas Mitchell
2. Anthropology Club: James Glenwright
3. Architecture Club: Christian Franco
4. Circle K: Dora Dang
5. College Republicans: Damien McDowell
6. Future Disabled Leaders Association (F.D.L.A): Kyle Murray
7. Gay-Straight Alliance: Cecilia Fernandez
8. History Club : Juan Davila
9. Honors Transfer Club: Lily Kurosaki
10. I.D.E.A.S.: Lily Kurosaki
11. Italian Club : Devin Turner
12. Medical Club: Michael Fahmy
13. Native American Club : Samantha Romero
14. Rotaract Club : Rodrigo Tello
15. Science Club: Jaypril Cabillan and Cindy Valdez
C. I.C.C. Adviser – Janice Watanabe
D. Guests: none
III. Approval of I.C.C Minutes
A. Minutes for April 28, 2010
B. Minutes for April 7, 2010
Motion made by History Club to approve the minutes of April 28th and April 7th.
Seconded by the A.G.S. Motion passed and the minutes were approved.
IV. Announcements and Introductions
A. Club Announcements
Club reps introduced themselves and gave info about their club’s meetings and upcoming
B. Other Announcements - none
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V. Reports
A. Officers Reports
1. Finance Reports – No finance reports
2. Review Board Reports
a.) Sabor de Salsa (Constitution and signatures completed)
b.) Get Higher GPA in ECC to be considered in the next cabinet meeting.
VI .Business Items
A. Approval of ICC Finance Committee Recommendations:
1. International Collective Students Without Borders Club Request
Motion made by History Club to approve $50 from the I.C.C. New Club
Support Account #836508 to the International Collective Students Without
Borders Club. Seconded by the A.G.S. Motion passed.
2. Italian Club Request
Motion made by Honors Transfer Club to approve $50 from the I.C.C. New
Club Support Account #836508 to the Italian Club. Seconded by the History
Club. Motion passed.
3. Approval of Funding for I.C.C. Recognition Banquet
Motion made by History Club to approve up to $3000 from the I.C.C.
Banquet Account #836507 for the I.C.C. Recognition Banquet. Seconded by
the Italian Club. Motion passed.
4. Approval of I.C.C. Spring and Fall Blood Drive Awards
Motion made by Alpha Gamma Sigma to approve up to $100 from the I.C.C.
Activities Account #836503 for Fall and Spring Blood Drive Awards.
Seconded by Architecture Club. Motion passed.
B. Approval of New Club
1. Sabor de Salsa Club
Motion made by College Republicans to approve the Sabor de Salsa Club as
an official El Camino College club. Seconded by Science Club. Motion
C. Approval of I.C.C. Fundraiser
1. McDonalds on Wednesday, May 14th 4-8pm
Motion made by Gay-Straight Alliance to approve the I.C.C. Fundraiser at
McDonalds on Wednesday, May 14th from 4-8pm. Seconded by Italin Club.
Motion passed.
VII. Information Items
A. Past Events
1. Spring Games – April 30th
- Good Feedback
2. Red Cross Blood Drive
Club Winners
1st Place – Muslim Student Association Club
2nd Place – Circle K Club
3rd Place – American Red Cross Club
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B. Upcoming Events
1. ASB Awareness Faire – May 6th 2010
Pink berry will there
2. MC Donald’s Fundraisers – May 14th 2010
3. I.C.C. Pizza Party – May 12th 2010
C. I.C.C. Club Awards – Most Active Club and Most Interesting Club Activity will be
voted on by the club reps at the I.C.C. meeting on May 19th
VIII. Next I.C.C. Meetings
A. Cabinet & Finance meeting Monday 10th 2010 at 12:00 pm in I.C.C. Office Club
Budget requests are due Friday May 7th 2010 for items to be approved at the next
I.C.C. meeting (See ICC Club Budget Request Procedures)
B. General Meeting Wednesday May 12th 2010 at 12pm
in Activities Center West Conference Room
IX. Open Discussion
1.) Energy Drink Survey – From Statistics Course
X. Adjournment
Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Science Club. Seconded by College
Republicans. Motion passed.
Meeting Adjourned at 12:51 pm
Minutes recorded by Nisha Ram.
Verified by:
Ana Safazada, I.C.C. President
Janice Watanabe, I.C.C. Adviser
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