El Camino College Inter-Club Council General Meeting October 7

El Camino College
Inter-Club Council
General Meeting
October 7th, 2013
Alondra Room
Public Participation: Members of the Public are invited to speak concerning any item of business on this agenda prior to or during the
Cabinet/Senate’s discussion of the item, and always prior to the Cabinet/Senate taking action on the item. For matters not listed on this
agenda that are under this Body’s jurisdiction, members of the public are invited to address the Body during Public Comment. Please, limit
your comments to no more than 2 minutes.
Call to Order
1.1 Meeting called to order at 12:00pm.
Roll Call
Brittany Hubble, Gregory Sonnen, Shirley Mendence, Jonathan Sharp, Avery Marshall, Luis Mendez, Glafira Carr (Alpha Gamma Sigma), Karla
Hernandez (AHEAD), Karla Hernandez (Anthropology Club), Jesse Gomez (Architecture Club), Lila Rosito (Astronomy and Astrophysics
Club), Douglas Molina (Business and Economics Club), Felicia Mack (CARE/PAHE), Byron Challones (Chorale Club), Tim Rambach
(Christians on Campus), Dercy De La Cruz (Circle K International), Matt Boone (Concert Choir), Anna Hirst (American Chemical Society),
Willy Corea (Salseros Club), Angie Taylor (Gay Straight Alliance), Jadore Kay (Hands of Friendship), Daniel Cameron (History Club), Alan
Corrales-Cortez (Honors Transfer Club), Dafna Pazos (International Club), Charlisse Bennett (Iota Kappa Chi), Anna Hirst (Italian Club),
Sharda Jones (Opera Theater Club), Dajbar Johnson (Philosophy Club), Dezhanai Reed (Project Success Club), Dafna Pazos (Puente Club),
Brandon Marshall (Robotics Club), Duk P. Chong (Science Club), Yuji Nakataka (SGI Club), Leo Takahashi (Shepherds Club), Ivan Alcantar
(Society of Music), Matt Boone (CHEER Club), James Majdal (Music Exchange Club), Anna Kusler (Sociology Club), Sedonia Cain (Opera
Theater Club), Saad Bholat, Maky Peters (Geography and Environment Club), Rosalba Asailar (Teachers Club), Brandon Marshall
(Technology Club), Lorena Moraltes (USGBC), Rita Ebo (Women in Technology), Lorena Moraltes (Society of Woman Engineers)
Advisor: Breanna von Stein
Approval of Agenda
3.1 Motion to approve the agenda made by Felicia Mack. Seconded by Ivan Alcantar.
Approval of Minutes
4.1 Motion to approve the minutes made by Sharda. Seconded by Angie Taylor.
New Business
5.1 Robotics Club Southern California Vex Competition Presentation
5.1.1 Brandon Marshall gave a presentation on the Robotics Club’s upcoming Southern California Vex Competition and recruited volunteers.
Old Business
6.1 Discussion of Homecoming
6.1.1 The Cabinet/Council will discuss the Homecoming activities. Brittany Hubble announced that the Halftime Show will not occur this year. She also displayed the flyer for Homecoming on behalf of
the Publicity Committee. She also noted that the money for the Halftime Show will go towards the DJ for the Homecoming Dance. Jonathan Sharp and Luis Mendez discussed performances with the Cheer Club. Gregory Sonnen announced an upcoming homecoming dance workgroup meeting. Avery Marshall and Shirley Mendence discussed the extension of the Homecoming carnival application deadlines. Avery Marshall reminded the cabinet of the upcoming Homecoming King and Queen deadline.
Finance Items
7.1 Approval of spending up to $2000 for Robotics Club from the ICC Club Support Account (71-55001-00-836515-7670).
7.1.1 The Cabinet/Council discussed the approval the spending of up to $2000 for Robotics Club to use for the Southern California Vex
Competition from ICC Club Support Account (71-55001-00-836515-7670).
7.1.2 The Council discussed the amount of money used for the competition and possible methods of reducing the amount. The Council also
clarified what the money is being used for. The Council also discussed what the priorities for the competition would be.
7.1.2 Motion made to approve spending $2000 for the Robotics Club by Gilfra Carr. Seconded by Philosophy Club. Gilfra Carr discussed her reasoning for motioning for the entire $2000. The Council discussed the amount of funds that will come from the competition itself. The Council voted 19-5 to approve $2000 for the Robotics Club. 3 abstained. Motion passed.
8.1- ICC Member Reports
8.1.1 Avery Marshall urged clubs to turn in their applications for the Homecoming Carnival as soon as possible.
8.1.2 Jonathan Sharp urged clubs to participate in the Blood Drive.
8.1.3 Angie Taylor discussed LGBT Month.
8.1.4 Dercy De La Cruz discussed the Key to College event.
8.1.5 The Opera Theatre Club discussed the upcoming Music Major Panel event.
8.2- ASO Report
8.2.1 Luis Mendez discussed the ASO’s endorsement of Pat Furey for Torrance Mayor.
8.3- Finance Report
8.3.1 Jonathan Sharp noted that the New Club Support Account had now been reduced to $5000 after the withdrawal by the Robotics Clubs.
8.4- ICC Adviser Reports
8.4.1 Breanna von Stein announced the ICC Member Orientations in November.
Public Comment on Non- Agenda Items (2 minute max)
9.1 Maky Peters discussed the recruiting of support for the new Geography Club.
10.1 Motion to adjourn meeting at 12:48pm made by Brandon Marshall. Seconded by Angie Taylor. Motion passed.