October 14, 2013

El Camino College
Inter-Club Council
General Meeting
October 14th, 2013
Alondra Room
Public Participation: Members of the Public are invited to speak concerning any item of business on this agenda prior to or during the
Cabinet/Senate’s discussion of the item, and always prior to the Cabinet/Senate taking action on the item. For matters not listed on this
agenda that are under this Body’s jurisdiction, members of the public are invited to address the Body during Public Comment. Please, limit
your comments to no more than 2 minutes.
Call to Order
1.1 Meeting called to order at 12:01pm.
Roll Call
Brittany Hubble, Gregory Sonnen, Shirley Mendence, Jonathan Sharp, Avery Marshall, Luis Mendez, Jesse Gomez (Architecture Club), Lila
Rosito (Astronomy and Astrophysics Club), Felicia Mack (CARE/PAHE) Matt Boone (Cheer Club), Byron Challones (Chorale Club), Tim
Rambach (Christians on Campus), Dercy De La Cruz (Circle K International), Matt Boone (Concert Choir), William Corea (Salseros Club), Roy
Buchanan (Engage Christian Club), Angie Taylor, Hector Rodriguez (Gay Straight Alliance), Jadore kay (Hands of Friendship), Daniel
Cameron (History Club), Sunwoo Hong, Alan Corrales-Cortez (Honors Transfer Club), Lugial Monte, Desiree Nunez (IDEAS Art Club), Dafna
Pazos (International Club), Danish Ivoorani (Muslim Student Organization), Dionne Fontenot (Opera Theater Club), Kris Aguilar (Political
Science Club), Dafna Pazos (Puente Club), Myeshia Brown (Tailor Made Fashion), Brandon Marshall (Robotics/Tech Club), Duk P. Chong
(Science Club), Yuji Nakataka (SGI Club), Leo Takahashi (Shepherds Club), Ivan Alcantar (Society of Music), Brittany Hubble (Speech and
Debate Club), RMarie Talomino (Studio 2 Street), Rosalba Asailar (Teachers Club), Estefania Gigena (USGBC), Rita Ebo (Women in
Technology), Lorena Moraltes (Society of Women Engineers), Anna Kusler (Sociology Club)
Approval of Agenda
3.1 Motion to approve the agenda made by Ivan Alcantar. Seconded by Angie Taylor. Motion passed.
Approval of Minutes
4.1 Motion to approve the minutes made by William Corea. Seconded by Angie Taylor. Motion passed.
New Business
5.1 Discussion of the Children's Holiday Party
5.1.1 The Cabinet/Council will discuss the Children's Holiday Party and possible ways to put on the event.
5.1.2 The Council discussed the possibilities of a Toy Drive and booth ideas, and alternate options such a working with the Child
Development Center.
5.2 Discussion of the closing the accounts of Inactive Clubs and transferring the money to the Inter Club Loan Account
5.2.1 The Council discussed closing the accounts of inactive clubs and transferring the money to the Inter Club Loan Account, it was also
clarified what the money could be used for.
5.3 Approval of Reactivating Maharlika Club
5.3.1 The Cabinet/Council discussed and voted to approve reactivating Maharlika Club.
5.3.2 Motion made by Brandon Marshall. Seconded by Jesse Gomez. Angie Taylor abstained. Motion passed.
Old Business
6.1 Discussion of Homecoming
6.1.1 The Cabinet/Council discussed the Homecoming activities.
6.1.2 Breanna von Stein announced the raffle for AMC movie tickets as an incentive for people to purchase tickets early.
6.1.3 Gregory Sonnen from the Dance committee discussed selling tickets and decorations.
6.1.4 Tatiana Medina from the Publicity committee reported that she posted information about the event on Facebook.
Finance Items
7.1 Approval of spending up to $100 for the Homecoming Carnival from the ICC Fundraising Account (71-55001-00-836511-7670).
7.1.1 The Cabinet/Council discussed the approval of spending up to $100 from the ICC Fundraising Account (71-55001-00-836511-7670)
for the Homecoming Carnival.
7.1.2 The Council agreed that the money could be used to purchase soda which will be sold at the Carnival.
7.1.3 Motion made to approve spending $100 for the Homecoming Carnival by Ivan Alcantar. Seconded by Angie Taylor. Motion passed.
8.1- ICC Member Reports
8.1.1 Gregory Sonnen announced that Homecoming tickets are on sale.
8.1.2 Angie Taylor announced that GSA will watch a documentary about Harvey Milk.
8.1.3. Jonathan Sharp reported that over 500 pints of blood were donated in the Blood Drive and 425 pints were usable.
8.1.4 Ideas Art Club announced that they will hold a Halloween contest and party which will be open to all students.
8.1.5 Ivan Alcantar discussed the upcoming student recital.
8.1.6 Byron Challones announced the upcoming Chorale Club Variety Show held at Peninsula Community Church on Nov. 15th.
8.1.7 Brandon Marshall announced that Robotics Club needs volunteers on the weekend of Nov. 2 for the SoCal Vex competition.
8.1.8 Myeshia Brown announced an upcoming Fashion Club meeting on Oct. 22.
8.2- ASO Report
8.2.1 Luis Mendez discussed the venue options for commencement day 2013 and 2014, the majority of the council voted for the Marsee
Auditorium(22) over Lot L and the soccer field.
8.3- Finance Report
8.3.1 Jonathan Sharp reported that all the accounts have remained unchanged except for the ICC Fundraising Account (71-55001-00836511-7670).
8.4- ICC Adviser Reports
Public Comment on Non- Agenda Items (2 minute max)
10.1 Motion to adjourn meeting made by Angie Taylor. Seconded by Brandon Marshall. Motion passed.
Minutes created by Joy Mo
Minutes Verified by:
Brittany Hubble, ICC President
Breanna von Stein, ICC Adviser