





D ATE : O CTOBER 11, 2013

Chairperson : William Garcia

Members Present : Theresa Clifford, Lorena Garcia, Luis Mendez, Julieta Ortiz,

Recorder :

Breanna von Stein

Lucy Nelson

The meeting began at 9:00 a.m.

Review September 13, 2013 Meeting Minutes

The minutes were approved with no changes.



Campus-wide earthquake drill a.

L. Mendez reported his instructors did not mention the earthquake drill scheduled on

October 17 th

. Methods of notifying students other than flyers were discussed. W.

Garcia will ask Public Relations if student notification through Facebook, Twitter, or email was used. b.

Enrollment Services departments were instructed not to schedule activities or appointments during the drill to avoid disruption of services. c.

Discussed exit strategies for each location of the Student Services Center and

Activities Center. Is there a backup for Student Development in the event Rebecca

Cobb is not available?


Hallway signage - Dr. Nishime was open to re-painting the stripes in the hallways but hesitant about additional improvements made to a building that will be torn down. The new

Student Services Center will be tentatively completed by September 2017. The work to paint the signage would not be outsourced. Foster Care was not included on the current signage.


Discussed class scheduling and overlapping class issues - the VP of Academic Affairs and academic deans have worked to minimize overlapping of class times, working through faculty constraints, space availability, and scheduling of prime time classes. Adding more weekend and evening classes helps improve schedule issues. Students can petition to take overlapping courses.


An ITS work order to improve student access to ECC services on the computers at the

Information Desk was placed and is in the queue. Starting in 2014, Microsoft will no longer provide technical support for Windows operating systems older than Microsoft 7. Eventually,

Dell will stop making desktops. What will the campus do with the old computers? W. Garcia will ask the ITS Director what the college will do with the old computers.


Area Council a.

Datatel Colleague will be analyzed by an outside consultant to see if it is meeting the needs of the college. The divisions were asked for input on how they need Datatel to perform. b.

Board policy review – J. Ortiz requested feedback on three policies, including a new policy related to whistleblower protection. Send feedback to J. Ortiz by October 17 th before the Board meeting on October 21 st .


A majority of the students voted in favor of paying a $10 activity fee with an opt-out option.

Need to ensure protocol is in place to ensure which entities would use funds. Student leadership will work on policies and procedures. Discussed activities that should be funded by the district.


L. Mendez’s goal is to find ways to improve Wi-Fi access on campus. W. Garcia discussed campus hot spots with ITS. Problems with how some buildings are constructed blocks Wi-Fi access. W. Garcia will email the committee a link to a map of campus hot spots – maybe the student ambassadors can test the Wi-Fi spots on the map. It was suggested the Foundation seek a donor as a source for funds to improve Wi-Fi access. The Student Activities Center east and west lounge have decent Wi-Fi access.


The location for Commencement 2014 is still to be determined. Three proposals were forwarded to Cabinet by Student Development. Cabinet will decide on the location.


Council members were reminded to submit their department news for the Division Council newsletter in a timely manner. Division Council newsletter news is shared with Area


The meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.

