William Garcia
Members Present:
Michelle Arthur, Martha Burgess, Lorena Garcia, Luis Mendez,
Julieta Ortiz, Breanna von Stein
Lucy Nelson
The meeting began at 9:03 a.m.
Review May 24, 2013 Meeting Minutes
The minutes were approved with no changes.
1. Luis Mendez was introduced as the new student representative to the division council. Luis is
the ASO Director of Student and Community Advancement and is also a student ambassador.
2. The committee members were reminded to share the division council newsletter with their
department constituents. This meeting gives members the opportunity to share challenges to
address collectively.
3. Problems with Datatel Colleague at the beginning of the semester for both Torrance and
Compton campuses may have been due to high volume of activity and/or glitches in clearing
the system’s cache. Students who were unable to access their class schedules online lined up
at offices in the Student Services Center to have their schedules printed for them. Faculty was
not able to print class rosters. President Fallo asked the VP of Administrative Services to
bring in an external evaluator to review our current system and address its limitations.
4. Info Desk update: the lobby plasmas are up and running PowerPoint slides again thanks to
Claudio Vilchis in ITS. The kiosks around the Info Desk have been replaced by computers.
Still waiting for the kiosks to be removed from the lobby area. It is difficult to access
MyECC on these computers - Outreach will print and post instructions for students. When
they are available, the student ambassadors can help students with computer questions. W.
Garcia will submit a request with ITS to make computers more user-friendly.
5. Students graffiti, peel off and stick gum on the color vinyl hallway signage and some sections
are falling off the wall on the second floor of the Student Services Center. W. Garcia will
contact Facilities to see if the color striped signage can be painted. Is the current signage
helpful to students? Students still have difficulty finding SSVC 207 even though there are
four different signs pointing to its location. Other rooms on the second floor that are difficult
for students to find are SSVC 218A, Foster Care and the financial aid computer lab.
6. A campus police substation will be set up in the south side of the Student Activities Center.
Other services will be provided to students including engraving identification on bikes and
skateboards. A campus police substation is planned for the new Student Services Center,
which is scheduled to open summer 2017. A new Student Activities Center will be built in
the current location of the Student Services Center after it is torn down. Previous plans were
scratched and new ones are being developed based on input from meetings with the
architects. The new building will be located at the current automotive shops site off
Manhattan Beach Blvd. and will have three entrances. The Technical Arts building will be
replaced by a multi-level parking structure.
7. The committee discussed the winter session. The decision was made 1½ years ago to
eliminate winter session due to budget cuts and it is unlikely it will be reinstated soon.
Course sections will be added for spring, summer and fall. Students are encouraged to meet
with their academic counselors to review their options on this campus and to check courses
available at the Compton Center. Overlapping class schedules is a barrier for students. A
suggestion was made to include a student representative in Academic Affairs scheduling
meetings. W. Garcia will find out if this is possible.
8. The committee discussed ways to help students who try to get into classes at the last minute.
Students could be encouraged to apply early next semester or take short term classes.
Extended hours, walk-ins, and express counseling are options offered to these students.
Outreach updates high school counselors with current information to help prepare and
encourage their students to start the registration process early. Outreach will compile
feedback from high school counselors on various topics, i.e. financial aid and concurrent
enrollment and will provide results to this committee.
9. New students who complete orientation, assessment and receive an educational plan by
March 31, 2014 will receive priority registration for summer/fall 2014 over continuing
students. The application period for spring 2014 begins on November 1, 2013.
10. Public Relations will roll out a template for the new ECC web site.
11. By spring 2014, ITS will replace all computers that cannot support Windows 7 or higher.
Staff is encouraged to save their data on an external drive or shared district drive.
12. Financial Aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) appeal policy will change significantly.
October 31st is the deadline to accept SAP appeals for the fall semester. Only typed appeal
forms with required supporting documentation will be accepted. The appeal fillable form is
available on the Financial Aid webpage and is linked to the SAP email and. The financial aid
Board of Governor’s fee waiver (BOGFW) requirements will also change drastically and will
have a separate appeal process.
The meeting adjourned at 10:08 a.m.
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