William Garcia
Members Present:
Kenya Alvarez, Ben Ceja, Theresa Clifford, Julieta Ortiz, Ngoc Tran,
Lucy Nelson
The meeting began at 9:02 a.m.
Review October 11, 2013 Minutes
The minutes were approved with no changes.
1. The purpose of the Enrollment Services Division Council meeting is to discuss challenges
and problems in division departments that need to be addressed. Department updates are
shared through the division newsletter and submitted to L. Nelson by set due date. The
minutes and newsletter are posted through links on the ECC website and MyECC portal.
1. The student ambassadors tested the Wi-Fi hot spots located on the campus Wi-Fi map and all
spots work at least 50% in strength. Both IPhones and Androids were tested. Wi-Fi maps will
be available at the Info Desk. Some areas have stronger Wi-Fi signals than others. There are
two areas of Wi-Fi coverage on the second floor of the Student Services Center: in the
hallway on the north side of the building and outside of Financial Aid.
2. Assessment/Testing was having problems with the math and English testing software
Accuplacer. As a result of software upgrades, students were kicked out of tests, but the
problem has been resolved.
3. The old Student Services Center lobby kiosks were finally removed.
4. Counseling appointments are available online starting Friday at 5:00pm through MyECC.
Appointments fill up very quickly.
5. The site for the 2014 commencement ceremony is still to be determined. The campus
community was polled on three alternate sites: soccer field, Marsee auditorium and parking
lot L (next to the Child Development Center). Commencement has been moved up 3-4 weeks
earlier than last year.
6. The Board of Trustees approved hiring a consultant to evaluate the Datatel Colleague system.
This is an opportunity to provide feedback to a third party vendor. The division council is
asked to talk to their constituents and bring back a preliminary list of what they would like
the system to do and/or what it doesn’t do to suit their needs (i.e. turn a manual process into
an automated process; create a way to capture history). Members were asked to bring their
lists to the next meeting. W. Garcia will compile the information and submit it to Dr.
a. A recommendation was made to test patches to the system before running them.
b. What students need on the student portal should also be taken into consideration. If
you work with students, get their feedback.
c. SCA Area Council members were also asked to bring in the same information. J.
Ortiz would like to report the division council’s information at the next SCA Area
Council meeting on November 19th.
7. All equipment purchased through the Graduation Initiative needs to be tagged and location to
be determined before sent to departments. This is an on-going process so please be patient if
you are waiting for your equipment. Please email Ben Ceja at bceja@elcamino.edu if you
have questions about your equipment. W. Garcia thanked the Graduation Initiative for their
support of the departments and students.
8. The Financial Aid front counter remodel will last approximately five weeks. New service
windows will be built providing more protection and address audio concerns. Seven
Financial Aid Assistants and Assistant Director will be temporarily relocated to the old
cashier’s office in the Administration Building. Methods students will be notified of the
temporary location change include updating the information on the Financial Aid webpage,
sending email blasts to staff and students, posting information on social media (Twitter,
Facebook), and signage on doors. Two advisors and part-time staff will also have to relocate
to other rooms in the Financial Aid office. Four-drawer file cabinets will be emptied –
documents were scanned and initial intake documents will be scanned. Contact Melissa
Guess if you want file cabinets for your office. The remodel may begin at the end of
February and continue through March 2014.
9. Please encourage new students applying now to complete the online orientation and prepare
for the placement tests. Testing on campus for high school students will begin next month.
The meeting adjourned at 9:45 a.m.