Title of Book: Author: Publisher/Year: ISBN: Sea Sums Joy N. Hulme Hyperion Books/1996 0-7868-0170-0 Grade Levels for Recommended Use: Grade 2 TEKS: Math Grade 2 (b)(3)(A, B) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student adds and subtracts whole numbers to solve problems. The student is expected to recall and apply basic addition and subtraction facts (to 18). The student is expected to model addition and subtraction of two-digit numbers with objects, pictures, words, and numbers. Brief Summary: Swim through a coral reef and practice adding and subtracting with the animals that live there. Materials Needed: 1-game board, 1-foam die, 3-game pieces/per group of three students; paper and pencil/student Suggested Activity: Sea Sums Board Game. After reading the book, Sea Sums, to students, divide students into groups of three, and distribute materials to each group. Have students roll the die to determine the order of turn-taking; the student with the highest number rolls first. Have students place their game pieces on “start” on the game board. Have students begin taking turns rolling the die, moving their game piece, and answering one of the addition or subtraction problems in the space they land on until one player reaches “finish.” Students should show their work on their paper. As one student finishes showing their work for each problem, the other two students should check that student’s work. If the student answers the question incorrectly, he or she will move their game piece back to their previous space. Adapted by: Stephanie R. Medina (2011)