Title of Book: You Can, Toucan, Math Author: David A. Adler Publisher: Holiday House, Inc. 2007 ISBN: 978-0-8234-2117-6 Grade Levels for Recommended Use: 1st and up. TEKS: 2(3) Number, operation, and quantitative reasoning. The student adds and subtracts whole numbers to solve problems. The student is expected to: (B) select addition or subtraction and solve problems. Summary: Beautiful, bright illustrations make this book come alive for children of many ages. In addition, the poems centering around math concepts makes this book unique and fun while children learn about addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. This gorgeous book can be easily be used across the curriculum! Materials: o Book o Student problem solving sheet for each student (see attached template) o Grade-level appropriate word problem for each student o Enlarged teacher samples or transparencies of the problem solving sheet and word problem o Scissors & Glue Suggested Activity: 1. Discuss problem solving key words. (We made an anchor chart that has key words to let you know when to add or subtract). 2. Read You Can, Toucan, Math with students. This book is a series of poems and can be read in parts or as a whole. It can also easily be integrated into reading and writing. 3. Pass out word problem and problem solving format. (In 2nd grade this process is usually broken down into 4 days) 4. Read the word problem orally as a class. 5. Begin discussing each part of the word problem and label accordingly. 6. Discuss and circle the QUESTION and label with a Q. 7. Discuss and circle the IMPORTANT INFORMATION and label II. 8. Discuss if the word problem contains any EXTRANEOUS INFORMATION and label with an E. 9. After all parts of the word problem have been labeled, students cut and paste the word problem onto the format page. 10. Now solve the problem in the solution section of the format. Allow students the opportunity to solve using any method. (draw pictures, manipulatives, etc.) 11. The last part of the problem solving process involves the students writing in their own words how they solved the problem. Answers will vary but this is a great way for students to take perspective on their own thinking as well as hear a variety of ways to solve from other students. Other Activities: o Photocopy pages of the book for the students to solve either as a small group or individually. o Compose a class book. Each student or group of students will write one math word problem to contribute to the book. They will have to fill out an answer key with their entry. Adapted by: Anna Martinez, 2010 Name _________________ Date___________________ Problem Solving The Question The Important Information Extraneous Information Solution Explain in words: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________