Instructional Goals

English II
Ms. Treadwell
Instructional Goals for the Antigone Unit
Oklahoma PASS Objectives: Literature, Standard 3
Students will read and respond to historically or culturally significant works of British, American, and world literature. Conduct indepth analysis of themes, styles, and trends of these works across historical periods. Participate productively in self-directed work
teams to create observable products.
Student Goals
Success Partial Success Not there yet
1. Learn the characteristics of Greek drama, including the tragic hero,
tragic flaw, epiphany, and chorus.
2. Understand the historical and cultural importance of Greek drama
and its influence on modern theater.
3. Understand the connection between Greek religion and theater
and contrast it with modern theater.
4. Explore directing, acting, and staging techniques and appreciate
the skills necessary to put together a play.
5. Learn how to work effectively as part of a team.
6. Create original scripts, costumes, set backgrounds, sound effects,
and props.
7. Enjoy reading, producing, and watching live theater.
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