Unit 2-4B: Greek Influences and Achievements – Study Guide We will take the assessments for this unit in 2 parts. The first part will be a multiple-choice, matching, true/false, etc. section that will be counted as a quiz grade. The second part will be a short answer and extended response assessment that will be counted as a test grade. Information to Study: Olympics WebQuest Notes: Ancient Greek Olympics Notes: Greek Philosophers and Historians Greek Theater Reading Content for Part 1: Vocabulary: o Stade o Diaulous o Dolichos o Hoplitodromos o Pankration o Pentathlon Know the 5 events o Milo of Croton o Melankomas o Theagenes o Leonidas o Pythagoras o Sophists o Socrates o Plato o Aristotle (theater and philosophy) o Herodotus o Thucydides o Tragedies o Comedies o Satyr o Thespis Concepts and Ideas: o Be able to tell me the god/goddess that the Greek theater festivals honored o Be able to match the Olympic athletes to their accomplishments o Be able to match the philosophers with their ideas/teachings (Golden Mean, philosopher king government, etc.) o Be able to identify both of the historians we discussed Content for Part 2: Concepts and Ideas: o Be able to explain the 2 reasons why men were encouraged to participate in the Olympics o Be able to provide a definition and a translation for philosophy o Be able to explain why the work of Herodotus and Thucydides is so important o Be able to select one group of events from the Olympics and provide a summary of the different types of that event, along with the rules, and any other information we discussed o Be able to explain what Aristotle’s Politics said and how it influenced the government of the United States later o Be able to explain why Socrates was put on trial and what the result of his trial was