December 3, 2009 1:00 pm Activities Center West Conference Room

EI Camino College
Associated Students Organization
Senate Meeting Minutes
December 3, 2009
1:00 pm
Activities Center West Conference Room
Call to Order
 Senate Leader Ashley Smith called the meeting to order at 1:05 pm.
Roll Call (by sign in) – Quorum was established.
 Executive Cabinet
Present: Joshua Casper, Jose Iglesias, Elizabeth Mercado, Walter Mendez,
Philip Stokes, Breeanna Bond
Not Present: Ana Safazada (excused)
 Senators
Present: Liz Valencia, John Linehan, Paul Hiney, Brenda Kaing, Ashley Smith,
Michael Shodiya, Edmond Abdou
Not Present: Anthony Nguyen (excused), Begoña Guereca (excused), Kevin
Isomoto (excused), Erika Maldonado (excused), Heather Roberts, Kirstin Nguyen,
Mark Rehbein, Timothy Johnson, Johanna Zamora
 Justices (Non-Voting)
Present: Hashim Tyler
Not Present: Karla Villaseñor (excused), Danielle Parsons (excused)
 Commissioner of Fundraising Committee (Non- Voting)
Present: Christopher Pham
 Commissioner of Policy Committee (Non- Voting)
Present: Raven Sevilleja
 Commissioner of Finance Committee (Non- Voting)
Jessica Lopez (excused)
 Commissioners of Public Relations (Non- Voting)
Present: Genesis Flores, Samantha Glunt
Not Present: Lucy Rivera
 Student-At-Large (Non- Voting)
Present: Tim Linehan
 Administrative Assistant (Non-Voting)
Present: Jeethu Joseph (excused)
 Advisers (Non-Voting)
Present: Harold Tyler, Janice Watanabe, Jeannine Barba
 Guests
Chloe Smith, Meg Panlaqui
Approval of the Minutes
 Minutes of November 19, 2009 were approved without objection.
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Approval of the Agenda
 It was noted that Josh Casper was not present because he was called into another
meeting. Josh requested that items 5.1, 5.2, 5.4 and 5.5 under “New Business” be
delayed on the agenda until he could attend.
 Motion to approve the agenda with 5.3 moved up to the first item under New
Business. Moved by Walter Mendez. Seconded by John Linehan. Motion passed.
New Business
5.1 ASO T-Shirts
 Walter Mendez suggested making ASO t-shirts to wear once a month to spread
the word about ASO and to send the t-shirt request to the ASO Finance
Committee to recommend a budget.
 Motion to send the ASO t-shirt budget request to the ASO Finance
Committee. Moved by Walter Mendez, Seconded by Philip Stokes.
 Discussion:
 Design is going to be dependent on the funding
 Starting with t-shirts and may extend to other types of clothing if larger budget
 Everyone in Senate will get a shirt
 Motion Passed.
It was noted that Josh Casper was still absent, so the Chair moved to “Old Business” without
Old Business - none
7.1 ASO Member Reports:
 Public Relations Officer – Walter Mendez
 Attending Web Task Force meeting today
 Attending Parking Committee on December 9th with Jose I.
 Region 7 Rep – Philip Stokes
 Prepared and distributed a summary sheet of three resolutions from the
SSCCC General Assembly that effect students directly. The summary sheet
describes each resolution, how ECC voted and if the resolution passed or
failed. Philip suggested sharing this information with constituents.
o Resolution 3.01 – Calif. Ed. Code and regulations: Inclusion of an
“Information Competency Graduation Requirement”
o Resolution 4.01 – Campus free speech
o Resolution 17.01 – Student Senate Funding – Sustainable Funding
 Philip suggested that before the next General Assembly, ECC has a meeting
ahead of time to discuss the pending resolutions.
 Academic Affairs – Ana Safazada (Chris Pham gave the report on behalf of Ana)
 Academic Senate meeting report
o College is thinking of raising student fees to $50 per unit.
o There are no plans for midyear budget cuts but cuts will be made next
o Deans have been asked to write up faculty for those who don’t report
attendance with their roster.
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o The issue of having Department chairs was discussed – pro: more
organization; con: expensive.
o Katie Gleason, Director of the ECC Foundation talked about the Osher
initiative. Philip elaborated that if ECC raises $1 million in 2 years,
the Osher Foundation will give $25 million in scholarships for
students. Ana would like Ms. Gleason to come to the Student Senate
meeting next semester to talk about what she does.
7.2 ICC Reports – Philip Stokes
 Vintage sale netted $137-plus for ICC fundraising.
 Next project in the spring is a social event - “Loathing in Las Vegas”. Hopefully
will get ASO co-sponsorship to help with expenses and promote student
leadership. Chris Pham and Philip are chairs for the event. Estimate 300-400
students – penciled in for April 2nd – lighting effects, casino, food, lounge area.
 Children’s Holiday Party on December 11th from 11:30am-1:00pm for Headstart
children – activities/crafts, presents and Santa. ICC invites ASO to have a crafts
table or be involved in another way. Talk to Chris who is one of the co-chairs.
12-13 clubs involved and over 50 volunteers.
7.3 Committee Reports
 ASO Special Election Committee – Jose Iglesias
 Petitions were due yesterday
 List of candidates will be posted tomorrow
 Candidates meeting at 1:00pm tomorrow
 Voting on December 8th and 9th
 Rally on December 8th
 Results will be posted on December 14th
 ASO Public Relations Committee – Walter Mendez
 The pictures are up on the website and he will arrange for Dwight to take
photos at next meeting for those who missed the first photo shoot
 ASO Fundraising – Chris Pham
 Putting together fundraisers and needs more people to assist him.
 CPK – possible dinner night during last week of school – more info at next
7.4 Advisor Reports
 Harold Tyler
 Mentioned that he is getting questioned about why ASO is moving so fast with
the special election.
 A different process is needed for the Student Development Office to check the
“hold and maintain” eligibility standard for Senate. We need to check more
often than at the beginning and end of the semester. Progress reports may be
instituted to check Senate eligibility - to intervene if concerned. This could be
implemented next semester. Senate opinion/input is requested.
 College – accreditation (on warning) – feedback to be reported on January 11th
VIII. Public Comment on Non- Agenda Items
 Philip Stokes – asked if anyone wanted him to go through the resolutions. Following
were answers to requests from the members:
 He explained that the 3 resolutions on the sheet that he distributed earlier were the
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most important
 He also clarified what the first resolution was about.
It was noted that Josh Casper was now in attendance, so the Chair moved back to “New
Business” items without objection.
5.2 Nullification of Title Changes – Josh Casper
 Clarification was received that a constitutional amendment was needed in order
to change the titles of “Director of Finance” and “Public Relations Officer”.
Consequently the Senate action taken on October 22, 2009 to “revise PR Officer
Title to Director of Public Relations and Director of Finance to Director of
Administrative Services” needs to be nullified.
 Motion to rescind/nullify the title changes. Moved by Josh Casper. Seconded
by Walter Mendez.
 Discussion: Harold Tyler explained the differentiation between what a relevant
title change in the constitution would be and why the previous action taken
should have been in the form of a constitutional amendment.
 Motion Passed.
5.3 Constitutional Amendments – Josh Casper
 Today is the last day to propose a constitutional amendment to be voted on at the
Special Election on December 8 and 9, 2009.
 Various topics were discussed.
 Walter brought up the issue as to whether it is fair to have one semester of
participation be a requirement for the Student Trustee and President positions.
Discussion followed.
 Motion to create an amendment to the ASO Constitution to add the
following to Article II, Section 6D: “This requirement can also be met by an
equivalency/competency requirement as stipulated in the ASO By-Laws”.
Moved by Philip Stokes. Seconded by Walter Mendez.
 Clarification: number of votes needed to pass – 16 (which is 2/3 of seated
 Motion failed (8-4-0).
 Motion to table agenda items 5.4 and 5.5. Moved by Josh Casper. Seconded by John
Linehan. Motion passed.
 Motion to adjourn. Moved by Ashley Smith, Seconded by Paul Hiney. Motion
 Meeting adjourned at 2:00 pm
Minutes Recorded by Breeanna Bond and Janice Watanabe
Minutes Verified by
Josh Casper, ASO President
Harold Tyler, ASO Adviser
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