March 10 , 2011 Activities Center West Lounge

El Camino College
Associated Students Organization
Senate Meeting Minutes
March 10th, 2011
Activities Center West Lounge
I. Call to Order
Tim Linehan Called the Meeting to Order at 1:04 pm – Quorum was established.
II. Roll Call – following persons signed the roll sheet
Executive Cabinet
o President: Jessica Lopez
o Vice President: Tim Linehan
o Director of Academic Affairs: Dalal Budri
o Director of Finance: Ryuichiro Enomoto
o Director of Stu. & Com. Adv.: Lena Yamaguchi
o Student Trustee: Johanna Zamora
o Public Relations Officer: Nicole Reinertsen
o Student Services: Chloe Smith (Excused)
Senators by Division
o Behavioral & Social Sciences: Ryanchase Balthazar
o Health Sciences & Athletics: Melina Mossberg, Sharon Asher
o Humanities: Jasmine Hormati
o Mathematical Sciences: Paul Hiney, Vito Iaia
Commissioners (Non-Voting)
Present: Sharon Asher, Rebekka Asher, Jack DeMont, Kenji Tomoda, Samuel Barke,
Cesar Ordaz, Ariel Manjarrez, Shyh-Herng Lo
Administrative Assistant
Present: Kevin Paxton
Advisers (Non-Voting)
Present: Rebecca Cobb, Jeannine Barba
Present: Cindy Valdez, Andre Portilla, Azucena Valadez, Linda Lew, Carolee VakilJessop, Tierra Mayfield, Nestrol Rogel, Hector Morales, Jameel Younis, Patrick
Mondestin- Howard
III. Approval of the Minutes
Jasmine Hormati stated that under 7.1 Member reports, the amount made from recycling
was $3.25 and not $3.75.
Nicole Reinertsen stated that under 7.2 ICC reports where the signup sheet was created
should have been under 5.9.
Jessica Lopez stated that everyone absent was excused at the last senate meeting.
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Motion to approve the minutes as amended for February 24, 2011 made by
Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Vito Iaia.
Motion passed.
IV. Approval of the Agenda
Vito Iaia asked to move 5.6 to 5.4
Motion to approve the agenda as amended for March 10, 2011 made by Jessica
Lopez. Seconded by Sharon Asher.
Motion passed.
V. New Business
5.1 Mocktail Update – Rebekka Asher
Rebekka Asher wanted to thank everyone for helping out, stating the event is one
week away; therefore, she needs help one more time during the night of the event.
The night needs blenders, ice chests, bartenders, waiters, and ASO people need to
buy their ticket.
5.2 Removals/Appointments/Resignations – Jessica Lopez
 Motion to appoint Andre Portilla as Commissioner of Mathematics made
by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Vito Iaia.
Discussion: Vito Iaia supports the appointment.
Motion Passed.
 Motion to appoint Vito Iaia as co-chair of the Policy Committee made by
Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Paul Hiney
Motion Passed.
 Motion to appoint Cindy Valdez as co-chair of the Policy Committee made
by Jessica Lope. Seconded by Lena Yamaguchi.
Motion passed.
 Motion to appoint Cindy Valdez as Senator of Behavioral and Social
Sciences made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Johanna Zamora.
Motion passed.
 Motion to appoint Nicole Reinertsen as chair of the Elections Committee
made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Johanna Zamora.
Motion passed.
 Motion to appoint Kenji Tomoda as Senator of Business made by Jessica
Lopez. Seconded by Paul Hiney.
Discussion: Kenji’s first division council meeting is on March 13th.
Motion passed.
 Motion to appoint Rebekka Asher as Senator of Natural Sciences made by
Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Vito Iaia.
Motion passed.
 Motion to appoint Azucena Valadez as Commissioner of Natural Sciences
made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Rebekka Asher.
Motion passed.
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Motion to appoint Jasmine Hormati as Region 7 Representative pending
her resignation or removal as Senator of Humanities made by Jessica
Lopez. Seconded by Johanna Zamora.
Motion passed.
Jessica Lopez then stated that Ryuichiro Enomoto and Lisa Brown have resigned.
5.3 Mental Health Resolution – Jasmine Hormati
Nicole Reinertsen stated that no date has been set yet for the canned food drive.
 Motion to table 5.3 to the next meeting made by Jasmine Hormati.
Seconded by Vito Iaia.
Motion Passed.
5.4 Finance Items – Jessica Lopez
 Motion to approve transferring $100 from AS Supplies account # 7155001-00-836101-7670 to AS Hospitality account # 71-55001-00836104-7670 made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Vito Iaia
Discussion: Vito announced this is for Pi day, this Monday from 12pm to 2 pm.
There will be prizes, pie and activities.
Motion Passed.
 Motion to approve $100 from AS Hospitality account # 71-55001-00836104-7670 for Pi day made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Lena
Motion Passed.
5.5 Smoking on Campus – Jessica Lopez/Jasmine Hormati
A vote took place on what the ASO was most in favor of supporting on this
1 vote for free smoking campus.
8 votes for limited-smoking campus.
1 vote for smoke free campus.
 Motion for ASO members to support a limited-smoking zone only on
campus made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Jasmine Hormati
Motion passed by majority vote (7-5-0)
5.6 Online Voting – Jessica Lopez
Jessica Lopez believes we should have an online voting system
 Motion for ASO to begin development of an online voting process for
general elections, including a foundation and appropriate By-Laws made
by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Paul Hiney.
Discussion: Lena Yamaguchi explained why an external voting program would be
cheap and easy.
Motion passed.
5.7 Hair Donation Drive – Jasmine Hormati
The event will take place from April 4-5 at 8:30- 4:30 there will be tables on
Tuesday and Thursday from 1-2pm. The ECC Cosmopolitan will be cutting and
styling the hair and giving free manicures. 8” for wigs and 2” for helping with oil
5.8 Diversity– Jessica Lopez
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Motion for ASO to create an Ad-Hoc diversity event Committee with the
intent to plan an event for the end of April or early May made by Jessica
Lopez. Seconded by Jasmine Hormati.
Motion passed.
VI. Old Business
VII. Reports
7.1 ASO Member Reports
 Rebekka Asher reported that the yearly event put on by the Natural Science
Division for junior high and senior high school students will be held on April 30th.
An Astronaut will be present and the event needs help.
 Jessica Lopez reported that SSCCC will be from April 1-3. That 7 people have
responded and there are 4 students and one advisor going and three alternates. The
following people are going: Ariel Manjarrez, Jasmine Hormati, Johanna Zamora,
and Jessica Lopez. Alternates: Samuel Barke, Nicole Reinertsen, Cindy Valdez.
 Dalal Budri reported that the Academic Senate present their winter session
resolution on the 21st. She also said as a reminded that to set up division council
meetings through her.
 Patrick Mondestin-Howard potential Industry and Technology Senator spoke with
the I.T. Dean.
7.2 ICC Reports
 ICCs club mixer will take place on March 11th, Friday, from 12-2pm.
The Blood Drive will start on Tuesday March 22.
7.3 AGS Reports
AGS applications are due March 22nd, at their next meeting at 1pm and their
meetings are in Math 100A and are moving to the west lounge.
7.4 Committee Reports
Rebekka Asher reported that next Monday at 1pm is the Fundraising Committee
meeting time for the fund raising committee. She passed around a sign in sheet;
meeting dates are subject to change. Jessica Lopez reminded that the ASO goal
for fund raising is $2,500.
7.5 Adviser Reports
 Rebecca Cobb stated that Rebkka Asher needs our help and that she’s doing a
good job. Rebecca Cobb also stated that there are scholarships worth $750 that are
available to students with 2.9 GPA 9 or more units, and participate in leadership.
She has applications.
VIII. Public Comments
Ariel Manjarrez stated that his philosophy club believes the government spends too much
money on the military and is attempting to make a sub-committee that spreads the word
and knowledge of how we need to spend the money more wisely. Hopefully this will
gather momentum in other colleges and becomes large enough for the government to
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IX. Adjournments
 Motion to adjourn the Senate meeting at 2:15pm, made by Jessica Lopez.
Seconded by Paul Hiney. Motion passed.
Minutes Recorded by Kevin Paxton
Minutes Verified by:
Jessica Lopez, ASO President
Rebecca Cobb, ASO Adviser
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