March 24 , 2011 Activities Center West Lounge

El Camino College
Associated Students Organization
Senate Meeting Minutes
March 24th, 2011
Activities Center West Lounge
I. Call to Order
Tim Linehan Called the Meeting to Order at 1:06 pm – Quorum was established.
II. Roll Call – following persons signed the roll sheet
Executive Cabinet
o President: Jessica Lopez
o Vice President: Tim Linehan
o Director of Academic Affairs: Dalal Budri
o Director of Stu. & Com. Adv.: Lena Yamaguchi
o Student Trustee: Johanna Zamora
o Public Relations Officer: Nicole Reinertsen
o Region 7 Representative: Jasmine Hormati
o Student Services: Chloe Smith (Excused)
Senators by Division
o Behavioral & Social Sciences: Cindy Valdez
o Business: Kenji Tomoda
o Health Sciences & Athletics: Melina Mossberg, Sharon Asher
o Humanities: Jasmine Hormati
o Mathematical Sciences: Paul Hiney, Vito Iaia
o Natural Sciences: Rebekka Asher
 Behavioral & Social Sciences: Ryanchase Balthazar
Commissioners (Non-Voting)
Present: Sharon Asher, Rebekka Asher, Jack DeMont, Kenji Tomoda, Samuel Barke,
Shyh-Herng Lo
Administrative Assistant
Present: Kevin Paxton
Advisers (Non-Voting)
Present: Linda Lew
Present: Andre Portilla, Azucena Valadez, Tierra Mayfield, Nestrol Rogel, Patrick
Mondestin- Howard, Lily Kurosaki, Tayani Davis, Eui-Hyuck (Alex) Kim, Nestor
Rogel, Simone Jackson, Sohimar M Flowers, Jennifer Gallards, Diana Valdez, Josh
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III. Approval of the Minutes
Motion to table approval of the minutes March 10, 2011 made by Jessica Lopez.
Seconded by Vito Iaia.
Motion passed.
IV. Approval of the Agenda
Motion to approve the agenda for March 24, 2011 made by Jessica Lopez.
Seconded by Vito Iaia.
Motion passed.
V. Special Presentation
5.1 Dr. Arvid Spor, Dean, Enrollment Services
Dr. Arvid Spor described the current budget status of the state and El Camino
College. The State of California is currently 25-26 billion over its budget, and part
of the cut to help stop over spending in the state is to cut schools’ budget.
Governor Jerry Brown wants to create a proposition to the voters in June to
extend certain taxes for another 5 years. Effectively cutting the 25 billion in half
and the rest to be spread out in cuts throughout the state ie. Services, Education
In the Budget Planning Proposal sheet, there are three columns with draft idea on
how much to cut from El Caminos budget. The first columns (option #1) deadline
has past and would require Republican support, however they do not agree with it;
therefore, Option 2 and 3 is only available.
Currently El Camino has reduced its classes from 5,400 sections down to 4,500.
These budget options will cut more sections, option 2 cutting 370 and option 3
681 sections
Winter session, and Spring will be reduced, but not Fall. This Fall instead will
increase by about 30 sections. Winter session may be reduced to transfer only
classes, a few other classes that veterans need and sports classes needed by
athletes. Of those sections that are being discussed are repeatable classes. These
have “abcd” after the name, these may be reduced to only taking them once.
The school needs to hire 20 faculty members, however only 10 at most possibly 5
or even none may be hired with the retirements coming soon.
El Camino is discussing eliminating printed versions of schedule books since they
are online. The cuts will take place on June 1st, with option 2 having 11% cut in
ECCs 100 million budget or option 3 having 17.5 or 18% cut from the budget. Dr.
Arvid explains that ECC cannot use its reserves to pay for this because there
would be nothing left in the future. He also wanted to know if ASO had any
fundraising ideas and if so to discuss them with Rebecca Cobb. The idea of
naming a building was brought up and would available for $20 million.
Worst case scenario Dr. Arvid was explaining, would be to cut days that faculty
work at ECC; possibly, expanding to teachers meaning no class on certain days.
Option 2 allows prop 98 to be maintained and option 3 could place a freeze on
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prop 98. Tuition will be increased by at least $10 per unit, making it $36, with the
possibility of increasing by $44 to $66 per unit.
6.1 Finance Items – Jessica Lopez
6.1.1 EZ-up Tent (approved at Finance meeting 3/1/11)
 Motion to approve $200 for the purchase for a Easy Up Tent from AS
Supplies account # 71-55001-00-836101-7670 made by Jessica Lopez.
Seconded by Vito Iaia.
Motion passed.
6.1.2 Copy Center Blanket Purchase Order(approved at Finance meeting 3/1/11)
 Motion to approve up to $250 to cover the Copy Center Blanket
Purchase Order from AS Supplies account # 71-55001-00-8361017670 made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Rebekka Asher.
Discussion: Nicole Reinertsen wanted to know why we are spending more on
copies than last year. Jessica Lopez explained that we are more active this
year. Kevin Paxton stated that the receipts are in the SDO.
Jasmine Hormati Abstained.
Motion Passed.
6.2 General Elections – Nicole Reinertsen
6.2.1 Elections Committee
 Motion to appoint Johanna Zamora, Jessica Lopez, Sam Barke, and
Cindy Valdez as members of the Election Committee made by Nicole
Reinertsen. Seconded by Vito Iaia.
Motion Passed.
6.2.2 Election Calendar
 Motion to ratify the ASO election calendar as is made by Nicole
Reinertsen. Seconded by Johanna Zamora.
Motion Passed.
6.2.3 Elections Guidelines, Information for Candidates, & Information for
Campaigning on Ballot Issues
Nicole Reinertsen stated that two changes were made:
#11 on the Elections Guideline was changed to an open meeting to avoid
Brown Act.
#6 to Information for Candidates was changed from Social media to
“Candidates are allowed to use Social networking as a source of
campaigning.” The rest of # 6 Social Media is the same.
 Motion to approve the Elections Guidelines, Information for
Candidates, & Information for Campaigning on Ballot Issues with the
changes made by the Elections Committee made by Nicole Reinertsen.
Seconded by Vito Iaia.
Motion Passed.
6.3 Senate Schedule – Jessica Lopez
6.3.1 Motion to cancel the next Finance meeting on 4/5/11 and reschedule
for 3/29/11 made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Cindy Valdez.
Motion Passed.
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Motion to have an additional Senate Meeting on 4/7/11 made by
Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Jasmine Hormati.
Motion Passed.
6.4 Appointments – Jessica Lopez
6.4.1 Motion to appoint Patrick Mondestin-Howard as Senator of Industry &
Technology made by Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Vito Iaia.
Motion Passed.
Motion to appoint Oxana Antonova to Student at Large made by
Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Nicole Reinertsen.
Motion Passed.
Motion to appoint Nicole Reinertsen to Banquet co-chair made by
Jessica Lopez. Seconded by Cindy Valdez.
Motion Passed.
Motion to appoint Chloe Smith to Banquet co-chair made by Jessica
Lopez. Seconded by Jasmine Hormati
Motion Passed.
6.5 Resignations – Jessica Lopez
Jessica Lopez stated that the following people were resigning from their
commissioner positions: Kenji Tomoda, Rebekka Asher, Sharon Asher, Jasmine
Hormati and Vito Iaia from the Policy Committee chair position.
6.6 Hands Across California – Camille Johnson
Camille Johnson was not present to move forward with the item.
6.7 ASO Sanction event – Jessica Lopez
Jessica Lopez stated that HTP wanted ASO to participate in a hour long seminar.
ASO picks the date, it will be during college hour.
Motion that ASO officially participate in a hour long HTP seminar made
by Jessica Lopez.
No second, motion did not pass.
6.8 Smoking on Campus Policy – Jasmine Hormati
Jasmine Hormati stated that she ASO supports moving ECC towards creating
smoking free zones. She has created two versions of a resolution that she wants
use to choose from.
Jessica Lopez stated that it should be revised further before passing.
 Motion to table 6.8 until the next senate meeting and send the resolution
to the Policy Committee with the suggested changes made by Jessica
Lopez. Seconded by Jasmine Hormati.
Motion passed.
6.9 Spring Break Alcohol Awareness Week – Nicole Reinertsen
6.9.1 Motion for ASO officially endorse Alcohol awareness week made by
Nicole Reinertsen. Seconded by Jasmine Hormati.
Motion passed.
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6.9.2 Nicole Reinertsen suggested that ASO participate with a contest that she found
online for Community Colleges. ASO can will $250 for making a commercial.
Motion for ASO to make a public service announcement commercial to
be entered in a contest made by Nicole Reinertsen. Seconded by Lena
Yamaguchi. Motion Passed.
VII. Reports
7.1 ASO Member Reports
7.1 Johanna Zamora reported that during the Board of Trustees meeting, there was the
same discussion of the budget as when Dr. Arvid Spor did earlier. She wanted ASO
members to spread the word about the budget.
7.2 Andre Portilla reported that Pi day was a success, that the pies were eaten.
7.3 Nicole Reinertsen reported that she is trying to have ASO be able to create its own
Facebook page. Where ASO can talk about events and status updates for meetings.
7.4 Patrick Mondestin-Howard reported that the career major faire is coming up soon and
that there will be an event called girls in the garage. He will send more information
via email.
7.5 Johanna Zamora reported that April 4-5 is the hair donation day and that the event
will be working with Pantene. They are asking for only head hair, and no bleached
7.2 ICC Reports
 ICC approved hands across El Camino College but has not approved Hands
across California. Also April 17th works well, and they approved AGS to go on
their annual trip
7.3 AGS Reports
7.4 Committee Reports
Rebekka Asher reported that Pinkberry will be on campus on April 27th and May
7.5 Adviser Reports
 Linda Lew reported that today, March 24th, is the last day for the blood drive.
Also that it will be open until 8pm
VIII. Public Comments
Lily Kurosaki is going to have tables out around campus on Wednesdays and Thursdays
from 9am-5pm for a fundraiser to help those in need from Japan. They plan on raising
$50,000 and that anyone who donates $10 receives a t-shirt. Lily wants ASO to officially
participate and help with advertising. Nicole Reinertsen stated that ASO cannot officially
help with the advertising; however, ASO can help with the tables around campus.
Melina Mossberg suggested that they go talk to the American Red Cross because they are
giving aid to Japan.
IX. Adjournments
 Motion to adjourn the Senate meeting at 2:12pm, made by Johanna Zamora.
Seconded by Lena Yamaguchi.
Motion passed.
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Minutes Recorded by Kevin Paxton
Minutes Verified by:
Jessica Lopez, ASO President
Linda Lew, ASO Adviser
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