- Female Reproductive System


Anatomy and Physiology 34B

Chapter 27 - Female Reproductive System




Introduction to the Female Reproductive Sys.


Structure & Function of the Ovaries


Secondary Sex Organs


Mammary Glands


Puberty & Menopause


Female Sexual Response

II. Introduction to the Female Reproductive Sys.


Female Reproductive System - includes the _________ (gonads), uterine (Fallopian) tubes, uterus, vagina, vulva, & mammary glands


Female & male reproductive systems are ______________ in that:


Most reproductive organs develop from similar embryonic tissues (______________)


Both systems have ___________ that produce gametes & sex hormones


Reproductive organs of both become functional during _____________ as a result of sex hormones secreted by the gonads


_________________ between the male & female reproductive systems are:


Mature male gonads produce _________ continuously throughout life


Female gonads contain ____ her ova, in an immature state, at birth. After puberty,

____ ova is ovulated per month until menopause


_______________ of the female reproductive system are:


Produce _________


Secrete sex ___________


Receive sperm from the male during _________


Provide sites for ________________, implantation, embryonic & fetal development


Provide nourishment for the baby via the ____________ glands


__________ of the female reproductive system are:


Primary sex organs - gonads ( _________ ) produce gametes ( _____ ) and secrete steroid sex hormones (estrogen & progesterone)


_______________ sex organs - structures needed for ovum fertilization, blastocyst implantation, embryonic & fetal development, & parturition. These organs include: a.

___________ - copulatory organ and birth canal b.

____________ - external genitalia that protect the vaginal opening c.

Uterine (______________) tubes - transport ovulated ova and where fertilization takes place d.

_____________ - implantation & development take place here e.

_______________ glands - secrete milk to nourish child after birth



Secondary sex characteristics - develop at ____________ in response to increased gonadotropic & sex hormone secretion a.

Distribution of _____ to breasts, abdomen, mons pubis, & hips b.

Axillary & pubic _______ c.

Broad ________


Structure & Function of the _________


Position & Structure of the Ovaries


Ovaries - paired organs in the upper dorsal pelvic cavity _________ fossa , lateral to the uterus, that produce ova and the sex hormones estrogen & progesterone


_____ on the medial side of each ovary is the entry point for ovarian vessels & nerves


Ovaries are secured by several membranous ____________ a.

_______ ligament - parietal peritoneum that supports the uterine tubes and uterus b.

_________ - posterior extension of the broad ligament that attaches to the ovaries c.

_________ ligament - anchors each ovary to the uterus d.

___________ ligament - attaches ovaries to the pelvic wall


Each ovary consists of 4 _______: a.

__________ epithelium - thin outermost layer composed of simple cuboidal epithelium b.

Tunica _____________ - fibrous CT layer below epithelium c.

Ovarian _______ - outer layer of ovary; houses developing oocytes in follicles d.

Ovarian ________ - inner loose CT layer containing blood & lymph vessels and nerves


The ________________ is a monthly cycle that includes the ovarian cycle in the ovaries and the menstrual cycle in the uterus


At about 5 months, the female fetus’ ovaries contain about 6-7 million __________

(immature egg cells).


Toward the end of gestation, the oogonia complete prophase, meiosis I and form diploid __________ ___________


When a girl enters puberty, she has about 300 - 400 thousand primary ________; only about ____ will eventually be ovulated


____________ follicles in the ovary cortex contain primary oocytes surrounded by follicular cells

C. The ________ cycle lasts about 28 days, with day 1 being the first day of menstruation; it consists of a follicular phase, ovulation, and a postovulatory phase

1. The ___________ phase includes the menstrual phase (days 1-5) and preovulatory phase (days 6-14)

2. During the ____________ phase, the endometrial stratum functionalis is shed

3. During the ____________ phase, FSH stimulates some primordial follicles to progress to primary follicles, then secondary follicles, then a single Graafian follicle

3 a. Follicular cells divide to produce _________ epithelium that surrounds the oocyte and fills the follicle; this forms the __________ follicle, surrounded by granulosa cells (the former follicle cells) b. Some primary follicles continue to grow and form __________ follicles , which contain:

1) ________- fluid filled cavity surrounded by granulosa cells

2) Corona ________ - follicular epithelium surrounding the secondary oocyte

3) Zona ___________ - thin layer of glycoproteins between the corona radiata & oocyte c. Influenced by ___, the follicular cells secrete increased ____________ from androgens secreted by the theca folliculi cell layer just outside the follicle d. As the follicle develops, the primary oocyte completes meiosis I, forming one haploid ________ oocyte with most of the cytoplasm and one smaller _______ body that dissolves e. The secondary oocyte begins meiosis II, but stops at ___________ II until it is fertilized by a sperm


____________ –about 14 days after day 1 of menstruation, the large __________ follicle bursts, releasing its oocyte into the peritoneal cavity near the opening of the uterine tube


The secondary __________, surrounded by the zona pellucida & corona radiata, is swept by fimbria into the uterine tube and moved along by cilia lining the tube


If not fertilized, the oocyte ___________ in a couple of days


If a sperm enters the oocyte, it completes meiosis II forming one large _______ and a smaller ________ body that dissolves


Sperm & ovum nuclei unite to form a diploid _________

D. The __________________ phase is divided into the luteal phase (days 15-26) and premenstrual phase (days 27-28).

1. _________ phase involves the follicle remnant after ovulation a. Influenced by ___, the empty follicle becomes a corpus __________ , which secretes ______________ to maintain the endometrial lining of the uterus b. If the oocyte is not fertilized, the corpus luteum atrophys to a nonfunctional corpus


2. _____________ phase is marked by ischemia and necrosis of the stratum functionalis

E. The _________ cycle is divided into proliferative, secretory, premenstrual, and menstrual phases

1. ___________ phase (days 6-14) – stratum functionalis is rebuilt by mitosis, influenced by ___________ from the ovaries

2. ____________ phase (days 15-26) – endometrium thickens by secretion of mucus and glycogen, influenced by ____________ from the corpus luteum

3. _________________ phase is triggered by the decay of the corpus luteum and lack of

___________; uterine arteries deprive the endometrium of blood, which causes tissue necrosis and the

4. _____________ phase – sloughing off of the stratum ___________


Secondary Sex Organs


Uterine (__________) tubes - about 4 in. long, extend laterally from the superior uterus; transport oocytes from the ovaries to the uterus


____________ expanded middle region of the uterine tube that leads to the


_______________ - the funnel-shaped, open end of the tube, close to the ovary


______________ - fingerlike extensions of the infundibulum that sweep the ovulated oocyte into the tube


___________ – superior margin of the broad ligament that surrounds the uterine tube


The uterine tube consists of 3 _________: a.

_________ lines the lumen and is composed of ciliated columnar epithelium b.

___________ - middle layer of circular and longitudinal layers of smooth muscle c.

_________ - outer layer that is part of the visceral peritoneum

6. Pelvic inflammatory disease (____), an inflammation of the uterine tubes and associated structures, can result if pathogens enter the tubes

7. ____________ pregnancy results if a developing embryo (blastocyst) implants in the uterine tube or abdominal wall, rather than in the uterus.

8. Tubal ___________ involves severing the uterine tubes so sperm cannot contact ova


_________ - hollow, thick-walled, inverted pear-shaped organ anterior to the rectum and posterosuperior to the urinary bladder; site of implantation & development of embryo & fetus


__________ of the Uterus a.

________ - dome-shaped region superior to the uterine tube entry b.

________ (corpus) - enlarged main portion between fundus & cervix c.

Uterine __________ - space within the fundus & body d.

__________ - inferior constricted area opening into the vagina e.

Cervical _______ - extends through the cervix and opens into the vaginal lumen f.

Cervical _______ – secrete mucus that blocks the passage of microbes from the vagina into the uterus; the mucus becomes thinner near the time of ovulation g.

_________ - junction of the uterine cavity & cervical canal h.

Uterine _________ - opening of the cervical canal into the vagina i.

During a _____ smear , cervical cells are scraped off, then examined microscopically for abnormalities


____________ of the Uterus a.

The uterus is held in place by _________ of the pelvic floor and ligaments that extend from it to the pelvic girdle or body wall b.

Four paired ____________ support the uterus


___________ - folds of the broad ligament that extend from the pelvic walls

& floor to the lateral walls of the uterus; also support the ovaries & uterine tubes


Rectouterine folds (uterosacral ligament) - part of peritoneum that curves along the lateral pelvic wall on both sides of the ________ to connect uterus to the sacrum




Cardinal (lateral cervical) ligaments - fibrous bands in the broad ligament that extend from _______ & vagina and attach to the lateral pelvic walls; also contain some vessels, smooth muscle, & nerves


________ ligaments - continuations of the ovarian ligaments; extend from the uterus’ lateral border, through the inguinal canal, & attach to the labia majora


Uterine Wall - composed of 3 _________: a.

_____metrium - outermost serosal layer, consists of the thin visceral peritoneum


Lateral portion is continuous with the _______ ligament


________uterine pouch is formed by the peritoneum between the uterus and urinary bladder


________uterine pouch is formed by the peritoneum between the uterus and the rectum b.

_______metrium - thick middle layer composed of 3 layers of smooth muscle arranged in longitudinal, circular, & spiral patterns c.

_______metrium - inner mucosal lining, consists of 2 layers

1) Stratum _________ of columnar epithelium and containing secretory glands; this layer is shed during menstruation

2) Stratum _________ - vascular layer that regenerates the stratum functionalis after each menstruation


_________ - tubular, fibromuscular organ that extends from the cervix to vestibule; it receives sperm from the penis during coitus, serves as the birth canal and passageway for menses


__________ - deep recess surrounding the protrusion of the cervix into the vagina


Vaginal __________ - opening of the vagina into the vestibule


_______ - thin fold of mucous membrane that may partially cover the vaginal orifice


The vaginal wall is composed of 3 _________ a.

Mucosal layer - consists of nonketatinized _________ squamous epithelium that forms transverse folds ( vaginal _______ ) b.

___________ layer - longitudinal & circular bands of smooth muscle interlaced with CT c.

__________ layer - dense regular CT + elastic fibers that covers the vagina and attaches it to surrounding pelvic organs


_________ (pudendum) - external genitalia of the female, include:


________________ - adipose CT covering the pubic symphysis


Labia ________ - 2 thickened longitudinal skin folds that contain loose CT, adipose, smooth muscle, sweat & sebaceous glands; homologous to male scrotum


Pudendal ______ - groove that separates the labia majora


Labia _________ - smaller longitudinal folds between the labia majora; also contain sebaceous glands and unite anteriorly to form the ___________ covering the clitoris


____________ - small rounded projection at the anterior junction of the labia minora; homologous to the male ________

6 a.

________ clitoris contains erectile tissue, sensitive nerves, and is covered by a prepuce b.

Corpora _________ diverge posteriorly to form the crura and attach to the sides of the pubic arch


Vaginal ______________ - longitudinal cleft enclosed by the labia minora; contains a.

Urethral & vaginal __________ b.

Major & minor vestibular (____________) glands inside the vaginal orifice secrete mucus to lubricate the vagina during coitus c.

Vestibular _______ - bodies of vascular erectile tissue under the skin forming the lateral walls of the vestibule; contribute to labial swelling during coitus d.

______________ (Skene) glands, homologous to the _________ gland, open into the vestibule near the external urethral orifice; also secrete mucus

7. _____________ – surgical incision through the posterior end of the vestibule to widen the vaginal orifice during childbirth


_____________ Glands - modified sweat glands composed of secretory alveoli & ducts; glands develop at puberty and function in lactation after childbirth


Each mammary gland is composed of 15-20 ______ , each with its own passage way to the outside; the lobes are separated by ___________ tissue


Each lobe is divided into ___________ that contain the glandular mammary alveoli


Mammary ____________ produce milk in a lactating female


Mammary ducts from mammary alveoli converge to form ______________ ducts, which expand near the nipple to form a lactiferous ________ where milk is stored


Suspensory (___________) ligaments between the lobules extend from the skin to the deep fascia over the pectoralis major muscle and support the breasts


_____________ features of the breast include:


_________ - cylindrical projection from the breast that contains some smooth muscle that contracts in response to cold, touch, and sexual arousal


___________ - circular pigmented area surrounding the nipple


Areolar _________ - sebaceous glands near the surface of the areola; secretions keep the areola pliable

C. Breast ____________ occurs in one of nine women, and is one of the leading causes of female mortality

1. Breast ________ begin with cells of the mammary ducts and may _______________ to other organs via the lymphatic system

2. ___________ include a palpable lump, puckering of the skin, changes in skin texture, and fluid discharge from the nipple

3. Risk factors include long-term _________ exposure, x-rays, carcinogenic chemicals, excess alcohol and _____ intake, and _________

4. Early detection involves breast self-examination (BSE) and routine _____________

5. Treatment may be by lumpectomy, simple ______________, or radical mastectomy, as well as radiation and chemotherapy


VI. Puberty & Menopause

A. ___________ begins at ages 9-10 for most girls in the USA, triggered by rising levels of

__________, FSH, and LH

1. _____ stimulates development of ovarian follicles, which secrete ___________, progesterone, inhibin, and a small amount of androgen

2. Breast development ( ________ ) is the earliest sign of puberty, stimulated by estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, glucocorticoids, and growth hormone

3. _________ is the development of pubic and axillary hair, sebaceous and axillary sweat glands. _____________ induce this and activate the female libido

4. _____________ is a girl’s first menstrual period, occurring at an average age of 12 in the USA

5. ___________ induces the development of ovaries and secondary sex organs, as well as secondary sex characteristics and bone growth

6. ______________ acts mainly on the uterus, and inhibin modulates FSH secretion

B. Climacteric & Menopause

1. With age, the number of ovarian follicles ___________, along with estrogen and progesterone secretion

2. The decline of steroids brings on a transitional period of climacteric (_____________) for a few years, leading to

3. _______________ – the cessation of ovulation and menstruation

VII. Female Sexual ____________ is similar to that of the male, including excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution phases, but has some differences

A. _______________ and plateau phases

1. _______________ occurs in the labia minora, labia majora, clitoris, and breasts

2. Lubrication of the vulva and vagina occurs via secretions of the greater __________ glands and glands in the vaginal canal

3. The inner vagina dilates and its lower end constricts to form a narrow passage, the

_________ ____________

4. The uterus rises from its forward-tilted position to a nearly vertical one (the ________ effect)

B. ___________

1. _________________ glands secrete into the vulva

2. The orgasmic platform of the vagina ____________ repeatedly

3. The __________ plunges into the vaginal canal (into the semen, if present)

C. ____________

1. The __________ returns to its forward tilt

2. The orgasmic platform __________

3. ____________ become less congested

4. Unlike men, women lack a ___________ period and may experience multiple _______ in succession
