I. A. B. C.

Anatomy & Physiology 34A Lecture
Chapter 5: The Integumentary System
A. Skin & the Subcutaneous Tissue
B. Layers of the Skin
C. Skin Functions
D. Appendages of the Skin
E. Integumentary Disorders
II. Skin & Subcutaneous Tissue
A. Skin (__________________) is the largest organ of the body, and with its accessory
organs (hair, glands, and nails) constitutes the integumentary system
B. Skin consists of several kinds of ______________, structurally arranged to function
C. Skin has protective and metabolic functions and helps the body to maintain
III. Layers of the Skin
A. The skin consists of two main layers:
the _______________ and the ________. The
hypodermis (subcutaneous tissue) connects the skin to underlying organs
B. ________________ is the superficial protective layer of skin, and consists of 4-5 main
layers of stratified ____________ epithelium. From superficial to deep, these layers are:
Stratum _____________ (horny layer) - 25-30 layers of _____ keratinized cells that
are shed continually and replaced by cells from deeper layers. This layer is cornified
(dried and flattened) and thus waterproofs & protects the skin
Stratum ________ (clear layer) - found only in ____ skin (lips, soles of feet and
palms of hands). Nuclei, organelles, and cell membranes are no longer visible in this
layer, so it appears clear
Stratum _______________ (granular layer) - 3-5 flattened rows of keratinocytes that
contain granules filled with ____________, a precursor to keratin, and lamellated
granules that produce water proofing glycolipids
Stratum ____________ (spiny layer) - several stratified layers of cells that have spine
like extensions from the keratinocytes.
___________ cells (dendritic cells) - protective macrophagic cells that ingest
bacteria and other foreign debris are found here
Some __________ occurs in this layer
Stratum _______ (germinating layer) - single layer of cuboidal cells attached to the
underlying dermis. Most _________ occurs here. Three types of cells compose this
Keratinocytes - produce __________, which toughens and waterproofs the skin,
as well as antibiotics & enzymes
Melanocytes - epithelial cells that synthesize __________ skin pigment, which
provides protection against UV radiation
___________ (Tactile) cells - a few sensory protective cells that aid in touch
C. _________ (hide) - deeper and thicker than the epidermis; has two layers:
____________ layer - upper layer in contact with the epidermis; characteristics
Consists of ____________ connective tissue
Some dermal papilla contain ______________ corpuscles that are sensitive to
Has dermal ____________ that extend into the epidermis; these papilla form
fingerprint ridges of finger tips and toes
______________ layer - deeper portion of the dermis that consists of dense
___________ CT with interlaced collagen fibers and contains many blood vessels,
nerves, hair follicles, arrector pili, pressure receptors (____________ corpuscles),
sweat (sudoriferous) and sebaceous glands
D. _______________ (subcutaneous layer or superficial fascia) - not part of the skin; binds
the dermis to underlying organs
Composed primarily of areolar CT and ______________ tissue interlaced with blood
Amount of adipose tissue varies with the body region, age, _____, and nutrition of the
___________ and __________ fibers reinforce the hypodermis, especially on the
palms and soles of feet
4. Hypodermis is the site for _________________ injections
E. Skin Color is due primarily to three ______________: heme, melanin, and carotene
1. __________ – red blood pigment in hemoglobin, combined with white dermal collagen
fibers produces Caucasian skin color
2. __________ in the stratum basal and spinosum produces brown, black, tan, yellowish,
and reddish skin hues. UV radiation stimulates melanocytes to increase melanin
production (____________)
3. ______________ – yellow pigment acquired from egg yolks and yellow and orange
4. ________________ skin colors include
a. ____________ – bluish color due to deficiency of oxygen in blood
b. ____________ – abnormal redness of skin due to dilated cutaneous blood vessels
c. ____________ – yellowish skin due to high levels of bilirubin in blood. Often
caused by liver damage from cirrohosis, hepatitis, or cancer
d. ____________ – tan color resulting from Addison disease
e. ___________ – pale or ashen color due to reduced blood flow through the skin
resulting from shock, low BP, cold, or anemia
f. __________ – pale skin, white hair, pink eyes due to genetics
g. __________ (bruise) – mass of clotted blood showing through the skin; due to
trauma, hemophilia, metabolic disorders
IV. Skin Functions
1. Physical ____________ - provides a barrier to microorganisms, water, and UV
______regulation - the thick, keratinized, cornified, dead cells of the epidermis are
virtually waterproof, protecting the body from dessication (drying out)
_______regulation - normal body temperature of 37C (98.6F) is maintained in 3
ways by the skin:
Cools body via ___________ cutaneous blood vessels
Evaporation of ______________
Retention of heat from __________ cutaneous blood vessels
Cutaneous _____________ (through the skin) is limited by protective skin barriers,
but UV light, lipid soluble toxins, and gases, such as oxygen and CO2, can pass
through the skin
_________________ of melanin, keratin and vitamin D
_______________ and keratin remain in the skin
Vitamin ___ is synthesized by skin exposed to small amounts of ____ light
1) A cholesterol derivative is modified in the liver and kidneys to produce
_____________ (vit. D), which enters the blood and helps to regulate the
metabolism of _______ and phosphorous for strong bones
2) Vit. D deficiency leads to ___________
____________ Reception via cutaneous receptors in the dermis respond to heat, cold,
pressure, touch, vibration, and pain; especially abundant in the face, palms, fingers,
soles of feet, and genitals
V. Skin Appendages are derived from the _____________ and extend into the dermis; include
hair, nails, and integumentary glands
A. ________ is found mainly on the scalp, face, pubis, and axillae; its primary function is
protection; each hair consists of a shaft, root, and bulb
The ________ is the visible, dead part of hair extending above the skin surface
The _________ is the enlarged base of the ________ within the hair
_______________ (a sheath of epithelium & CT)
Each hair develops from stratum ______ cells within the hair bulb, where
nutrients are received from dermal blood vessels
As the cells divide, they are pushed toward the surface and cellular __________
and keritinization occurs
__________ glands and ____________ muscles are attached to the hair follicle.
Arrector pili muscles are involuntary and contract in response to cold or fear,
causing “____________”
3. In cross section, a hair has 3 __________
a. _______- central core of loosely arranged cells and air spaces
b. _________ – outer single layer of scale-like cells
c. ________ – middle layer of densely packed keratinized cells.
4. Hair color is due to __________ produced by melanocytes in the bulb and transferred
to cells in the cortex.
B. ______ on finger and toe tips are formed from the stratum ______ of the epidermis
1. Each nail consists of a ______, free border, and hidden border
2. The body rests on a nail bed (stratum ___________)
3. The sides of the nail are protected by a nail ______, and the furrow between the sides
and body is the nail _________
The free border of the nail extends over a thickened region of the stratum corneum
called the ________________
______________ (cuticle) is dead epidermis that covers the proximal end of the nail
The ________ of the nail is attached at the base
Abnormal nail conditions can indicate body ________________:
a. Respiratory or _____________ disorders are indicated by yellowed nails
b. Thick, yellowish nails signal a ______________ infection
c. Outward concavity can indicate an _________ deficiency
d. Horizontal lines are a hint of _________________
C. _________ originate in the epidermis, but extend into the dermis.
Skin glands are
___________ and are of 3 basic types: sebaceous, sudoriferous, and ceruminous
_________ (oil) glands are holocrine glands that secrete ______ onto a hair shaft,
where it is dispersed on the hair and to the skin. Blockage of sebaceous gland ducts
results in ______
________________ (sweat) glands excrete perspiration onto the skin surface; eccrine
and apocrine glands are coiled and tubular
_____________ glands - scattered throughout the body (especially forehead,
palms, soles), they produce clear perspiration consisting mostly of _______,
salts, and urea
____________ glands - found in axillary and pubic areas; secrete a milky
__________ and _____ rich substance into hair follicles (analogous to sexual
scent glands in animals)
_______________ glands are found only in the external auditory (ear) canal
where they secrete cerumin (ear ____)
__________ glands - specialized glands in the breasts that secrete _____
during lactation (not part of the integument)
VI. Integumentary Disorders
A. Inflammatory conditions (______________) - infectious skin diseases may be caused by
viruses, bacteria, STDs, fungi, and mites
B. ___________ - include both benign (noncancerous) and malignant (cancerous) skin
_____________ skin growths include:
Pigmented ________ due to growth of melanocytes
________ virally caused abnormal growths, usually on hands and feet
_______________ skin cancers are mostly of 3 types:
Basal cell carcinoma - most common type, arises from cells in the stratum
________ in areas where skin exposure to sun is great; doesn’t usually
metastasize and can be surgically excised
_________ cell carcinoma - arises from keratinocytes in the stratum spinosum;
may invade the dermis and metastasize; treatment consists of excision and
radiation therapy
Malignant melanoma - most life threatening form, arises from ____________ in
the stratum basale; begins as a small mole that enlarges, changes color bleeds
easily, and metastasizes quickly; must be treated early to avoid death
Warning signs of skin cancer include the ABCDEs
A=________________ B=___________________ C=____________________
D=____________________________ E=__________________________
C. _____ that have a local effect are less serious than those that have a systemic effect,
which involves the whole body; systemic effects include ______________, shock,
reduced circulation, and bacterial ___________. Burns are classified as first, second, or
third degree
In first degree burns (e.g.: __________), only the __________ layers are damaged
and symptoms such as redness, pain, and edema are local. Surface layers are shed in a
few days
Second degree burns involve the epidermis and upper ______; __________ appear
and recovery is slow but usually complete
Third degree burns destroy the entire thickness of the skin and often some
underlying muscle; skin appears waxy or charred; body develops ____ tissue and skin
_________ are often needed
Extent of burn damage is estimate by the rule of ________, in which the body is
divided into regions of 9%, to determine treatment with intravenous fluids
D. ______________ of the Skin
1. As skin ages, it becomes thin, dry and loses _____________
2. The number of active hair follicles, melanocytes, sweat and _____________ glands
_________________ fibers in the dermis become thicker and _______ tissue in the
hypodermis diminishes, making it thinner
Along with loss of elasticity, ________________ occurs