EL CAMINO COLLEGE Planning & Budgeting Committee November 6, 2003 Minutes MEMBERS AND ALTERNATES PRESENT: Miriam Alario-Wolski Dawn Reid Carolee Casper Susan Taylor Susan Dever Harold Tyler Brandon Hess David Vakil Thomas Jackson Lance Widman ALSO ATTENDING: Patricia Caldwell, Pamela Fees, Victor Hanson Handouts: Information – California Community Colleges 2003-2004 Budget Measure “E” Bond Fund Report for November 2003 Daily Breeze Article “Budget Formula Penalizes Colleges” “Under the Dome” Budget Information Thomas Jackson, Acting Chair, called the meeting to order at 1:05 p.m. Approval of Minutes It was moved by Lance Widman, seconded by Miriam Alario-Wolski, that the Minutes of October 16, 2003 be approved. Motion carried. Announcements Thomas Jackson made the following announcements: PBC committee members were reminded to review Goals for PBC and forward their suggestions to Bobbi Villalobos. Agenda item # 6 – Library Technology was removed from the agenda at the request of Alice Grigsby. Legislation – Pamela Fees Pamela Fees discussed community college funding from Prop 98 and the backfill for loss of property tax revenue through AB 1417. Under the Prop 98 legislation, community colleges are allocated 10.93%, with the remainder going to K-12. However, community colleges, so far, have not received the 10.93% allocation. Pamela Fees reviewed the various funding sources that comprise community colleges: Prop 98, Lottery, and Enrollment fees revenue. The Prop 98 funding amounts to $4.5 million for the 2002/2003 May Revise and $4.5 million for the 2003/2004 budget. Various factors have impacted the budget such as: 1) mid-year budget cuts, 2) we are serving more students, 3) we will serve almost 4% more students in 2003/04 than in 2001/2002, which will result in a 6.9% deficit funding per student per FTES. 1 Pat Caldwell stated a list is available of all of the legislative bills for which the Governor has taken action. AB 1417 was not on the list. She further explained we do not have a designated advocate in Sacramento to present the interest of the college. Arnold Bray who is the advocate for ACCCA could be contacted for additional assistance. Budget Update – Pamela Fees Pamela Fees reported the auditors are still reviewing the books for 2002/2003. There are no major changes to report for the 2003/2004 budget. The preliminary budget for 2004/2005 will be presented at the December 4, 2003 PBC meeting. There is a move by the State of California to float more bonds, about $20 billion for next year, which has not been favorably accepted. Further information about possible budget cuts, if any, will not be received until January 2004 when the new Governor presents his budget and any further reductions. The PBC discussed concurrent enrollment and a possible payback. Victor Hanson explained that $2 million has been set aside in reserves to cover these fees. We’re still waiting to hear final information about the amount of the payback. The hiring freeze is still in effect. Some positions have been released to be filled based on the necessity of those positions such as the 60% Web Developer. The monies saved from this position will be used for consultant-type activities for the web. Susan Taylor requested that future information regarding contingency be clearly outlined in the budget. Bond Implementation Update – Victor Hanson Victor Hanson presented the draft Measure “E” Bond Implementation report, which will be presented to the Board at their November 17 meeting. The report covers three areas: 1) Information, 2) Approvals, and 3) Ratification. A total of $4.1 million has been expended so far for instructional equipment and technology. The report will be updated monthly. In response to a question from Lance Widman regarding specific allocations for expenditures, Pamela Fees explained that when the list was first prepared, expenditures for infrastructure were not included. Therefore, the costs for some items were increased. Janet Clarke has met with the deans of each division and developed a schedule for the purchase of equipment from bond monies. Bob Gann can be contacted for a complete listing of all expenditures. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 2:16 p.m. Agenda for November 20, 2003 Approval of Minutes Announcements Budget Update Bond Implementation Update PBC Goals Next Scheduled Meeting November 20, 2003, 1:00 p.m. in the Alondra Room. Approved: Planning & Budgeting Committee December 4, 2003. 2